- Reference Books Collection
- Rare Book Collection
- Rare Books by Woody Guthrie
- The Marjorie Mazia Guthrie Dance Book Collection

Reference Books Collection The Woody Guthrie Archives holds a Reference Collection composed of primary and secondary source books and monographs about Woody Guthrie and Folk Music that are available, in-house, to researchers.
Rare Books Collection The Rare Books Collection contains first edition copies of books by Woody Guthrie, rare books relating to or about Woody Guthrie or his family, and books owned or annotated by Woody Guthrie.
The Marjorie Mazia Guthrie Dance Book Collection The Marjorie Mazia Guthrie Dance Book Collection consists of an assortment of books, periodicals, and dance instruction manuals and written music that belonged to Woody Guthrie’s second wife, Marjorie Mazia Guthrie.
The Reference Collection consists of material written by Woody Guthrie, including autobiographical works, as well as posthumously edited compilations based on Guthrie’s original writings and works. In addition, the Reference Collection contains books based on research conducted by scholars who have visited and spent time researching at the Woody Guthrie Archives. Finally, the Archives holds reference books on a variety of topics that help contextualize Woody Guthrie’s life and legacy, including books on Folk Music, Musicians, and American History.
Collection Processed by:
Jorge Arévalo Mateus, PhD
Collection Guide Prepared by:
Original finding aid was prepared by Jorge’ Arevalo Mateus, PhD; updated by Caleb Bissinger, January 2008; updated by Kate L. Blalack, July 2014.
The Reference Book Collection is organized into the following catergories:
Works by Woody Guthrie – Non-English Translations
Works relating to Woody Guthrie
Works by Woody Guthrie
Accession # 2000 – 73.1 | Guthrie, Woody. “Bound for Glory” . New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1976. 426 pp. cover has photo from Bound for Glory the film. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.5 | Guthrie, Woody. “Seeds of Man” . Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 1995. 401 pp.Accession # 2000 – 73.6 Guthrie, Woody. “Seeds of Man” . New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1976. 401 pp. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.14 | Guthrie, Woody; Leventhal, Harold & Dave Marsh, Eds. “Pastures of Plenty: A Self-Portrait” . New York: HarperCollins, 1990. 261 pp. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.2 | Guthrie, Woody. “Born to Win”. New York: Macmillan, 1965. 251 pp. Edited by Robert Shelton |
Accession # 2000 – 73.4 | Guthrie, Woody. “Woody Sez”. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1975. 172 pp. Preface by Studs Terkel |
Accession # 1998 – 52 | Guthrie, Woody and Marjorie Mazia. “Woody’s 20 Grow Big Songbook”. Woody Guthrie Publications, 1992. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.12 | Guthrie, Woody. ” California to the New York Island”. New York: Guthrie Children’s Trust Fund, 1960. 48 pp. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.13 | Leventhal, Harold & Marjorie Guthrie, Eds. “The Woody Guthrie Songbook”. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1976. 253 pp. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.3 | Guthrie, Woody. “The Nearly Complete Collection of Woody Guthrie Folk Songs”. New York: Ludlow Music, 1963. 264 pp. Introduction by Pete Seeger. |
Accession # 2006 – 75 | “Songs of Woody Guthrie”. Bound copy of songbook in Library Of Congress collection. This volume is identical to Notebooks-1 #6. |
Accession # 2008 – 141.1 | Guthrie, Woody “Howdi Do”. Candlewick Press, Cambridge , MA . 1961 (renewed) / 1964 (renewed) Ludlow Music Inc. New York, NY. Illustrations by Vladimir Radunsky. Book for kids, with a CD inside. |
Accession # 2008 – 141.2 | Guthrie, Woody. “My Dolly” . Candlewick Press, Cambridge , MA . 1954 (renewed) Folkways Music Publishing Inc, New York, NY Illustrations by Vladimir Radunsky. |
Accession # 2008 – 141.3 | Guthrie, Woody. “Bling Blang” . Candlewick Press, Cambridge , MA . 1954 (renewed) Folkways Music Publishing Inc, New York, NY Illustrations by Vladimir Radunsky. |
Works by Woody Guthrie – Non-English Translations
Accession # 1999 – 18 | Guthrie, Woody. “Bound For Glory” (Zapisan slavi) Slovenija: Portretti, 1977. Translated into Slovene language by famous Slovene musician, Tomaz Domicelj. |
Accession # 2000 – 62 | Guthrie, Woody. “Questa Terra e la Mia Terra” . Milan: Marcos y Marcos, 1997. Italian translation of Bound for Glory, introduction by Alessandro Portelli. |
Accession # 2001 – 6 | Guthrie, Woody. “Dies Land ist mein Land, Autobiographie” . Hamburg: Edition Nautilus, 2000. Vorwort by Billy Bragg, and Nachwort by Michael Kleff. |
Accession # 2003 – 14 | Kleff, Michael (ed.) “Hard Travelin’: Das Woody Guthrie Buch”. Palmyra Verlag 2002. Woody Guthrie Songbook. In German with English Translation. Printed in Germany. |
Accession # 2005 – 9 | Door Jan De Smet & Arne Van Dongen. “Steek je Vinger In De Lucht” . Uitgeverij Lanoo, Tielt, 2005. Translation of children’s book, “Put Your Finger in the Air” Words by Woody Guthrie. |
Works about Woody Guthrie
Accession # 2000 – 73.11 | Klein, Joe. “Woody Guthrie: A Life” . New York: Ballantine Books, 1980. 476 pp.Accession # 1998 – 34 Klein, Joe. “Woody Guthrie: A Life” . London: Faber & Faber Limited. 1981. 475 pp. (U.K. Edition) |
Accession # 1999 – 30 | Klein, Joe. “Woody Guthrie: A Life”. New York: Delta, 1998. Reprinted from the original; published by Knopf. Contains new photo insert exclusively from the Woody Guthrie Archives. |
Accession # 2004 – 12 | Cray, Ed. Advanced, uncorrected proof of “Ramblin Man: The Life and Times of Woody Guthrie”. (Forward by Studs Terkel). New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. |
Accession # 2004 – 10 | Cray, Ed “Ramblin’ Man: The Life and Times of Woody Guthrie”. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2004. (Forward by Studs Terkel), Biography on Woody Guthrie, includes photos. |
Accession # 2008 – 133 | Butler, Martin. “Voices of the Down and Out” . Printed in Germany by University Winter GmbH Heidelberg, 2007. 268 pp. Based on research completed at the Woody Guthrie Archives. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.9 | Longhi, Jim. “Woody, Cisco, & Me: Seaman Three in the Merchant Marines” . Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1997. 277 pp. |
Accession # 1998 – 10 | Yazawa, Kan. “This Land is Your Land”. Translated from “Woody Guthrie: American Balladeer” by Janelle Yates, 1995. Contains several photographs from the Woody Guthrie Archive. Japan: Kamogawa-Shuppan, 1998. 187 pp. |
Accession # 1998 – 31 | Jakobsen, Kathy. “This Land is Your Land”. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1998. 17 pp. Contains paintings by the author depicting Woody Guthrie’s life and American history. Includes song excerpts and a tribute introduction by Pete Seeger. |
Accession # 2000 – 61 | Anstey, Robert G. “Notes on Woody” . Sardis, British Colombia: West Coast Publishing Co., 2000. “Notes, Thoughts and Comments on the Life and Career of Woody Guthrie. |
Accession # 2000 – 73.7 | Robbin, Ed. “Woody Guthrie and Me” . Berkeley : Lancaster-Miller, 1979.160 pp. Marjorie Guthrie’s signature and date 2/1/80 on frontispiece. |
Accession # 2002 – 22 | Coombs, Karen Mueller. “Woody Guthrie: America’s Folk Singer” . Carolrhoda Books, Inc.: Minneapolis. 2002. |
Accession # 2002 – 26 | Partridge, Elizabeth . “This Land Was Made for You and Me” . Viking: New York. 2002. |
Accession # 2007 – 6 | Jackson, Mark Allan. “Prophet Singer: The Voice and Vision of Woody Guthrie” . Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2007. |
Accession # 2007 – 22 | Murat, Thierry. “Woody Guthrie” . Paris: Editons Nocturne, 2006. Graphic biography with two CDs. Biography by Gerard Herzhaft, translation by Martin Davies. |
Accession # 2008 – 140 | Longhi, Jim. “Woody, Cisco and Me” . University of Illinois Press Urbana and Chicago, 1997 Illinois Books Edition. Copyright 1997 by Board of Trustee of the University of Illinois . |
Accession # 2008 – 144 | Robert Santelli and Emily Davidson. “Hard Travelin – The Life and Legacy of Woody Guthrie” . Wesleyan University Press. Published by University Press of New England. 1959 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. |
Accession # 2008 – 149 | Robin, Ed. “Woody Guthrie and Me.” 1979 Lancaster Miller Publishers, Berkeley California . With an introduction by Pete Seeger and conversation with Will Geer. |
Works relating to Woody Guthrie
Accession # 1996 – 1 | “Checklist of Recorded Songs in the English Language”. Wash. D.C.:LOC, 1942. One set of 2 vols. (v1:A-K ; v2:L-Z) |
Accession # 1998 – 27 | Cray, Ed. “The Erotic Muse: American Bawdy Songs”. Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1992. 435 pp. Includes songs by Woody Guthrie. Hand annotated by author at Title Page. Second Edition. |
Accession # 1998 – 32 | Robinson, Earl with Gordon, Eric A. “Ballad of an American” , Maryland: The Scarecrow Press, 1998. 475 pp. Includes several entries about Woody Guthrie. No. 3 in the Series: American Folk Music and Musicians. |
Accession # 1998 -33 | Goldsmith, Peter D. “Making People’s Music: Moe Asch” , Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Press, 1998. 468 pp. |
Accession # 1998 – 35 | Griffith, Nanci. “Other Voices.” New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998. 272 pp. Contains references to Woody Guthrie. |
Accession # 2000 – 34 | Cunningham, Sis and Gordon Friesen. “Red Dust and Broadsides”. Massachusetts: University of Mass. Amherst Press, 1999. Sis Cuningham, an Almanac Singer with Woody Guthrie, and Gordon Friesen, a friend of Woody Guthrie’s in the 1940’s in New York. |
Accession # 2000 – 44 | Silva-Faiman, Sandra. “Choctaw at the Crossroads: The Political Economy of Class and Culture in the Oklahoma Timber Region” . Lincoln: Bison Press, 2000. Contains Woody’s lyrics from Lumber is King on frontispiece. |
Accession # 2001 – 12 | Robbins, Michael W. & Wendy Palitz. “Brooklyn: A State of Mind” . New York: Workman Publishing, 2001. Includes stories, history, and quotes related to the Guthries (particularly Woody, Arlo, & Nora) pp.62-64. |
Accession # 2002 – 3 | Santelli, Robert, Holly George-Warren, & Jim Brown (eds.). “American Roots Music” . New York : Ginger Group/Rolling Stone Press; Harry Abrams , Inc. 2001. Woody Guthrie see pp.58-66. Also included: Pete Seeger, Almanac Singers, Lead Belly, Alan Lomax, Dylan, etc. Harold Levanthal referenced in introduction. |
Accession # 2002 – 8 | Thompson, Kathleen. “Oklahoma: Portrait of America” . Austin: Steck-Vaughn Publishers. 1996. Woody Guthrie reference on page 34. |
Accession # 2002 – 30 | Danzer et al. “The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century” . McDougal Little: New York. 2002. Woody Guthrie on page 513. American History Textbook. Contains reference to Woody Guthrie. |
Accession # 2002 – 31 | Robinson, Perry & Florence Wetzel. “Perry Robinson: The Traveler” . Writers Club Press: San Jose. 2002. Contains a section on Woody Guthrie. |
Accession # 2002 – 51 | Jackson, Kenneth T. & David S. Dunbar (eds). “Empire City: New York Through the Centuries” . Columbia University Press: New York. 2002. p.673-675: Short biography on Woody Guthrie and “Voice,” an essay about finding his own voice while in a Jewish delicatessen in Coney Island eating pastrami on rye. |
Accession # 2003 – 24 | “Rock X-Posed: Five Decades of Attitude in Pictures”. Published by Rock Shutter Producations (Kodak): Toronto 2002. Woody Guthrie Photo on page 66. Contains information about Woody Guthrie by Archives curator Jorge Arevalo. |
Accession # 2003 – 43 | Stanley, Jerry. “Children of the Dust Bowl” New York: Crown Publishers. 1992. Book on the dustbowl for young readers. Woody Guthrie song quote (Goin’ Down the Road Feeling Bad) on page 20. |
Accession # 2004 -1 | Joan Cohen, Karen Levin, & Joan Pearlman. “Hitting Our Stride: Good News About Women in their Middle Years” . Delacorte Press: New York, 1980. Woody, Arlo, Marjorie Guthrie, p42-54 |
Accession # 2004 – 11 | Koppelman, Robert. “Sing Out Warning, Sing Out Love!: The Writings of Lee Hays”. (Foreword by Pete Seeger). Amherst & Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2004. Biography and Writings of Lee Hays. Includes Weavers and Information on Woody Guthrie. |
Accession # 2004 – 54 | Stephens, Claire Gatrell. “Picture This! Using Picture Story Books for Character Education in the Classroom” . Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004. Includes lesson plan using Woody Guthrie material. Teacher resource: grades k-8. |
Accession # 2004 – 70 | Lindhall, Carl (ed.). “American Folktales: From the Collections of the Library of Congress” . Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2004. Volumes 1 & 2. Volume 2 includes two stories by Woody Guthrie: Dust Bowl Refugees & The Man on the Road . From Library Of Congress recordings, includes photo of Woody Guthrie (from LOC collection). See pages 635-646. |
Accession # 2004 – 84 | TRO Songbook: “Vote to Make a Difference: Songs of Hope, Optimism, & Change”. Produced and Distributed by: Workshop Productions, Inc., 2004. Includes songs by Woody Guthrie, book cover art by Woody Guthrie. |
Accession # 2004 – 93 | Rosendale, Steven (ed.). “Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 303: American Radical and Reform Writers, First Series”. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book: Detroit. Woody Guthrie biography: pp 182-191. Includes photographs of WG (1/11 – Time Life Photo; Accession # 1997-16.2); “This Land” original lyrics; and various book covers. |
Accession # 2004 – 103 | Lee, Laura. “Arlo, Alice, and Angilicans: The lives of a New England Church” . Berkshire House Publishers: Lee, Massachusetts, 2000. Book includes information about Woody and Marjorie Guthrie and Greenblatt-Guthrie family history (mentions Aliza Greenblatt). |
Accession # 2006 – 6 | Crawford, Richard. “America’s Musical Life: A History” . New York: Norton, 2001. Includes image of Woody Guthrie (from Time-Life series, page 614) and Almanac Singers (page 617). Woody mentioned on pages 254, 613-18, 614, 617, 788, 790, and 791. |
Accession # 2006 – 64 | Pisigin, Valery. “Essays on Anglo-American Music of the 1950’s and 1960’s” . Moscow: Imperium Press, 2006. Contains many photographs of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Leadbelly. |
Accession # 2006 – 76 | Reuss, Richard A & JoAnne C. “American Folk Music & Left-Wing Politics 1927-1957”. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2000. |
Accession # 2007 – 7 | Freudheim, Ellen. “Queens: What to Do, Where to Go (and How Not to Get Lost) in New York’s Undiscovered Borough” . New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2006. Woody Guthrie Residence at 159-13 85th Street mentioned on page 263. |
Accession # 2007 – 27 | Joyce, David D., ed. “Alternative Oklahoma: Contrarian Views of the Sooner State” . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2007. Chapter 6: Getting Along: Woody Guthrie and Oklahoma’s Red Dirt Musicians, by Thomas Conner (pg 87-112). |
Accession # 2008 – 137 | Lomax, Alan. “Hard Hitting Songs for Hard Hit People.” 1999 Bison Books. Copyright 1967 Oak Publications Inc. with the after word copyright 1999 University of Nebraska Press . Notes on the songs by Woody Guthrie and edited by Pete Seeger. |
Accession # 2008 – 138 | Henrietta Yurchenco assisted by Marjorie Guthrie. “A Mighty Hard Road” . Introduction by Arlo Guthrie. Henrrietta Yurchenco and The Woody Guthrie Childrens Trust Fund, 1970. The Woody Guthrie Story. |
Accession # 2008 – 142 | Liebermanmy, Robbie. “‘My Song is my Weapon’, People’s Songs, American Communism and the Politics of Culture, 1930-1950” . University of Illinois Pres, Urbana and Chicago. Illinois book edition 1995. 1989 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois . |
Accession # 2008 – 146 | Philbin, Marianne. “Give Peace a Chance, Music and Struggle for Peace” . A catalog of the exhibition at the Peace Museum of Chicago. Chicago Review Press, Chicago Illinois. All uncredited material 1983 The Peace Museum; Chicago , Illinois . Dedication by Yoko Ono. |
Accession # 2008 – 157 | Neat Walters and Mark Moss. “Folk: the Essential Album Guide” . Invisible Ink Press, Deroit, MI. 1998 Visible Ink Press, A Cunning Canine Production. |
Reference Books
Accession # 1996 – 4 | Dylan, Bob. “Drawn Blank”. New York: Random House, 1994. |
Accession # 1997 – 7 | Dylan, Bob. “Bob Dylan Anthology 2”. New York: Amsco, 1996 |
Accession # 1997 – 8 | “Columbia Records Celebrates the Music of Bob Dylan”. Ten glossy pages of Bob Dylan photographs; with other musicians. Includes Lyrics. |
Accession # 1997 – 10 | Dylan, Bob. “The Songs Of Bob Dylan”. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1990.Accession # 1998 – 38 Salewicz, Chris. “Billy Bragg: Midnight’s in Moscow.” London: Omnibuss Press, 1989. 97 pp. |
Accession # 1998 – 50 | By Hudson Sloop Restoration, Inc. “Hudson River Sloops: A Brief History & Technical Description” . Contains excerpts from a 19th Century Travel Journal, NY: Morgan & Morgan,1970. |
Accession # 1998 – 53 | Romalis, Shelly. “Pistol Packin’ Mama: Aunt Molly Jackson & The Politics of Folksong”. Chicago: U. of Illinois Press, 1999. |
Accession # 1998 – 61 | Gillmor, Dan. “FEAR, the accuser”. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1954. |
Accession # 1998 – 62 | Foner, Philip S. “History of the Labor Movement in the United States Vols3-10”. New York: International Publishers, 1981. |
Accession # 2000 – 36 | Polito, Robert. “Savage Art: A Biography of Jim Thompson”. New York: Vintage Books, 1995. 543 pp. |
Accession # 2000 – 100 | Riley, Tim. “Hard Rain: A Dylan Commentary” . New York : Da Capo Press,1999. |
Accession # 2000 – 112 | Leal-Pock, Carmen. “Faces of Huntington ‘s” . Belleville, Ontario: Essence Publishing, 1998. With inscription from the author to Pete Seeger. |
Accession # 2000 – 131.1 | Millard Lampell and Sid Grossman. “Journey to the Cape ” . New York: Grove Press, 1959. Inscribed to Harold Leventhal from Sid Grossman. Sid Grossman was a photographer of Woody Guthrie. |
Accession # 2000 – 131.2 | Cedric Belfrage. “South of God”. New York: Modern Age Books, 1941. Biography of Clude Williams, Southern sharecropper and progressive religious leader. |
The Woody Guthrie Archives holds a small collection of rare books, many of which were owned by Guthrie and his family while they lived in Coney Island. This collection contains unique works written by Guthrie, including a copy of his first published work “$30 Wood Help!,” which Guthrie self-published through a small union shop in Los Angeles in 1939. In addition to works by Guthrie, the collection also contains rare books that discuss Guthrie, his music, and/or his family, including liner notes for several of Guthrie’s albums. Finally, this collection contains books neither by nor about Guthrie, but which Guthrie owned, consulted, and read, and upon which he wrote extensive annotations. Of particular note are a series of several books and pamphlets regarding Hanukkah, which are heavily marked by Guthrie. Some books contain notes and remarks, while others contain Guthrie’s signature and address.
The Rare Book Collection is organized into the following categories:
Rare Books by Woody Guthrie
Rare Books Relating to Woody Guthrie
Rare Books Annotated by Woody Guthrie
To consult these, or any other material contained in the Archives, please complete our online Research Application or contact Archivist Mark Davidson.
1960. (Edited for publication by Irwin Silber and Pete Seeger; Music Editors: Pete Seeger and Jerry Silverman; Production Assistant: Sylvia Kahn)
Accession # 2009-19 | Guthrie, Woody. “$30 Wood Help!” 1939. |
Accession # 2009-65 | Guthrie, Woody. “Bound for Glory.” New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1943. |
Accession # 2000-20 | Guthrie, Woody. Ed. Moses Asch. “American Folksong.” New York: DISC Company of America, NY, 1947. |
Accession # 2009-42 | Guthrie, Woody. “Talking Dust Bowl: Folkways Records Album No. FP 11.” Folkways Records & Service Corp., 1950. |
Accession # 2009-62 | Guthrie, Woody. Ed. Millard Lampell. “California to the New York Island: Being a pocketful of Brags, Blues, Bad-men ballads, love songs, Okie laments, and children’s catcalls.” New York: The Guthrie Children’s Trust Fund, 1958 & |
Accession # 2009-18 | Guthrie, Woody. “The Nearly Complete Collection of Woody Guthrie Folk Songs.” New York: Ludlow Music, 1963. |
Accession # 2009-49 | Guthrie, Woody. “Born to Win.” New York: Collier Books, 1965. |
Accession # 2009-55 | Guthrie, Woody. “Born to Win.” The Macmillan Company, 1965. |
Accession # 2009-54 | “Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hitting People.” New York: Oak Publications, 1967. (Compiled by Alan Lomax; Notes on the songs by Woody Guthrie; Music transcribed and edited by Pete Seeger) |
Accession # 2009-53 | Guthrie, Woody. “Bound for Glory.” New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1968. |
Accession # 2009-51 | Guthrie, Woody. “Woody Sez.” New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1975. (Preface by Studs Terkel; Compiled and Edited by Marjorie Guthrie, Harold Levanthal, Terry Sullivan, Sheldon Patinkin; With a biography by Guy Logsdon) |
Accession # 2009-45 | Guthrie, Woody. “Very Early Songs for Mother and Child, Volume 2, By Stackabones, and Mommy, and Woody Guthrie.” New York: Folkways Records and Service Corp., 1985. |
Rare Books Relating to Woody Guthrie
Accession # 2009-41 | “Woody Guthrie Library of Congress Recordings- Vedette Records Catalog: Three hours of songs and conversation.” Vedette Records, Milano. |
Accession # 2009-17 | Guthrie, Seymour. “A Brief History of a Branch of the Guthrie Family.” Chicago, 1889. |
Accession # 1996-1 | “Check-list of recorded songs in the English language in the Archive of American Folk Song to July, 1940.” Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress Music Division, 1942. |
Accession # 2009-43 | “Nursery Days: Songs to Grow On: Young Folksay Insert: Album #605.” New York: Disc Company of America, 1947. Album Liner Notes. |
Accession # 2009-44 | “Young Folksay Series Album #602: Nursery Work Songs: Songs to Grow On.” New York: Disc Company of America, 1947. Album Liner Notes. |
Accession # 2009-32 | “Sing Out!” A People’s Artists Publication. Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring, 1956. |
Accession # 2009-56 | The Weavers (ed.). “The Weavers’ Song Book.” New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1960. (Arranged for piano and guitar by Robert De Cormier) |
Accession # 2009-64 | Asch, Moses and Irwin Silber (eds.). “Ballads of Sacco and Vanzetti.” New York: Oak Publications Inc., 1963. Album Liner Notes. |
Accession # 2009-63 | Seeger, Peter, Phil Ochs, Gordon Friesen, Josh Dunson. “Woody Guthrie: A Tribute.” The Guthrie Children’s Trust Fund. (Reprinted from Mainstream magazine, August 1963) |
Accession # 2009-40 | “Woody Guthrie.” Sing Out!. The Guthrie Children’s Trust Fund, 1971. |
Accession # 2009-50 | Klein, Joe. “Woody Guthrie, A Life.” New York: Ballantine Books, 1980. |
Accession # 2009-52 | Klein, Joe. “Woody Guthrie, A Life.” New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. |
Accession # 1997-8 | “Columbia Records Celebrates the Music of Bob Dylan.” Produced by Radio Vision in association with Harvey Goldsmith Entertainments and Ron Delsner, October 16, 1992. |
Rare Books Annotated by Woody Guthrie
Accession # 2009-39 | “Suggestions for Hanukkah Programs.” New York: Jewish Education Committee of NY. |
Accession # 2009-33 | Gordon, Rabbi Albert I. “How to Celebrate Hanukah at Home.” New York: The United Synagogue of America. |
Accession # 2009-37 | Weinstein, Deborah. “Chanukah Feast of Lights.” New York: Mizrachi National Education Committee. |
Accession # 2009-36 | Binder, A.W. “Chanukkah Songster: Containing a complete Children’s Musical Service and other hymns in English and Hebrew.” New York: Bloch Publishing Company, 1922 |
Accession # 2009-34 | “Hanukkah Songster.” New York: The Jewish Education Committee of New York, 1947. |
Accession # 2009-35 | Pinkerfeld, Anda. Trans. A.M. Dushkin. “Hanukkah Candles.” New York: Jewish Education Committee of N.Y. Inc., 1948. |
Accession # 2009-46 | Seeger, Peter. “Darling Corey: Picking the Five String Banjo and Singing.” New York: Folkways Records and Service Corporation. |
Accession # 2009-47 | Seeger, Peter. “How to Play the 5-String Banjo.” |
Accession # 2009-38 | “American Folksong: 4.19.’70 at Kawai music salon Shibuya.” |
Accession # 2009-61 | “Keep the Union Singing: UAW Song Book.” Detroit: The UAW Education Department. |
Accession # 2004-97.1 | Kennedy, Stetson. “Palmetto Country.” New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1942. |
Accession # 2009-48 | Huberman, Leo. “The N.M.U. … What it is… What it does.” National Maritime Union, June 1943. |
Accession # 2009-57 | Felig, Arthur “Weegee.” “Weegee’s People.” New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1946. |
Accession # 2004-53 | Ousbey, J.H. “Painting for Amateurs.” London: W. & G. Foyle LTD, 1951. |
Accession # 2009-58 | Asch, Moses and Alan Lomax (eds.) “The Ballads, Blues and Folksongs of Huddie Ledbetter: The Leadbelly Songbook.” New York: Oak Publications, 1962. (Musical transcriptions by Jerry Silverman; Introductory essays and biographical sketches by Frederic Ramsey, Jr., Charles Edward Smith, Alan Lomax, Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger; Foreword by Moses Asch) |
Accession # 2009-59 | Lomax, John A. and Alan Lomax. “The Leadbelly Legend: A Collection of World Famous Songs by Huddie Ledbetter.” New York: Folkways Music Publishers, Inc., 1965. (Music Editor: Hally Wood; Special Note on Leadbelly’s 12-String Guitar by Pete Seeger) |
Accession # 2009-60 | Asch, Moses and Irwin Silber (eds.). “900 Miles: The Ballads, Blues and Folksongs of Cisco Houston.” New York: Oak Publications, 1965. (Musical transcriptions by Jerry Silverman; Duets transcribed by Happy Traum; Production: Ethel Raim and Paul Nelson; Cover and title page drawings by Ben Shahn). |
Compiled by Jane Cornelia Kelly, Summer 2009.
The Marjorie Mazia Guthrie Dance Book Collection consists of an assortment of books, periodicals, and dance instruction manuals and written music that belonged to Woody Guthrie’s second wife, Marjorie Mazia Guthrie. The collection suggests that Marjorie frequently referred to dance instruction books, evidence of which exists in her personal notes and annotations, which appear throughout the books, particularly among the dance instruction sections and within the musical scores. This Collection also indicates that Marjorie maintained a scholarly approach to dance, and strove to remain current and up-to-date regarding literature about dance, dance instruction, choreography, music, and the visual arts.
Marjorie Mazia Guthrie (nee Marjorie Greenblatt) was born on October 6th , 1917, and raised in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Marjorie was a trained modern dancer with the Martha Graham Company. Marjorie met Woody Guthrie in 1940, when she assisted him through rehearsals for his musical performance in Sophie Maslow’s modern dance adaptation of Woody’s Dust Bowl Ballads titled Folksay, a production for which Marjorie danced and Woody played music. Woody and Marjorie were married in 1945 and had four children together, Cathy, Arlo, Joady, and Nora Lee, whom they raised in Brooklyn on Coney Island. (For additional information about Woody and Marjorie’s meeting during Folksay , please visit the Woody Guthrie Foundation’s information page on Sophie Maslow.)
Marjorie and Woody frequently worked together, and The Live Wire, a rare recording of a small performance held in New Jersey in 1949, reveals the couple’s dynamic through a series of back and forth interview-style exchanges, interspersed with Guthrie’s music. In addition, the two collaborated on a songbook for children, entitled Woody’s 20 Grow Big Songs, which was lost for many years, and recently published with an accompanying album featuring Marjorie and Woody’s children and grandchildren.
Although Marjorie and Woody separated in the late 1940s, Marjorie helped care for Woody when he began to show severe signs of his then undiagnosed Huntington’s disease. After Woody’s death in 1967 in Queens, New York, Marjorie established the Committee to Combat Huntington’s Disease, which grew to become the Huntington’s Disease Society of America.
In 1950, Marjorie recorded her own album, Dance Along, on Folkways Records, a dance album for children. Marjorie also founded the Marjorie Mazia School of Dance in Brooklyn, New York, which trained young dancers in modern dance and ballet from the 1950s until the 1970s.
The books held in the Archives’ collection provide insight into Marjorie’s work as a professional dancer and dance instructor.
The Marjorie Mazia Guthrie Dance Book Collection is organized into the following categories:
To consult these, or any other material contained in the Archives, please complete our online Research Application or contact Archivist Mark Davidson.
Dance Books: Isadora Duncan
Accession # 2009-26.01 | Duncan, Irma & Allan Ross MacDougall. “Isadora Duncan’s Russian Days & Her Last Years in France.” New York: Stratford Press, 1929. |
Accession # 2009-26.02 | Duncan, Isadora. “My Life.” Liveright Publishing Corp.. 1942. |
Accession # 2009-26.03 | “Isadora Duncan.” New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947. |
Dance Books: Martha Graham
Accession # 2009-26.04 | Morgan, Barbara. “Martha Graham: Sixteen Dances in Photographs.” New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1941.Accession # 2009-26.05 Trowbridge, Charlotte. “Dance Drawings of Martha Graham.” New York: The Dance Observer, 1945. |
Dance Books: Vaslav Nijinsky
Accession # 2009-26.06 | Bourman, Anatole. “The Tragedy of Nijinsky.” New York: Whittlesey House, 1936.Accession # 2009-26.07 Nijinsky, Romola. “Nijinsky.” New York: Simon and Schuster, 1934. |
Dance Books: General
Accession # 2009-26.28 | Covarrubias, Luis. “Mexican Native Dances.” Mexico: Eugenio Fischgrund.Accession # 2009-26.29 Enters, Angna. “First Personal Plural.” New York: Stackpole Sons, 1937. |
Accession # 2009-26.30 | Fuller, Loie. “Fifteen Years of a Dancer’s Life: With Some Account of Her Distinguished Friends.” Boston: Small, Maynard & Company Publishers, 1908. |
Accession # 2009-26.31 | Hering, Doris (ed.). “25 Years of American Dance.” New York: Rudolph Orthwine, 1951. |
Accession # 2009-26.32 | Hering, Doris (ed.). “Twenty-Five Years of American Dance (Revised and Enlarged Version).” New York: Rudolf Orthwine, 1954. |
Accession # 2009-26.33 | Humphrey, Doris. “The Art of Making Dances.” New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959. |
Accession # 2009-26.34 | Kinney, Troy and Margaret West Kinney. “The Dance: Its Place in Art and Life.” New York: Tudor Publishing Co., 1936 |
Accession # 2009-26.35 | Krasovskaya, Vera. “Marius Petipa and “The Sleeping Beauty.”” Trans. Cynthia Read. New York: Dance Perspectives Foundation, Spring 1972. |
Accession # 2009-26.36 | Lieven, Prince Peter. “The Birth of Ballets-Russes.” Trans. L. Zarine. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1936. |
Accession # 2009-26.37 | Martin, John. “America Dancing: The Background and Personalities of Modern Dance.” New York: Dodge Publishing Company, 1936. |
Accession # 2009-26.38 | Martin, John. “The Dance: The Story of the Dance Told in Pictures and Text.” New York: Tudor Publishing Company, 1946. |
Accession # 2009-26.39 | Meerloo, Joost A.M. “The Dance: From Ritual to Rock and Roll-Ballet to Ballroom.” Philadelphia: Chilton Company-Book Division-Publishers, 1960. |
Accession # 2009-26.40 | “Dance Scene: USA: America’s Greatest Ballet and Modern Dance Companies in Photographs.” Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1967. |
Accession # 2009-26.41 | Money, Keith. “Fonteyn: The Making of a Legend.” London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., 1973. |
Accession # 2009-26.42 | Pavlova, Anna et al. “Pavlova, An Illustrated Monograph.” New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1947. |
Accession # 2009-26.43 | “Ballet & Modern Dance with Contributions by Leading Choreographers, Dancers and Critics.” Octopus Books, 1974. |
Accession # 2009-26.44 | Wayburn, Ned. “The Art of Stage Dancing: The Story of a Beautiful and Profitable Profession, A Manual of Stagecraft.” New York: The Ned Wayburn Studios of Stage Dnacing, Inc., 1925. |
Accession # 2009-26.45 | Wigman, Mary. “The Language of Dance.” Trans. Walter Sorell. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1966. |
Accession # 2009-26.46 | Blum, Daniel. “A Pictorial Treasure of Opera in America: Scenes, Stars and Complete Synopses of Famous Operas.” New York: Greenberg Publisher, 1954. |
Accession # 2009-26.47 | Chaliapin, Fyodor Ivanovich et al. “Chaliapin: An Autobiography as told to Maxim Gorky , With supplementary correspondence and notes, translated from the Russian, compiled and edited by Nina Froud and James Hanley.” New York: Stein and Day Publishers, 1967. |
Accession # 2009-26.48 | Culhane, Charles. “An Argument For Life: Poems by Charles Culhane, Drawings by Gary McGivern.” Stormville, |
Accession # 2009-26.49 | Frobenius, Leo and Douglas C. Fox. “Prehistoric Rock Pictures in Europe and Africa.” New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1937. |
Accession # 2009-26.50 | Jackson, Stanley. “The Sassoons.” New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1968. |
Accession # 2009-26.51 | Pollitzer, Anita. “A Woman on Paper: Georgia O’Keeffe, The Letters & Memoir of a Legendary Friendship.” New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1988. |
Accession # 2009-26.52 | Rolf, Ida P. “Structural Integration: Gravity, an Unexplored Factor in a More Human Use of Human Beings.” Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, 1962. |
Dance Instruction Manuals
Accession # 2009-26.08 | Emmanuel, Maurice. “The Antique Greek Dance: After Sculpted and Painted Figures.” Trans. Harriet Jean Beauley. New York: John Lane Company, 1916.Accession # 2009-26.09 La Salle, Dorothy. “Rhythms and Dances for Elementary Schools: Grades One to Eight.” New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, 1944. |
Accession # 2009-26.10 | Ryan, Grace L. “Dances of Our Pioneers.” New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, 1939. |
Accession # 2009-26.11 | Serova, Sonia. “Kate Greenaway Polka.” |
Accession # 2009-26.12 | Shaw, Lloyd. “Cowboy Dances: A Collection of Western Square Dances.” Caldwell: The Caxton Printers Ltd., 1940. |
Accession # 2009-26.13 | Shurr, Gertrude and Rachael Dunaven Yocom. “Modern Dance: Techniques and Teaching.” New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, 1949. |
Accession # 2009-26.14 | Stecher, William A. “Games and Dances: A selected collection of games, song-games and dances suitable for schools, playgrounds, gymnastic associations, boys’ and girls’ clubs, etc.” Philadelphia: John Joseph McVey, 1912. |
Accession # 2009-26.15 | Waterman, Elizabeth. “The Rhythm Book: A Manual for Teachers of Children.” New York: A.S. Barnes and Company Incorporated, 1937. |
Accession # 2009-26.16 | Borek, Tom (ed.). “eddy. ” Dance Theater Workshop, April 1947. |
Accession # 2009-26.17 | Broughton, Irv (ed.). “Mill Mountain Review.” 1971. |
Accession # 2009-26.18 | Cohen, Selma Jeanne and Karl Leabo (eds.). “Dance Perspectives 38.” New York: Dance Perspectives Foundation, |
Accession # 2009-26.19 | Cohen, Selma Jeanne (ed.). “Dance Perspectives 45.” New York: Dance Perspectives Foundation, Spring 1971. |
Accession # 2009-26.20 | Cohen, Selma Jeanne (ed.). “Dance Perspectives 46.” New York: Dance Perspectives Foundation, Summer 1971. |
Accession # 2009-26.21 | Cohen, Selma Jeanne (ed.). “Dance Perspectives 48.” New York: Dance Perspectives Foundation, Winter 1971. |
Accession # 2009-26.22 | Cohen, Selma Jeanne (ed.). “Dance Perspectives 51.” New York: Dance Perspectives Foundation, Autumn 1972. |
Accession # 2009-26.23 | Palmer, Winthrop and Anatole Chujoy (eds.). “Dance News Annual: 1953.” New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1953. |
Accession # 2009-26.24 | Sillen, Samuel et al. (eds.). “Mainstream: A Literary Quarterly.” New York: Mainstream Associates, Inc., Summer 1947. |
Accession # 2009-26.25 Sillen, Samuel et al. (eds.). “Mainstream: A Literary Quarterly.” New York: Mainstream Associates, Inc., Winter 1947. | |
Accession # 2009-26.26 | “Expression.” New York: Group Collective, Summer 1946. |
Accession # 2009-26.27 | “Expression: A Quarterly of the Arts and Culture of Today.” Los Angeles: Group Collective, 1947. |
*Compiled by Jane Cornelia Kelly, Summer 2009.