Woody Guthrie Archives: Correspondence Collection


Woody Guthrie Archives: Correspondence Collection

Below is the finding aid that contextualizes and inventories this special collection at the Woody Guthrie Center Archives. Interested researchers must fill out an application prior to scheduling an appointment with the archivist.

Collection Processed by:


Jorge Arévalo Mateus, PhD

Collection Guide Prepared by:

Original finding aid was prepared by Jorge’ Arevalo Mateus, PhD; updated by Kate L. Blalack, June 2014

© Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc.

Date Range:



5 linear feet  (11 document boxes)

Scope and Content:

Letters and postcards written or received by Woody Guthrie. The correspondents include family members, friends, business associates and fans. The record group includes extensive correspondence between Woody Guthrie and his second wife, Marjorie Mazia [Guthrie], particularly for the period 1942-1945.  Woody’s letters to Marjorie deal with virtually every conceivable aspect of their relationship — romance, sex, children, politics, daily life, and military service, as well as financial and artistic matters. Correspondence between Woody Guthrie and his sister, Mary Jo Edgmon, provides insights into Woody’s youth and family. The wide variety of Guthrie’s correspondents reflects the range of his activities, interests and influence. Correspondents include Eddie Albert, Moe Asch, Will Geer, Alan Lomax, poet Walter Lowenfels, Pete Seeger, and dozens of fans, including many from the United Kingdom. In addition to Guthrie’s correspondence, the record group contains other correspondence. The majority of this additional material consists of correspondence from and to Guthrie’s second wife, Marjorie Mazia.


Materials entirely in English.

Access Restrictions:

There are no restrictions on access.

Use Restrictions:

All materials are copyrighted by Woody Guthrie Publica\tions, Inc.

Related Collections:

Charlotte Strauss Collection


The first two series (Woody Guthrie’s correspondence) are arranged alphabetically (by recipient and author, respectively); within the alphabetical arrangement, the correspondence is in chronological order. In both of these series, correspondence to and from unknown individuals is arranged chronologically, and may be found immediately following the alphabetical folders.

The Incoming Correspondence series (Correspondence-2) includes a large amount of fan mail, written in 1959 and 1960.  Due to the volume of this material, individual correspondent folders were created for only some of the writers.  The remaining fan mail (Box 4, Folders 5-25) is arranged chronologically (by year) and then by residence of author (e.g., North America, United Kingdom, and Republic of Ireland).

Additionally, Correspondence-2 includes two groups of letters that contain both incoming and outgoing correspondence.  The first, consisting of correspondence (and newspaper notices) concerning the death of Woody’s daughter, Cathy Ann Guthrie, in 1947, is arranged alphabetically (Box 5, Folders 1-8).  This correspondence includes a letter from novelist Howard Fast.  The second, photocopies of Almanac Singers papers (received from Pete Seeger) is arranged chronologically (Box 5, Folder 10).

Correspondence-3 (other correspondence) consists of Marjorie Mazia’s outgoing correspondence, arranged alphabetically by recipient; Marjorie Mazia’s incoming correspondence (arranged alphabetically by author); and correspondence written and received by people other than Guthrie and Mazia (arranged alphabetically by author).

Correspondence-4 contains postcards from the other three series, including postcards from Woody Guthrie to Marjorie Mazia sent over a ten year period (1942-52); Marjorie’s postcards to Woody; and booking engagement notices and requests. The digitization of the entire postcard collection was made possible by a generous 

2010 grant provided by the George Kaiser Family Foundation


List of Series:

Series 1 (Correspondence-1): Woody Guthrie – Outgoing Correspondence

Series 2 (Correspondence-2): Woody Guthrie – Incoming Correspondence

Series 3 (Correspondence-3): Marjorie Guthrie- Incoming & Outgoing & others

Series 4 (Correspondence-4): Postcards

Container List:


S1 Box 1 – Folder 01 Addeo, Al 1956
S1 Box 1 – Folder 02 Albertson family 1948
S1 Box 1 – Folder 03 Almanac Singers 1941; n.d.
S1 Box 1 – Folder 04 Ambellan, Elizabeth and Harold (see also Correspondence-3, Box 1, Folder 10.1) 1941, 1945
S1 Box 1 – Folder 05 Anderson, Margaret (Common Ground) 1942
S1 Box 1 – Folder 06 Asch, Moe and Distler, Marian 1943[?]-46
S1 Box 1 – Folder 07 Asch, Moe and Distler, Marian n.d. (WW II)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 08 Asch, Moe and Distler, Marian 1947-48
S1 Box 1 – Folder 09 Asch, Moe and Distler, Marian 1949-55
S1 Box 1 – Folder 10 Boeder, B. 1956
S1 Box 1 – Folder 11 Clark, Tom 1949
S1 Box 1 – Folder 12 Columbia Recording Company Common Ground (see Anderson, Margaret) Distler, Marian (see Asch, Moe) c. 1949
S1 Box 1 – Folder 13 Duell, Sloan & Pearce Publishing Co. 1948
S1 Box 1 – Folder 14 Edgmon, Mary Jo(see also Box 3, Folders 38-39) c.1939-1956
S1 Box 1 – Folder 15 Emrich, Duncan (Library of Congress)Faulk, Hally (see Stephenson, Hally) 1946-1950
S1 Box 1 – Folder 16 Foreman, John 1956
S1 Box 1 – Folder 17 Garland, Jim 1940 [1969]
S1 Box 1 – Folder 18 Geer, Will and Herta 1941-1955
S1 Box 1 – Folder 19 Geldon, Earl R. (Goldenberg, Earl) 1940
S1 Box 1 – Folder 20 Gibson, Jackie 1945, n.d.
S1 Box 1 – Folder 21 Gold, MikeGoldenberg, Earl (see Geldon, Earl R.) 1953
S1 Box 1 – Folder 22 Goldstein, Isabelle 1947
S1 Box 1 – Folder 23 Gordon, Max 1941
S1 Box 1 – Folder 24 Greenblatt, Aliza Waitzman 1942-51
S1 Box 1 – Folder 25 Guthrie, AnnGuthrie, Anneke (see Van Kirk, Anneke) 1936
S1 Box 1 – Folder 26 Guthrie, C.E. 1943-49
S1 Box 1 – Folder 27 Guthrie, Gwen 1945
S1 Box 1 – Folder 28 Guthrie, Lee RoyGuthrie, Marjorie (see Mazia, Marjorie) 1939[?]
S1 Box 1 – Folder 29 Guthrie, Mary Ann Guthrie, Mary Jo (see Edgmon, Mary Jo) Guthrie, Roy (see Guthrie, Lee Roy) Harper & Brothers (see Saxton, Eugene) Harris, Bob and Herbert (see Union Square Music Shop) 1937
S1 Box 1 – Folder 30 Harrison, Eddie (N.M.U. Pilot) 1944
S1 Box 1 – Folder 31 Hays, Lee international bookshop, london, u.k. (see Lindsay, Ken) 1941
S1 Box 1 – Folder 32 Kennedy, Stetson and Elizabeth 1945-52
S1 Box 1 – Folder 33 Kerr, Mr. 1941
S1 Box 1 – Folder 34 Lampell, Millard 1941
S1 Box 1 – Folder 35 Lee, Madeline (West Tremont Civil Defense Volunteer Office) 1942
S1 Box 1 – Folder 36 Lerner, Irving 1946
S1 Box 1 – Folder 37 Leventhal, Harold library of congress (see Emrich, Duncan; Lomax, Alan) 1956
S1 Box 1 – Folder 38 Lindsay, Ken (International Bookshop, London, U.K.) 1952
S1 Box 1 – Folder 39 Lomax, Alan 1940-42
S1 Box 1 – Folder 40 Loring, Michael 1948
S1 Box 1 – Folder 41 Lyon, Pete 1942
S1 Box 1 – Folder 42 Marks, E.B. (Marks Publishing Co.) 1954
S1 Box 1 – Folder 43 Mazia, Marjorie 1942 (April-July)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 44 Mazia, Marjorie 1942 (September-end)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 45 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (January)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 46 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (February-March)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 47 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (April-August)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 48 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (September-end)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 49 Mazia, Marjorie 1944 (January-March)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 50 Mazia, Marjorie 1944 (May-July)
S1 Box 1 – Folder 51 Mazia, Marjorie 1944 (September-end); c. 1944
S1 Box 2 – Folder 01 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (May)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 02 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (June)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 03 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (July 1-15)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 04 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (July 16-30)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 05 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (July 31-Aug. 9)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 06 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (August 10-17)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 07 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (August 18-31)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 08 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (September)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 09 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (October)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 10 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (November)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 11 Mazia, Marjorie 1945 (December)
S1 Box 2 – Folder 12 Mazia, Marjorie 1947
S1 Box 3 – Folder 01 Mazia, Marjorie 1948<
S1 Box 3 – Folder 01.1 Mazia, Marjorie c. late 1940s – early 1950s
S1 Box 3 – Folder 02 Mazia, Marjorie 1951
S1 Box 3 – Folder 03 Mazia, Marjorie 1952 (April-Sept.)
S1 Box 3 – Folder 04 Mazia, Marjorie 1952 (October-end)
S1 Box 3 – Folder 05 Mazia, Marjorie 1953
S1 Box 3 – Folder 06 Mazia, Marjorie 1954
S1 Box 3 – Folder 07 Mazia, Marjorie 1955
S1 Box 3 – Folder 08 Mazia, Marjorie 1956 (April)
S1 Box 3 – Folder 09 Mazia, Marjorie 1956 (July-Sept.)
S1 Box 3 – Folder 10 Mazia, Marjorie 1956 (Oct.-Nov.)
S1 Box 3 – Folder 11 Mazia, Marjorie 1956 (December)
S1 Box 3 – Folder 12 Mazia, Marjorie 1956; 1956[?]
S1 Box 3 – Folder 13 Mazia, Marjorie [Correspondence-4 contains Mazia postcards, 1942-52] n.d.
S1 Box 3 – Folder 14 McLean, James “Whitey” 1947
S1 Box 3 – Folder 15 Moore, F. 1950
S1 Box 3 – Folder 16 Moore, Floyd 1944
S1 Box 3 – Folder 17 Moore[?], Gladys N.M.U. Pilot (see Harrison, Eddie) n.d.
S1 Box 3 – Folder 18 Peoples Songs; Peoples Artists RCA Mfg. Co., Inc. (see Wetherald, R.P.) 1946, 1948
S1 Box 3 – Folder 19 Robbin, Ed 1957[?]
S1 Box 3 – Folder 20 Robinson, Earl 1949
S1 Box 3 – Folder 21 Saxton, Eugene (Harper & Brothers) 1942
S1 Box 3 – Folder 22 Scott, Tom 1946
S1 Box 3 – Folder 23 Seeger, Pete and Toshi 1941-47
S1 Box 3 – Folder 24 Seeger, Pete and Toshi 1948-56
S1 Box 3 – Folder 25 Shapiro, Annie 1948
S1 Box 3 – Folder 26 Stephenson, Hally 1956
S1 Box 3 – Folder 27 Truman, Harry 1949
S1 Box 3 – Folder 28 Union Square Music Shop (Harris, Bob and Herbert) [see also Box 3, Folder 42] 1950, 1956
S1 Box 3 – Folder 29 Van Kirk, Anneke 1953-56
S1 Box 3 – Folder 30 Wetherald, R.P. (RCA Mfg. Co., Inc.) West Tremont Civil Defense Volunteer Office (see Lee, Madeline) Wood, Hally (see Stephenson, Hally) c. 1942
S1 Box 3 – Folder 31 Wood, Smokey 1945
S1 Box 3 – Folder 32 Worker, The — Magazine Section 1947
S1 Box 3 – Folder 33 Unknown (“Calimity Jane”) 1944
S1 Box 3 – Folder 34 Unknown 1944
S1 Box 3 – Folder 35 Unknown (family member?) 1944
S1 Box 3 – Folder 36 Unknown 1945
S1 Box 3 – Folder 37 Unknown 1945
S1 Box 3 – Folder 38 Unknown (family member Edgmon, Mary Jo?]) 1949
S1 Box 3 – Folder 39 Unknown (“Ticket Snatchers” [Edgmon, Mary Jo?]) 1949
S1 Box 3 – Folder 40 Unknown (“Al and Fanny”) 1952
S1 Box 3 – Folder 41 Unknown 1953
S1 Box 3 – Folder 42 Unknown (“Bob”) [Harris?] 1948-54
S1 Box 3 – Folder 43 Unknown 1955
S1 Box 3 – Folder 44 Unknown (“Dear Cousin”) n.d.
Note: Additional outgoing correspondence may be found in Incoming Correspondence, Box 5 (correspondence related to death of Cathy Guthrie, and correspondence from Almanac Singers papers.)


S2 Box 1 – Folder 01 Adams, Camilla Siero 1960
S2 Box 1 – Folder 03 Ambellan, Elizabeth american veterans committee (see Smith, Ruth) 1947
S2 Box 1 – Folder 04 Appleman, Barbejune 1959
S2 Box 1 – Folder 05 Appleman, Barbejune [Correspondence-4 contains Appleman postcards, 1959-60] 1960
S2 Box 1 – Folder 06 Asch, Moe and Distler, Marian 1950, 1957
S2 Box 1 – Folder 07 Basore, Joyce E. 1966
S2 Box 1 – Folder 08 Baxter, Pat 1959
S2 Box 1 – Folder 09 Baxter, Pat 1960
S2 Box 1 – Folder 10 Behan, Dominic 1959
S2 Box 1 – Folder 11 Boeder, B. 1956
S2 Box 1 – Folder 12 Bransten, Louise R. (Women for Wallace) Broadcast Music Inc. (see Korall, Burt) 1948
S2 Box 1 – Folder 13 Brody, Juliana 1959
S2 Box 1 – Folder 14 Brody, Juliana 1960; n.d.
S2 Box 1 – Folder 15.1 Brubaker, Clayton n.d.
S2 Box 1 – Folder 15.2 Burke, Frank (KFVD) 1942
S2 Box 1 – Folder 16 Camper, Shirley (Shaw Publications, Inc.) Carawan, Guy (see Highlander Folk School) 1953
S2 Box 1 – Folder 17 Clifton, Bill 1952
S2 Box 1 – Folder 18 Collins, C. Leslie Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. (see Taylor, Davidson) 1960
S2 Box 1 – Folder 19 Common Ground 1941
S2 Box 1 – Folder 20 Crook, Dave Daily People’s World (see Williams, Carl) 1952-53
S2 Box 1 – Folder 21 Davis, G.K.Distler, Marian (see Asch, Moe) 1941
S2 Box 1 – Folder 22 Doerflinger, William M (E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc.) 1942-1947
S2 Box 1 – Folder 23 Edgmon, Mary Jo 1952-57
S2 Box 1 – Folder 24 Edgmon, Mary Jo 1959-60
S2 Box 1 – Folder 25 Elliott Community Center, P.S. 67 (Bklyn, NY) 1947
S2 Box 1 – Folder 26 Elliott, Jack and June 1959-60
S2 Box 1 – Folder 27 Emrich, Duncan (Library of Congress) E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. (see Doerflinger, William M.) 1946-50
S2 Box 1 – Folder 28 Epstein, Ed Essex Music Limited (see Platz, David) 1953
S2 Box 1 – Folder 29 Faulk, Cynthia Tannehill Faulk, Hally (see Stephenson, Hally) 1960
S2 Box 1 – Folder 30 Finn, Jonathan 1944
S2 Box 1 – Folder 31 Fleming, Al and Nan 1952
S2 Box 1 – Folder 32 Folkway Records 1959
S2 Box 1 – Folder 33 Fritsch, Gunther V. 1941
S2 Box 1 – Folder 34 Gerlach, Fred 1953
S2 Box 1 – Folder 35 Gladstone, Gerald 1952
S2 Box 1 – Folder 36 Gleason, Sidsel and Bo n.d.
S2 Box 1 – Folder 37 Greenway, John 1946
S2 Box 1 – Folder 38 Grossman, Jack Guthrie, Ann (see Guthrie, Lee Roy and Ann) Guthrie, Anneke (see Van Kirk, Anneke) Guthrie, Arlo (see Mazia, Marjorie) 1947
S2 Box 1 – Folder 39 Guthrie, Bill 1960
S2 Box 1 – Folder 40 Guthrie, C.E. 1943
S2 Box 1 – Folder 41 Guthrie, George and Emily 1954-60
S2 Box 1 – Folder 42 Guthrie, Gwen 1945-63
S2 Box 1 – Folder 43 Guthrie, Jeff D. Guthrie, Joady (see Mazia, Marjorie) 1942-60
S2 Box 1 – Folder 44 Guthrie, Lee Roy and Ann Guthrie, Marjorie (see Mazia, Marjorie) Guthrie, Mary (see Jennings, Mary) 1952-60
S2 Box 1 – Folder 45 Guthrie, Mary Ann Guthrie, Mary jo (see Edgmon, Mary Jo) Guthrie, Nora (see Mazia, Marjorie) Guthrie, Roy (see Guthrie, Lee Roy) 1959
S2 Box 1 – Folder 46 Hallstrom, J.L. (Radio Corporation of America) 1948
S2 Box 1 – Folder47 Harris, Bob (Union Square Music Shop, Inc.) 1952
S2 Box 1 – Folder 48 Hawes, Bess and Butch 1956-60
S2 Box 1 – Folder 49 Hays, Lee 1954
S2 Box 1 – Folder 50 Hellstrom, Gerry 1956
S2 Box 1 – Folder 51 Highlander Folk School 1960
S2 Box 1 – Folder 52 Hoffman, Mart 1957
S2 Box 1 – Folder 53 Honey Hollow Elementary School (Hauppauge, NY) International Bookshop, London, U.K. (see Lindsay, Ken) 1963
S2 Box 2 – Folder 01 Irvine, Andy 1959
S2 Box 2 – Folder 02 Irvine, Andy 1960 (Jan.-Mar.)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 03 Irvine, Andy 1960 (Apr.-June)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 04 Jackson, Molly n.d.
S2 Box 2 – Folder 05 Jennings, Mary 1947
S2 Box 2 – Folder 06 Jennings, Matt KFVD (see Burke, Frank) 1960
S2 Box 2 – Folder 07 Kameron, Pete 1953
S2 Box 2 – Folder 08 Kates, Sheila 1956
S2 Box 2 – Folder 09 Kennedy, Stetson 1951, 1953
S2 Box 2 – Folder 10 Kilberg, Lionel 1956
S2 Box 2 – Folder 11 Korall, Burt (Broadcast Music, Inc.) 1961
S2 Box 2 – Folder 12 Kurz, Pete 1953
S2 Box 2 – Folder 13 Leventhal, Harold Library Of Congress (see Emrich Duncan; Lomax, Alan) 1956, 1959
S2 Box 2 – Folder 14 Lindsay, Ken (International Bookshop, London, U.K.) 1952-53
S2 Box 2 – Folder 15 Lomax, Alan 1940
S2 Box 2 – Folder 16 Lomax, Alan 1941
S2 Box 2 – Folder 17 Lomax, Alan Lomax, Bess (see Hawes, Bess) 1942, 1960
S2 Box 2 – Folder 18 Longhi, Vincent T. 1953
S2 Box 2 – Folder 19 Lowenfels, Walter 1951, 1960
S2 Box 2 – Folder 20 Lutzky, Irwin 1959-60
S2 Box 2 – Folder 21 Lyman, Mel Maccoll, Ewan (see Seeger, Peggy) 1960
S2 Box 2 – Folder 22 Marrs, Ernie 1959-60
S2 Box 2 – Folder 23 Mayo, Margot 1957
S2 Box 2 – Folder 24 Mazia, Marjorie 19423(January 4-14)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 25 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (January 18)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 26 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (Jan. 19-Nov.)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 27 Mazia, Marjorie 1942 (December)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 28 Mazia, Marjorie 1942 (undated)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 29 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (Jan.-Feb.)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 30 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (March)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 31 Mazia, Marjorie 1943 (August-end)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 32 Mazia, Marjorie 1944
S2 Box 2 – Folder 33 Mazia, Marjorie 1946
S2 Box 2 – Folder 34 Mazia, Marjorie 1947
S2 Box 2 – Folder 35 Mazia, Marjorie 1952
S2 Box 2 – Folder 36 Mazia, Marjorie 1953; c.1953
S2 Box 2 – Folder 37 Mazia, Marjorie 1951-53 (undated)
S2 Box 2 – Folder 38 Mazia, Marjorie 1954
S2 Box 3 – Folder 01 Mazia, Marjorie< 1956 (July-August)/td>
S2 Box 3 – Folder 02 Mazia, Marjorie 1956 (Oct.-Dec.)
S2 Box 3 – Folder 03 Mazia, Marjorie 1957 (Jan.-June)
S2 Box 3 – Folder 04 Mazia, Marjorie 1957 (July-Aug.)
S2 Box 3 – Folder 05 Mazia, Marjorie 1957 (Sept.-Oct.)
S2 Box 3 – Folder 06 Mazia, Marjorie 1958
S2 Box 3 – Folder 07 Mazia, Marjorie 1956-58 (undated)
S2 Box 3 – Folder 08 Mazia, Marjorie 1959
S2 Box 3 – Folder 09 Mazia, Marjorie 1960
S2 Box 3 – Folder 10 Mazia, Marjorie c.1959-6
S2 Box 3 – Folder 11 Mazia, Marjorie (envelopes) [Correspondence-4 contains Mazia postcards, 1942-52] n.d.
S2 Box 3 – Folder 12 McLean, James “Whitey” 1947
S2 Box 3 – Folder 13 McWilliams, Carey 1941
S2 Box 3 – Folder 14 Mellor, Rich 1951
S2 Box 3 – Folder 15 Moore, Nora NY City Municipal Broadcasting System (see Siegel, Seymour N.) 1963
S2 Box 3 – Folder 16 Patchen, Miriam People’s Artists Inc. (see Silber, Irwin) [Correspondence-4 contains People’s Artists postcards, 1947] People’s World (see Williams, Carl) c.1959-60
S2 Box 3 – Folder 17 Pettingill, Hank 1952
S2 Box 3 – Folder 18 Platz, David (essex music limited) RCA Mfg. Co., Inc. (see Weatherald, R.P.) Radio Corporation of America (see Hallstrom, J.L.) 1963
S2 Box 3 – Folder 19 Ramsay, Andrew 1951, 1959
S2 Box 3 – Folder 20 Richmond, Howard S. 1956
S2 Box 3 – Folder 21 Riley, Harold 1959-60
S2 Box 3 – Folder 22 Robinson, Tiny c. 1952
S2 Box 3 – Folder 23 Schneider, Joan 1952
S2 Box 3 – Folder 24 Schneiderman, Louise 1952
S2 Box 3 – Folder 25 Schwartz, Iris (Spanish Refugee Appeal) 1947
S2 Box 3 – Folder 26 Seeger, Peggy and MacColl, Ewan 1959
S2 Box 3 – Folder 27 Seeger, Pete 1952-64
S2 Box 3 – Folder 28 Seeger, Pete (item separated because of preservation considerations) 1956 (December)
S2 Box 3 – Folder 29 Segal, Edith Shaw Publications, Inc. (see Camper, Shirley) 1959
S2 Box 3 – Folder 30 Sherman, Robert (WQXR Radio) 1960
S2 Box 3 – Folder 31 Siegel, Seymour N. (NY City Municipal Broadcasting System) 1949
S2 Box 3 – Folder 32 Silber, Irwin (People’s Artists Inc.) [Correspondence-4 contains People’s Artists postcards,1947] Silver Burdett Co. (see Watson, Jack) 1950
S2 Box 3 – Folder 33 Smith, Robert C. (The Virginian-Pilot) 1959-60
S2 Box 3 – Folder 34 Smith, Ruth (American Veterans Committee) Spanish Refugee Appeal (see Schwartz, Iris) 1947
S2 Box 3 – Folder 35 Stephenson, Hally 1956-1959
S2 Box 3 – Folder 36.1 Taylor, Davidson (Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.) Union Square Music Shop, Inc. (see Harris, Bob) 1941
S2 Box 3 – Folder 36.2 Vanacore, Anne 1964
S2 Box 3 – Folder 37 Van Kirk, Anneke Virginian-Pilot, The (see Smith, Robert C.) WQXR Radio (see Sherman, Robert) 1953-56
S2 Box 3 – Folder 38 Waldman, Ruth 1952
S2 Box 3 – Folder 39.1 Watson, Jack (Silver Burdett Co.) 1953
S2 Box 3 – Folder 39.2 Weiser, Ethel and John 1966
S2 Box 3 – Folder 40 Wersan, Fred n.d.
S2 Box 3 – Folder 41 Wetherald, R.P. (RCA Mfg. Co., Inc.) 1940
S2 Box 3 – Folder 42 Williams, Carl (Daily People’s World) 1947
S2 Box 3 – Folder 43 Wills, Terrence 1958
S2 Box 4 – Folder 01 Womack, Jack 1957
S2 Box 4 – Folder 02 Womack, JohnWomen For Wallace (see Bransten, Louise R.)Wood, Hally (see Stephenson, Hally) 1960
S2 Box 4 – Folder 03 Yurchenco, Henrietta 1941
S2 Box 4 – Folder 04 Unknown (“Nancy”) 1952
 S2 Box 4 – Folder 05 Unknown (“Jerrikins”) 1956
S2 Box 4 – Folder 06 North America Various correspondents”Fan Mail” 1959
S2 Box 4 – Folder 07 United Kingdom Various correspondents”Fan Mail” 1959
S2 Box 4 – Folder 08-12 North America Various correspondents”Fan Mail” 1960
S2 Box 4 – Folder 13-23 United Kingdom Various correspondents”Fan Mail” 1960
S2 Box 4 – Folder 24 United Kingdom Various correspondents”Fan Mail” undated (c.1959-60)
S2 Box 4 – Folder 25 Republic of Ireland 1960
Various correspondents — Correspondence related to death of Cathy Guthrie. Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence.
S2 Box 5 – Folder 01 A-C 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 02 D-G 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 03 H-K 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 04 L-R 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 05 S 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 06 T-Z 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 07 Unknown 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 08 Newspaper notices re death of Cathy Guthrie 1947
S2 Box 5 – Folder 09 Various correspondents – Correspondence re. performances and appearances 1947
 S2 Box 5 – Folder 10 Various correspondentsPhotocopies of Almanac Singers papers(received from Pete Seeger)
S2 Box 5 – Folder 11 Incoming and Outgoing correspondence 1942


A. Marjorie Mazia: Outgoing
S3 Box 1 Folder 01.1 Brussel, James A. (NY State Department of Mental Hygiene) 1958
S3 Box 1 Folder 01.2 Edenfield, Leona (includes correspondence from Edenfield to Guthrie, Arlo) 1970
S3 Box 1 Folder 02 Edgmon, Mary Jo[?] 1947
S3 Box 1 Folder 03 Edgmon, Mary Jo 1949-62
S3 Box 1 Folder 04 Frazer, Grace E. (Life Magazine) (includes incoming correspondence) 1972
S3 Box 1 Folder 05.1 Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Guthrie, Joady [see Correspondence-4] 1949
S3 Box 1 Folder 05.2 Hunt, Harold 1969
S3 Box 1 Folder 06 Kavner, Rose (includes incoming correspondence) Life Magazine (see Frazer, Grace E.) 1947
S3 Box 1 Folder 07 Maddow, Freda New York State Department of Mental Hygiene (see Brussel, James A.) 1948
S3 Box 1 Folder 08 Sutherland, Mrs. (includes incoming correspondence) 1970
S3 Box 1 Folder 09 Van Kirk, Anneke 1953
B. Marjorie Mazia: Incoming
S3 Box 1 Folder 10.1 Ambellan, Harold (with photocopy of 1943 Woody Guthrie Bound for Glory inscription) 1981
S3 Box 1 Folder 10.2 Bassell, Ann (Trinity School, New Rochelle, NY) n.d.
S3 Box 1 Folder 10.3 Beckenstein, Nathan (Brooklyn State Hospital) Brooklyn State Hospital (see Beckenstein, Nathan) 1966
S3 Box 1 Folder 11.1 Burke, Frank 1975
S3 Box 1 Folder 11.2 Colby, Paul N. (New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Development) 1958
S3 Box 1 Folder 12 Crandall, Archie (NJ State Hospital, Greystone Park) 1958
S3 Box 1 Folder 13 Doerflinger, William (E.P. Dutton) E.P. Dutton (see Doerflinger, William)Edenfield, Leona (see Folder 01.2) 1968, 1979
S3 Box 1 Folder 14.1 Edgmon, Mary JoFaulk, Hally (see Stephenson, Hally) Frazer, Grace e. (see Folder 04) 1963, 1965
S3 Box 1 Folder 14.2 Geer, WillGibson, Jackie (see Folder 06) 1973
S3 Box 1 Folder 15.1 Gilbert George (The Wexton Co., Inc.) n.d.
S3 Box 1 Folder 15.2 Guthrie, Arlo (to Mazia, Marjorie[?]) Hopkins, Peter [see Correspondence-4] n.d.
S3 Box 1 Folder 15.3 Kennedy, Stetson Liebling-Wood (see Wood, Audrey) Life Magazine (see Folder 04) New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Development (see Colby, Paul N.) New Jersey State Hospital, Greystone Park (see Crandall, Archie) Richmond, Howard s. (see Folder 08) 1953
S3 Box 1 Folder 16.1 Robbin, Ed 1974
S3 Box 1 Folder 16.2 Seeger, Toshi (enclosing Montgomery, Dennis to Asch, Moe) 1973
S3 Box 1 Folder 16.3 Stephenson, Hally Stevenson, Joe (see Folder 27.5) Trinity School, New Rochelle, NY (see Bassell, Ann) 1963
S3 Box 1 Folder 17 Van Kirk, Anneke 1953
S3 Box 1 Folder 18 Van Kirk, Anneke Wexton Co., Inc. (see Gilbert, George) Williams, Mason (see Folder 32.1) 1956, 1960
S3 Box 1 Folder 19 Wood, Audrey (Liebling-Wood) Wood, Hally (see Stephenson, Hally) 1947
S3 Box 1 Folder 20.1 Woodmere [NY] Elementary School 1968
S3 Box 1 Folder 20.2 YM-YWHA, Newark, NJ 1949
C. Additional Correspondence
S3 Box 1 Folder 21.2 Appleman, Barbejune to “Irwin” [Lutzky?] 1959
S3 Box 1 Folder 21.2 Butcher, Ruth to Seeger, Pete 1942
 S3 Box 1 Folder Edenfield, Leona to Guthrie, Arlo (see Folder 1.2) 1970
S3 Box 1 Folder 22 Geer, Will to Seeger, Pete N.D.
S3 Box 1 Folder 22.1 Guthrie, Mary to Seeger, Pete & Toshi 1998
S3 Box 1 Folder 23 Gunning, Sarah Ogan to Guthrie Children’s Trust Fund 1962
S3 Box 1 Folder 24 Jennings, Matt to Leventhal, Harold 1991
S3 Box 1 Folder 25 Leventhal, Harold to Geer, Will 1974
S3 Box 1 Folder 26 Leventhal, Harold to Life Magazine 1974
S3 Box 1 Folder 26 Life Magazine to Leventhal, Harold
S3 Box 1 Folder 27.1 Leventhal, Harold to Various 1963-1980
S3 Box 1 Folder  Various to Leventhal, Harold (Correspondence in Folder 27.1 concerns alleged copyright violations.)
S3 Box 1 Folder 27.2 Leventhal, Harold to Various 1970-1987
S3 Box 1 Folder 27.2 Various to Leventhal, Harold (Correspondence in Folder 27.2 was in folder marked “WGP/A to F².” The documents primarily involve Woody Guthrie Productions. Correspondents are: Department of the Army; Joe Clark; Donald Cotterill; R. Crumb and Joe Klein; Dick Flacks; Franklin Mint Record Society; and Samuel French, Inc.)
Folders 27.3 through 27.6 contain correspondence removed from Harold Leventhal Subject Files:
 S3 Box 1 Folder 27.3 Grand Coulee Dam, Bonneville 1966-1983
S3 Box 1 Folder 7.4 Okemah House 1983
S3 Box 1 Folder 27.5 Performance of WG Songs, etc. Schools/Organizations Clubs 1975
S3 Box 1 Folder 27.6 U.S. Senate Resolution… 1971
S3 Box 1 Folder 28.1 Lomax, Alan to Smith, Arthur (Desilu Productions) 1959
S3 Box 1 Folder 28.2 Marshall, David to Van Kirk, Anneke 1953
S3 Box 1 Folder 28.3 Peters, Jack to Leventhal, Harold 1971
S3 Box 1 Folder 28.4 Richmond, Howard toLeventhal, Harold 1977
S3 Box 1 Folder 29 Seeger, Pete to Wortis, Irv n.d.
S3 Box 1 Folder 30 Van Kirk, Anneke to Edgmon, Mary Jo 1954
S3 Box 1 Folder 31 Van Kirk[?] to Van Kirk, Anneke 1953
S3 Box 1 Folder 32.1 Williams, Mason to Unknown (M. Mazia or H. Leventhal) 1962
S3 Box 1 Folder 32.2 Unknown to Van Kirk, Anneke (“Momma Belle”) n.d.


From Correspondence-1
S4 Box 1 Guthrie, Woody to Mazia, Marjorie (123 postcards) 1942-52
S4 Box 1 Guthrie, Woody to Geer, Will (1 postcard) 1945
From Correspondence-2
S4 Box 2 Appleman, Barbejune to Guthrie, Woody (34 postcards) 1959-60
S4 Box 2 Mazia, Marjorie to Guthrie, Woody (16 postcards) 1942-62
S4 Box 2  People’s Artists, Inc. to Guthrie, Woody (23 postcards) (Booking notices, requests, etc.) 1947
S4 Box 2 Guthrie, Arlo to Guthrie, Woody (1 postcard) 1962
From Correspondence-3
S4 Box 3 Mazia, Marjorie to Guthrie, Joady (2 postcards) 1951
S4 Box 3 Hopkins, Peter to Mazia, Marjorie (1 postcard) 1968