Bob Dylan Archive®

Bob Dylan Archive®

Below is the finding aid that contextualizes and inventories this special collection at the Woody Guthrie Center Archives. Interested researchers must fill out an application prior to scheduling an appointment with the archivist.

Please note: Conducting research in the collection does not guarantee permission to use published or unpublished materials in your project. American Song Archives does not hold copyrights to the materials in the collection. A formal request with the rights holder to publish is required and permission may not be granted, regardless of time spent researching in the archives.

Collection Title: 

The Bob Dylan Archive®

Collection Number:


Collection Processed By:

Mark Davidson, Parker Fishel, and Corinne Kannenberg

Collection Guide Prepared By:

Mark Davidson and Corinne Kannenberg

Collection Date Range: 

1961-2012 [bulk 1964-2012]

Collection Provenance: 

The Bob Dylan Archive® was purchased in 2016. The George Kaiser Family Foundation (GKFF) and the University of Tulsa (TU) purchased Bob Dylan’s personal archive of his working life and career from Dylan and his management team. GKFF bought out TU’s stake shortly thereafter. The collection was housed at the Helmerich Center for American Research at Gilcrease Museum before being relocated to the American Song Archives in late 2022.

Scope and Contents:

The Bob Dylan Archive® is Bob Dylan’s personal collection of his life and work spanning roughly the years 1961 to 2012. The collection consists of both physical materials (lyric manuscripts, notebooks, correspondence, sheet music, photographs, session logs, artifacts, promotional materials, etc.) and digital materials (digitized audio, film and video footage, photographs, etc.). The bulk of the lyric manuscripts span Another Side of Bob Dylan (1964) to Tempest (2012). 


The collection is physically arranged and preserved according to its original order—as arranged previously by those directly affiliated with Dylan’s music office—in order to maintain the original context of the materials. When necessary for preservation or redaction, some materials have been rehoused and a separation sheet has been inserted into the original location. This finding aid is arranged intellectually into twelve series.  

Additional acquisitions to the Dylan Archive have been added to the end of the original finding aid. See the Addition of 2017 for additional correspondence that was added to the collection in 2016 and 2017. 

List of Series:

Series 01: Lyrics, Notes, and Fragments 

Subseries 01: 1964 

Subseries 02: 1965 

Subseries 03: 1966 

Subseries 04: 1967 

Subseries 05: 1967/1968 

Subseries 06: 1969 

Subseries 07: 1973 

Subseries 08: 1974 

Subseries 09: 1975 

Subseries 10: 1977 

Subseries 11: 1978 

Subseries 12: 1979 

Subseries 13: 1980 

Subseries 14: 1981 

Subseries 15: 1982 

Subseries 16: 1983 

Subseries 17: 1984 

Subseries 18: 1985 

Subseries 19: 1986 

Subseries 20: 1988 

Subseries 21: 1989 

Subseries 22: 1990 

Subseries 23: 1992 

Subseries 24: 1993 

Subseries 25: 1997 

Subseries 26: 1999 

Subseries 27: 2001 

Subseries 28: 2002 

Subseries 29: 2006 

Subseries 30: 2008 

Subseries 31: 2009 

Subseries 32: 2012 

Series 02: Cover Song Lyrics 

Subseries 01: Undated 

Subseries 02: Late 1960s 

Subseries 03: Late 1980s/Early 1990s 

 Series 03: Miscellaneous Writings 

Subseries 01: 1960s 

Subseries 02: 1970s 

Subseries 03: 1980s 

Subseries 04: 1990s 

Subseries 05: Undated 

 Series 04: Notebooks 

 Series 05: Non-Album Projects 

Subseries 01: Tarantula 

Subseries 02: Eat the Document 

Subseries 03: Writings and Drawings 

Subseries 04, 05: Miscellaneous 

Series 06: Contracts 

Series 07: Recording Session Paperwork 

Series 08: Copyright Edits 

Subseries 01: 1965–1973 

Subseries 02: 1969–1970 

Subseries 03: 1971–1973 

Subseries 04: 1974 

Subseries 05: 1974–1976 

Subseries 06: 1978–1980 

Subseries 07: 1980–1983 

Subseries 08: 1985–1986 

Subseries 09: 1988–1990 

Subseries 10: 2006–2009 

Series 09: Ephemera 

Subseries 01: 1960s 

Subseries 02: 1970s 

Subseries 03: Business Documents 

Series 10: Correspondence  

Series 11: Original Sheet Music 

Subseries 01: A 

Subseries 02: B 

Subseries 03: C 

Subseries 04: D 

Subseries 05: E & F 

Subseries 06: G 

Subseries 07: H 

Subseries 08: I 

Subseries 09: J & K  

Subseries 10: L 

Subseries 11: M 

Subseries 12: N 

Subseries 13: O 

Subseries 14: P & Q 

Subseries 15: R 

Subseries 16: S 

Subseries 17: T 

Subseries 18: U & V 

Subseries 19: W 

Subseries 20: Y 

Series 12: Audiovisual Materials

Audio Recordings

Film and Video

Addition of 2017

Correspondence: Gaylord Boxes 18–20 

Correspondence: 2016 Box

Correspondence: 2017 Box

Related Materials:

Bob Johnston Collection, Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin

Bob Dylan and Joan Baez interview by Bebo White, Raleigh, N.C., 19 March 1965; 12 minutes, Southern Folklife Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Izzy Young Collection, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

John Cohen Collection, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

Allen Ginsberg Papers, Manuscripts Division, Stanford University

Allen Ginsberg Photograph Collection, Manuscripts Division, Stanford University

Sam Shepard Papers, Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin

The Izzy Young Folklore Center Libray Collection,Woody Guthrie Center, American Song Archives

Harold Leventhal Collection,Woody Guthrie Center, American Song Archives

Ronald D. Cohen Folk Music Research Collection, Woody Guthrie Center, American Song Archives

Phil Ochs Papers, Woody Guthrie Center, American Song Archives 



Collection Access Restrictions:

The Bob Dylan Archive® is open for research only to qualified researchers who have completed a research application and have had their project approved by the research committee.  

Collection Use Restrictions:

The American Song Archives and the George Kaiser Family Foundation do not own copyrights to materials in the collection. All materials in this collection are copyrighted and permission must be granted prior to publication. 

Series 01: Lyrics, Notes, and Fragments

Arranged chronologically by year and album. 

Subseries 01: 1964 
Box 34, Folder 02:

“Chimes of Freedom” manuscript lyrics from Another Side of Bob Dylan, circa 1964. Written across both sides of Waldorf Astoria, Toronto stationery. 

Subseries 02: 1965 
Box 34, Folder 03:

Typescript and manuscript lyrics from Bringing It All Back Home, circa 1965. Includes “Mayflower Ship” (a/k/a “Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream” and “Mayflower Blues”), “I’ll Keep It with Mine” (incomplete), “Maggie’s Farm,” “My Love She Comes in Silence” (a/k/a “Love Minus Zero/No Limit”), “You Don’t Have to Do That,” “A Chord Blues” (a/k/a “Outlaw Blues”), “A Life,” “Look Out Kid” (a/k/a “Subterranean Homesick Blues”), “Mavis,” “Farewell Angelina,” and “You Got It.”  

Box 34, Folder 04:

Typescript liner notes from Bringing It All Back Home, circa 1965. 

Box 34, Folder 05:

Typescript and manuscript lyrics from Highway 61 Revisited, circa 1965. Includes “Like a Rolling Stone,” “Just Like Juarez” (a/k/a “Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues”), “Everyone Knows but You,” “Tombstone Blues,” “From a Buick 6,” “Ballad of a Thin Man,” “Highway 61 Revisited,” and “Queen Jane Approximately.” 

Box 34, Folder 06:

Four typescript drafts of the liner notes from Highway 61 Revisited, circa 1965. 

Subseries 03: 1966 
Box 34, Folder 07:

Manuscript from Blonde on Blonde, circa 1966. Includes “Visions of Johanna” and “One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later).” 

Subseries 04: 1967 
Box 34, Folder 08:

Manuscript lyrics from Nashville Skyline, circa 1969. Includes “To Be Alone with You,” “Untitled (You’re Drifting Away from Shore),” “One More Night,” “Untitled (It’s a Long Way to Missouri Today),” “Wanted Man,” “Ramblin’ Woman,” “To Be Alone with You,” “Untitled (High Taxation Blues),” and “I Threw It All Away.” Also includes manuscript lyrics for “Wicked Messenger” from John Wesley Harding, circa 1967. 

Subseries 05: 1967/1968 
Box 05, Folders 01.01–01.04:

Cache of unrecorded lyrics and song fragments written out by Dylan on yellow legal paper, circa 1967. Includes “The Return of the Wicked Messenger,” “All Secrets Are Safe with Me,” “I’m Sorry Too,” “Maybe Darling,” “Diamond Ring,” and “Cardshark.” 

Box 05, Folders 03.01–03.03:

Cache of unrecorded lyrics and song fragments handwritten on yellow legal paper, circa 1967. Includes “Florida Key,” “Golden Gate,” “Eskimo Woman,” and “False Bottom.”  

Subseries 06: 1969 
Box 34, Folder 08:

Manuscript lyrics from Nashville Skyline, circa 1969. Includes “To Be Alone with You,” “Untitled (You’re Drifting Away from Shore),” “One More Night,” “Untitled (It’s a Long Way to Missouri Today),” “Wanted Man,” “Ramblin’ Woman,” “To Be Alone with You,” “Untitled (High Taxation Blues),” and “I Threw It All Away.” Also includes manuscript lyrics for “Wicked Messenger” from John Wesley Harding, circa 1967. 

Subseries 07: 1973  
Box 89, Folder 01:

Manuscript album credits from Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, circa 1973. 

Subseries 08: 1974 
Box 44, Folders 01.01–01.11:

Miscellaneous correspondence, guest lists, and memoranda from Dylan’s 1974 tour. 

Box 89, Folder 02:

“On a Night Like This” manuscript lyrics from Planet Waves, circa 1974. 

Box 89, Folder 03:

“Something There Is about You” manuscript lyrics from Planet Waves, circa 1974. 

Box 89, Folder 04:

Notebook 1 from the era of Planet Waves, circa 1973–74. Contains notes on each of the songs that appear on the album (including “Wedding Song” and “Forever Young”) as well as sketches by Dylan alongside what appear to be children’s drawings. 

Box 89, Folder 05:

Notebook 2 from the era of Planet Waves, circa 1973–74. Contains numerous lyrics and lyric fragments including “Wedding Song, “Dirge,” and “Tough Mama.” 

Box 89, Folders 06.01–06.03:

Unbound manuscript notepad pages from the era of Planet Waves, circa 1973–74. Contains lyric fragments (includes “Never Say Goodbye,” “Nobody ’Cept You,” “Going, Going, Gone,” and “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”), drawings, and stories 

Box 89, Folder 07:

Unfinished manuscript lyrics from Planet Waves, circa 1974. 

Box 89, Folder 08:

“Ride ’em Jewboy” [Kinky Friedman] manuscript cover song lyrics, circa 1974. 

Subseries 09: 1975 
Box 78, Folder 01:

“Simple Twist of Fate” manuscript lyrics from Blood on the Tracks, rewrite, 1984 live performance.  

Box 78, Folder 02:

“If You See Her, Say Hello” manuscript lyrics from Blood on the Tracks, circa 1976, live performance rewrite. 

Box 78, Folder 03:

“Tangled Up in Blue” manuscript lyric fragment from Blood on the Tracks, circa 1978, live performance rewrite. 

Box 78, Folder 04:

Notes and lyric fragments related to Blood on the Tracks, circa 1974–75. Includes “I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight.” 

Box 78, Folder 05:

Notes and miscellaneous papers, circa 1975. 

Box 78, Folder 06:

“Sara” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Desire, circa 1975. 

Box 78, Folder 07:

“Abandoned Love” manuscript lyrics from Desire, circa 1975. 

Box 78, Folder 08:

“Joey” typescript lyrics from Desire, circa 1975. 

Box 78, Folder 09:

“Hurricane” manuscript lyrics from Desire, circa 1975. 

Box 79, Folder 01:

Notes related to the writing and recording of Desire, circa 1975.  Includes Dylan’s notes regarding the sequencing of the album tracks and a narrative about his first meeting with co–songwriter Jacques Levy.   

Box 79, Folder 02:

Notes and notepad, likely from the period surrounding the writing and recording of Desire, circa 1975. The notepad contains lyric fragments, notes, and drawings. 

Box 79, Folder 03:

Notes related to Renaldo and Clara and Rolling Thunder Revue, circa 1975. 

Subseries 10: 1977 
Box 79, Folder 04:

Writings and unfinished lyrics, circa 1977. 

Subseries 11: 1978  
Box 89, Folder 09:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1978.  

Box 90, Folder 01:

Manuscript list of “new songs” from the era of Slow Train Coming, circa 1978. 

Box 90, Folders 02.01–02.03:

Writings and notes from the era of Slow Train Coming, circa 1978–79. Includes manuscript lyric fragments, correspondence with Barbara Streisand, and tour itinerary.  

Box 90, Folder 03:

Probably Rundown Rehearsals, early 1978. 

Box 90, Folders 04.01–04.04:

Writings and notes gathered from the period immediately following the Street-Legal tour and the “pre–conversion” period of late 1978/early 1979. Includes manuscript and typescript lyrics, lyric fragments, notes, and drawings. 

Box 90, Folder 05:

“More Than Flesh and Blood” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1978.  

Box 91, Folder 01:

“Love You Too Much” typescript lyrics, circa 1978. 

Box 91, Folder 02:

“Legionnaire’s Disease” manuscript lyrics, circa 1978. 

Box 91, Folder 03:

Manuscript cover song lyrics, circa 1978. Includes lyrics for “Skinny Woman” [John Lee “Sonny Boy” Williamson], “Repossession Blues” [Roland Janes], and “Shake It and Break It” [Charley Patton]. 

Box 91, Folder 04:

“No Time to Think” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978. Includes two iterations of the lyrics as well as notes.  

Box 91, Folder 05:

“Tell Me the Truth One Time” manuscript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978.  

Box 91, Folder 06:

“New Pony” manuscript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978. 

Box 91, Folder 07:

“Where Are You Tonight (a/k/a Journey through Dark Heat)” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978.  

Box 91, Folder 08:

“Baby, Stop Crying (a/k/a Trouble)” typescript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978.  

Box 91, Folder 09:

“Changing of the Guar” typescript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978.  

Box 91, Folder 10:

“Coming from the Heart (a/k/a The Road Is Long)” manuscript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978. 

Box 91, Folder 11:

“True Love Tends to Forget” manuscript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978. 

Box 92, Folder 01:

“Senor (Tale of Yankee Power)” typescript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978. 

 Box 92, Folder 02:

“Tattler” [Ry Cooder] manuscript cover song lyrics, circa 1978. 

Box 92, Folder 03:

Memo pad (“Sam”) containing manuscript lyrics, circa 1978. Includes lyrics to “Senor (Tales of Yankee Power),” “Changing of the Guards,” and “We Better Talk This Over.” 

Box 92, Folder 04:

Pages ripped out from spiral notebook containing manuscript lyrics, circa 1978. Includes lyrics to “New Pony,” “No Time To Think,” “True Love Tends To Forget,” “Deep Depression Blues,” “It Hurts Me Too” [cover song], “Steady Rolling Man” [cover song], “Little Queen of Spades” [cover song], “Going, Going, Gone,” and “Love Her With A Feeling” [cover song]. 

Box 92, Folder 05:

“Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)” manuscript lyrics from Street-Legal, circa 1978.  

Box 92, Folder 06:

Street-Legal notes and unfinished lyrics, circa 1978. Includes notes on track sequencing and unfinished lyrics for a song titled “Never Say No”.  

Subseries 12: 1979 
Box 79, Folder 05:

Correspondence and notes, circa 1979. 

Box 79, Folder 06:

“Trouble in Mind” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 79, Folder 07:

“Am I Your Stepchild?” manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 79, Folder 08:

“Precious Angel” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 79, Folder 09:

“Gonna Change My Way of Thinking” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 79, Folder 10:

“Man Gave Names to All the Animals” manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 80, Folder 01:

“When He Returns” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 80, Folder 02:

“When You Gonna Wake Up” typescript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 80, Folder 03:

Unknown typescript lyrics (“Ain’t too proud (to repent) …”) from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 80, Folder 04:

“Gotta Serve Somebody” manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Box 80, Folder 05:

“Slow Train” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Slow Train Coming, circa 1979. 

Subseries 13: 1980  
Box 92, Folder 07:

Correspondence, notes, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1980 

Box 92, Folder 08:

“Saved” manuscript lyrics from Saved, circa 1980. 

Box 92, Folder 09:

“Pressing On” manuscript lyrics from Saved, circa 1980. 

Box 92, Folder 10:

“Covenant Woman” manuscript lyrics from Saved, circa 1980.  

Box 92, Folder 11:

Unknown lyrics (“Talk about what he did for me …”) from Saved, circa 1980. 

Box 93, Folder 01:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics from Saved, circa 1980.  

Subseries 14: 1981 
Box 80, Folder 07:

“Trouble” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. 

Box 80, Folder 08:

“In the Summertime” manuscript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes two heavily revised iterations of the lyrics.  

Box 80, Folder 09:

“Yonder Comes Sin” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes five iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised.  

Box 80, Folder 10:

“Cover Down Break Through” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes two iterations of the lyrics.  

Box 80, Folder 11:

“Let’s Keep It Between Us” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes two iterations of the lyrics.  

Box 81, Folder 01:

“The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes six drafts of lyric, revised throughout. 

Box 81, Folders 03.01–03.03:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“About the murder, I don’t know …”), circa 1981. Includes several iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised throughout. 

Box 81, Folder 04:

“Tell Me” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. 

Box 81, Folder 05:

“Angelina” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes five iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised throughout, with notes and additional verses on the verso of two leaves. 

Box 81, Folder 06:

“Lenny Bruce” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes two iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 81, Folder 07:

“Dead Man, Dead Man” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes two iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 81, Folder 08:

“Caribbean Wind” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes five iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

Box 81, Folder 09:

“Property of Jesus” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes three iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised, with additional notes on the verso of second typescript. 

Box 81, Folder 10:

“Heart of Mine” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. 

Box 81, Folder 11:

“Need a Woman” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes several drafts of lyric, heavily revised. 

Box 82, Folder 01:

“Don’t Ever Take Yourself Away” manuscript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. 

Box 82, Folder 02:

“You’re Making a Liar Outta Me” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981.  

Box 82, Folder 03:

“Every Grain of Sand” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. 

Box 82, Folder 04:

“Shot of Love” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, dated March 25, 1981. 

Box 82, Folder 05:

“You Changed My Life” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. 

Box 82, Folder 06:

“Watered–Down Love” typescript lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981. 

Box 82, Folder 07:

Cover song lyrics from the era of Shot of Love, circa 1981. Includes “Song for You” [Leon Russel], “Pretend I Never Happened” [Willie Nelson], “Dark Road Is a Hard Road to Travel” [G.B. Grayson, Henry Whittier], “Gold Watch and Chain” [A.P. Carter], and “A Couple More Years” [Shel Silverstein, Dennis Locorriere]. 

Box 82, Folder 08:

Shot of Love notepad, circa 1981. Lyrics written across 34 pages of unruled, monogrammed (“Memo Anna”) paper. Includes early iterations of “Let’s Keep It Between Us,” “Caribbean Wind,” “Making a Liar,” “Cover Down Break Through,” “The Grooms Still Waiting at the Altar,” “Every Grain of Sand,” and “Yonder Comes Sin.” 

Box 82, Folders 09.01–09.02:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics from Shot of Love, circa 1981.  

Subseries 15: 1982 
Box 82, Folder 10:

Correspondence and notes, circa 1982. 

Subseries 16: 1983 
Box 35, Folder 01:

“Man of Peace” typescript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983, with revisions. 

Box 35, Folder 02:

“Don’t Fall Apart on Me Tonight” typescript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes several iterations of the lyrics, extensive revisions, and marginalia and notes.  

Box 35, Folder 03:

“Jokerman” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes numerous iterations of the lyrics, extensive revisions, and marginalia and notes. 

Box 35, Folder 04:

Unknown lyrics (“About the murder I don’t know …”) from Infidels, circa 1983. 

Box 35, Folder 05:

“Tell Me” manuscript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. 

Box 35, Folder 06:

“Neighborhood Bully” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes several iterations of the lyrics and revisions. 

Box 35, Folder 07:

“Someone’s Got a Hold of My Heart” typescript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes numerous iterations of the lyrics and extensive revisions. 

Box 35, Folder 08:

“Death Is Not the End” typescript lyrics from Infidels. circa 1983. Includes several iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 35, Folder 09:

“Clean Cut Kid” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes several iterations of the lyrics and revisions. 

Box 35, Folder 11:

“Blind Willie McTell” typescript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes two iterations of the lyrics and revisions. 

Box 36, Folder 01:

Unknown lyrics (“I am a guard in a federal pen …”) from Infidels, circa 1983.  

Box 36, Folder 02:

“Julius and Ethel” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983, with extensive revisions. 

Box 36, Folder 03:

“License to Kill” lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983.  

Box 36, Folder 04:

“Union Sundown” lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes two iterations of the lyrics with extensive revisions. 

Box 36, Folder 05:

“Foot of Pride” manuscript lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Heavily revised working draft with lyric fragments.  

Box 36, Folder 06:

Cover song lyrics from Infidels, circa 1983. Includes “Across the Borderline,” Ry Cooder, John Hiatt, Jim Dickinson; and “I Can’t Touch the Sun,” Shel Silverstein. 

Box 36, Folder 07:

Notes for Infidels album credits, circa 1983. 

Box 36, Folder 09:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics from the period around the album Infidels, circa 1983. 

Subseries 17: 1984 
Box 83, Folder 01:

Drawing by Dylan, dated 1984. 

Subseries 18: 1985 
Box 80, Folder 06:

1985 set list. 

Box 83, Folder 02:

Notes, lists, and writings, circa 1985. 

Box 83, Folder 03:

“When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky” manuscript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. Accompanied by a clean, single leaf, typescript of revised lyrics. 

Box 83, Folder 04:

“Queen of Rock-N-Roll” typescript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. Includes nine iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised throughout. 

Box 83, Folder 05:

Unknown lyrics (“One starry nite …”) from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985.  

Box 83, Folder 06:

“The Very Thought of You” typescript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. Heavily revised throughout. 

Box 83, Folder 07:

Unknown lyrics (possibly “Fear, Hate, Envy & Jealousy”) from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985.  

Box 83, Folder 08:

“Straight A’s in Love” typescript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. Heavily revised throughout. 

Box 83, Folder 09:

“Trust Yourself” typescript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. Heavily revised throughout. Includes manuscript lyrics for “Emotionally Yours” on the verso of the second leaf.  

Box 83, Folder 10:

“I’ll Remember You” typescript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985.  

Box 83, Folder 11:

Unknown typescript lyrics (“It’s a touchy situation …”) from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

Box 84, Folder 01:

Unknown typescript lyrics (“All there is now/and now is all there will ever be …”) from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

 Box 84, Folder 02:

Unknown typescript lyrics (“It might be you …”) from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

Box 84, Folder 03:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“They said ‘Where is this God?’ …”) from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

Box 84, Folder 04:

“Tight Connection to My Heart (Has Anybody Seen My Love)” a.k.a. “Someone’s Got a Hold on My Heart” manuscript lyrics, circa 1985. Heavily revised. 

Box 84, Folder 05:

“Never Gonna Be the Same Again” and “Maybe Someday” manuscript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

Box 84, Folder 06:

“Waiting to Get Beat” manuscript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

Box 84, Folder 07:

“Dark Eyes” manuscript lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

Box 84, Folder 08:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics from Empire Burlesque, circa 1985. 

Subseries 19: 1986 
Box 93, Folder 02:

Correspondence, notes, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1986. 

Box 93, Folder 03.01–03.02:

Hearts of Fire film and soundtrack notes, circa 1986. Contains manuscript lyrics, correspondence, and call sheets.  

Box 93, Folder 04:

“Brownsville Girl” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Knocked Out Loaded, circa 1986. Includes several iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 93, Folder 05:

“Maybe Someday” manuscript lyrics from Knocked Out Loaded, circa 1986. 

Box 93, Folder 06:

“You Wanna Ramble” manuscript lyrics from Knocked Out Loaded, circa 1986. Lyrics based loosely on Junior Parker’s “I Wanna Ramble.” 

Box 93, Folder 07:

“Under Your Spell” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Knocked Out Loaded, circa 1986. 

Box 93, Folder 08:

“Driftin’ Too Far From Shore” manuscript lyrics from Knocked Out Loaded, circa 1986.  

Box 93, Folder 09:

Notes and lyrics from Knocked Out Loaded, circa 1986. Includes two set lists and cover song lyrics for “Peggy–O,” “This Train,” “Go Down, Moses,” and “Down in the Valley.” 

Box 93, Folder 10:

“Band of the Hand” lyrics from Band of the Hand, circa 1986.  

Box 94, Folder 01:

Notes from Knocked Out Loaded, circa 1986. 

Subseries 20: 1988 
Box 84, Folder 09:

Notes, correspondence, and lyric proofs, circa 1988. 

Box 84, Folder 10:

“Ninety Miles an Hour (Down a Dead End Street)” manuscript lyrics from Down in the Groove, circa 1988.  

Box 84, Folder 11:

“When Did You Leave Heaven?” manuscript lyrics from Down in the Groove, circa 1988.  

Box 85, Folder 01:

“Ugliest Girl in the World” manuscript lyrics from Down in the Groove, circa 1988. 

Box 85, Folder 02:

“Had a Dream About You, Baby” manuscript lyrics from Down in the Groove, circa 1988. 

Subseries 21: 1989 
Box 85, Folder 03:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1989. 

Box 85, Folders 04.01–04.04:

“Dignity” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes several iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised throughout. 

Box 85, Folder 05:

“Where Teardrops Fall” manuscript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes several iterations of the lyrics with extensive revisions. 

Box 85, Folder 06:

“Everything Is Broken” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes draft notes and five iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

Box 85, Folders 07.01–07.02:

“Shooting Star” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes draft notes and twelve iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

Box 86, Folder 01:

“Man in the Long Black Coat” manuscript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes four iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

Box 86, Folder 02:

“What Was It You Wanted” manuscript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes four iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

 Box 86, Folder 03:

“Political World” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes four iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

Box 86, Folder 04:

“Series of Dreams” typescript and manuscript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. 

Box 86, Folder 05:

“Ring Them Bells” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes three iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

Box 86, Folder 06:

“T.V. Talkin’ Song” manuscript and typescript lyrics from the period of Oh Mercy, circa 1989. 

Box 86, Folder 07:

“What Good Am I?” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. 

Box 86, Folder 08:

“Disease of Conceit” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes two typescript iterations alongside manuscript draft. 

Box 86, Folder 09:

“Born in Time” manuscript and typescript lyrics, circa 1989. 

Box 86, Folder 10:

“Most of the Time” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes four iterations, heavily revised. 

Box 86, Folder 11:

“God Knows” manuscript and typescript lyrics, circa 1989. 

Box 87, Folder 01:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“Mr. Moneybags”) from Oh Mercy, circa 1989.  

Box 87, Folder 02:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“Love Ya Easy”) from Oh Mercy, circa 1989.  

Box 87, Folder 03:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“Now I don’t know who I am anymore …”) from Oh Mercy, circa 1989.  

Box 87, Folder 04:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“If Jesus walked the street     today …”) from Oh Mercy, circa 1989.  

Box 87, Folder 05:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“… By the look in your eye”) from Oh Mercy, circa 1989.  

Box 87, Folder 06:

Unknown typescript and manuscript lyrics (“You are my destiny …”) from Oh Mercy, circa 1989.  

Box 87, Folder 07:

Cover song lyrics from the era of Oh Mercy, circa 1989. Includes “Erin’s Green Shore” [traditional], “Baby I Don’t Care No More” [Mason Ruffner], “Defying Gravity” [Jesse Winchester], “Prisoner of Love” [Russ Columbo, Leo Robin, Clarence Gaskill], “When I Loved You” [Charlie and Ira Louvin]. 

Box 87, Folder 08:

Notes on album sequencing related to Oh Mercy, circa 1989. 

Box 88, Folders 01.01–01.02:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics from Oh Mercy, circa 1989. 

Subseries 22: 1990 
Box 88, Folder 02:

“Under the Red Sky” manuscript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 03:

“Cat’s in the Well” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 04:

“Wiggle Wiggle” manuscript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 05:

“Unbelievable” manuscript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. Includes three iterations of the lyrics, heavily revised. 

Box 88, Folder 06:

“Handy Dandy” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 07:

“2 X 2” manuscript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 08:

“T.V. Talkin’ Song” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 09:

“10,000 Men” typescript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 10:

“God Knows” manuscript lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Box 88, Folder 11:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics from Under the Red Sky, circa 1990. 

Subseries 23: 1992 
Box 94, Folder 02:

Correspondence and clippings, circa 1992. 

Subseries 24: 1993 
Box 94, Folder 03:

Gerde’s Folk City movie treatment, correspondence, and notes, circa 1993. 

Box 94, Folder 04:

“Heartland” with Willie Nelson lyrics, circa 1993. 

Box 94, Folders 05.01–05.02:

Typescript drafts of “About the Songs,” liner notes from World Gone Wrong, circa 1993. 

Box 94, Folder 06:

Miscellaneous notes from World Gone Wrong, circa 1993. Includes notes on track sequencing, press release, cover song lyrics, etc. 

Subseries 25: 1997 
Box 101, Folder 07:

“Mississippi” manuscript lyrics from the period of Time Out of Mind, circa 1997 (the song ultimately appeared on the album Love and Theft, 2001). 

Box 101, Folder 08:

“Highlands” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 101, Folder 09:

“All I Ever Loved Is You” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 101, Folder 10:

“Million Miles” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 101, Folder 11:

“Dreamin’ of You” lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 01:

“Cold Irons Bound” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 02:

“Dirt Road Blues” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 03:

“Things Have Changed” lyric fragment from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 04:

Unknown manuscript lyrics (“Until I Saw You…”) from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 05:

“Til I Fell in Love with You” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 06:

“Love Sick” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 07:

“Not Dark Yet” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 08:

“Can’t Wait” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 09:

“Red River Shore” manuscript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 10:

“Marching to the City” typescript lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 11:

Manuscript cover song lyrics (“I’m Free at Last,” by Ernest Tubb) from the period of Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Box 102, Folder 12:

Notes and unfinished lyrics from Time Out of Mind, circa 1997. 

Subseries 26: 1999 
Box 96, Folder 08:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1999 

Subseries 27: 2001  
Box 103, Folder 01:

“Lonesome Day Blues” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 02:

“Bye and Bye” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 03:

“High Water (for Charley Patton)” manuscript and typescript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 04:

“Floater (Too Much to Ask)” manuscript and typescript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 05:

“Moonlight” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 06:

“Po’ Boy” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 07:

“Summer Days” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 08:

“Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 09:

“Sugar Baby” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 10:

“Honest with Me” manuscript lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 11:

“Cry a While” lyrics from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Box 103, Folder 12:

Unknown manuscript lyrics (“Everlasting queen of my heart …”) from “Love and Theft, circa 2001. 

Subseries 28: 2002 
Box 97, Folder 01:

“Cross the Green Mountain” manuscript lyrics from the Gods and Generals soundtrack, circa 2002. 

Box 97, Folder 02:

“Waiting for You” manuscript lyrics from the Divine Secrets of the Ya–Ya Sisterhood soundtrack, circa 2002. 

Subseries 29: 2006  
Box 104, Folder 01:

“When the Deal Goes Down” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. 

Box 104, Folder 02:

“Nettie Moore” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. Includes six iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 104, Folder 03:

“Spirit on the Water” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. 

Box 104, Folder 04:

“Ain’t Talkin’” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. 

Box 104, Folder 05:

“Beyond the Horizon” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. 

Box 104, Folder 06:

“Thunder on the Mountain” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. Includes six iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 104, Folder 07:

“The Levee’s Gonna Break” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. Includes three iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 104, Folder 08:

“Rollin’ and Tumblin’” manuscript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. 

Box 104, Folder 09:

“Workingman’s Blues #2” manuscript and typescript lyrics from Modern Times, circa 2006. 

Box 104, Folder 10:

Miscellaneous manuscript lyrics from the period of Modern Times, circa 2006. 

Subseries 30: 2008 
Box 97, Folder 03:

“Tell Ol’ Bill” manuscript lyrics from the North Country soundtrack, circa 2008. 

Subseries 31: 2009  
Box 104, Folder 11:

“I Feel a Change Comin’ On” manuscript lyrics from Together Through Life, circa 2009. 

Box 105, Folder 01:

“It’s All Good” manuscript lyrics from Together Through Life, circa 2009. 

Box 105, Folder 02:

“Life Is Hard” typescript lyrics from Together Through Life, circa 2009. Includes two iterations of the lyrics. 

Box 105, Folder 03:

“Jolene” manuscript lyrics from Together Through Life, circa 2009. 

Subseries 32: 2012  
Box 105, Folder 04:

“Tempest” manuscript lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. 

Box 105, Folder 05:

“Narrow Way” manuscript lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. Includes nine, heavily revised iterations of the lyrics with notes. 

Box 105, Folder 06:

“Scarlet Town” lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. 

Box 105, Folder 07:

“Tin Angel” manuscript lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. 

Box 105, Folder 08:

“Long and Wasted Years” manuscript lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. 

Box 105, Folder 09:

“Duquesne Whistle” manuscript lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. 

Box 105, Folder 10:

“Pay in Blood” manuscript lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. 

Box 105, Folder 11:

Miscellaneous lyrics from Tempest, circa 2012. 

Series 02: Cover Song Lyrics 

Subseries 01: Undated 
Box 94, Folders 07.01–07.02:

Undated cover song lyrics. 

Subseries 02: Late 1960s 
Box 05, Folder 02:

Unrecorded song lyrics for the album, John Wesley Harding, circa 1967. Lyrics written out by Dylan on yellow legal paper that appear to be both originals (including “The Red Door” and “Letter in the Mail”) and variations on songs originally authored and performed by others including “Stella’s Got a New Dress” and “Brave Wolfe.” 

Subseries 03: Late 1980s/Early 1990s 
Box 32, Folder 01:

Cover song lyric manuscripts, circa 1980s. Collection of manuscript lyrics by Hank Williams (“You Win Again”), Billy Rose (“You Belong to Me”) and Baker Knight (“Lonesome Town”), among others. “You Belong to Me” would be recorded by Dylan and released on the soundtrack to the Oliver Stone film Natural Born Killers (1994).   

Box 94, Folder 08:

Cover song lyrics, late 1980s/early 1990s. 

Series 03: Miscellaneous Writings 

Subseries 01: 1960s 
Box 06, Folder 02:

Unrecorded lyrics and song fragments manuscripts, circa 1967. Including “Tallahassee Tramp” and “Down In.” 

Box 07, Folders 03.01–03.04:

Miscellaneous manuscript notes, writings and song fragments, circa 1968–1974. Includes a ticket for a Buffy St. Marie show in 1974, various business cards with notes; prose and lyric fragments; political writings; lists; and a set list in two acts.  

Subseries 02: 1970s 
Box 97, Folders 04.01–04.02:

Miscellaneous writings, circa 1975–79.   

Subseries 03: 1980s   
Box 97, Folders 05.01–05.05:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1980–84.  

Box 98, Folder 01:

Miscellaneous writings from the late 1980s.  

Box 98, Folders 02.01–02.07:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1985–89. 

Subseries 04: 1990s  
Box 95, Folders 01.01–01.03:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1990–1994. 

Box 95, Folder 02:

Unfinished manuscript lyrics, circa 1990–1994. 

Box 95, Folder 03:

Unknown manuscript lyrics (“My people…”), circa 1990–1994. 

Box 98, Folder 03:

Notes, writings, and unfinished lyrics, circa 1995–99. 

Box 101, Folder 02:

Notepad 1 containing manuscript pages about Dylan’s childhood and public perception.

Box 101, Folder 03:

Yellow notebook paper containing manuscript pages about Dylan’s childhood and early musical heroes.

Box 101, Folder 04

Manuscript pages about retirement and recording “Before the Flood.”

Box 101, Folder 05

Miscellaneous autobiographical notes and writings.

Subseries 05: Undated 
Box 32, Folder 02:

Unrecorded manuscript lyrics in song form, originals circa 1980s. 

Box 32, Folder 03:

Unrecorded manuscript lyrics in song form, originals circa 1980s. 

Box 32, Folder 04:

First group of medium-format unrecorded manuscript lyrics, originals circa 1980s. 

Box 32, Folder 05:

Second group of medium-format unrecorded manuscript lyrics, originals circa 1980s. 

Box 32, Folders 06.01–06.03:

First group of small-format unrecorded manuscript lyrics, originals circa 1980s. 

Box 33, Folders 01.01–01.03:

Second group of small-format unrecorded manuscript lyrics, originals circa 1980s. 

Box 33, Folders 02.01–02.03:

Third group of small-format unrecorded manuscript lyrics, originals circa 1980s. 

Box 33, Folders 03.01–03.03:

Scraps of paper containing unrecorded manuscript lyrics, originals circa 1980s.  

Box 95, Folders 04.01–04.07:

Miscellaneous writings and song fragments, circa 1970–2002. Includes handwritten notes and lyrical sketches such as “Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You.”  

Box 96, Folders 02.01–02.04:

Miscellaneous writings and song fragments, circa 1970–2002. Includes handwritten and typewritten lyrical sketches and religious writings. 

Series 04: Notebooks 

Box 01, Folder 01:

Yellow pocket memo book, circa 1966–68. Includes handwritten lyrics to Willie Dixon/Howlin’ Wolf’s “Backdoor Man” with notes on Curtis Mayfield, Nina Simone, Muddy Waters, Manet, and Robert Johnson. 

Box 01, Folder 02:

Red pocket memo book, circa 1967–69. Unfinished lyric fragments: “Cash on the Barrelhead,” “I’ll Tell a Joke For You,” and “Beggars’ Kingdom.” 

Box 01, Folder 03:

Green “Penrite” pocket memo book, circa 1966–68. Unfinished lyric fragments (including “I’m In Love With You”); telephone numbers; note on John Lennon; and Eat the Document editing notes. 

Box 01, Folder 04:

Brown pocket memo book, circa 1967–68. Lyrics: “I Am A Lonesome Hobo” and “Dear Landlord”; verses for unrecorded songs: “No Particular Length of Time,” “I Just Hate to Quit,” and “Somebody Like Me.” 

Box 01, Folder 05:

Blue pocket memo book, circa 1966–68. Lyric fragments and chord progressions for unrecorded songs including “Lonely For You” and “You Got to Fall”; Alfred Hitchcock’s California address; and Eat the Document editing notes. 

Box 01, Folder 06:

Brown pocket memo book, circa 1967–68. Unfinished lyric fragments (including “80 Cousins,” and “You Belong to Me”), Bible verses, and numerous drawings. 

Box 01, Folder 07:

Green pocket memo book, circa 1967–69. Unfinished lyric fragments and prose pieces (including “The Heat”), Bible verses and small drawings alongside a “to do” list.    

Box 01, Folder 08:

Yellow pocket memo book, circa 1966–68. Filled with lyric fragments and completed verses, none of which identify with songs Dylan recorded during this period.   

Box 01, Folder 09:

Light blue pocket memo book, circa 1967–69. Filled with unrecorded lyrics (including “John Lennon Hat” and “To Be Alone”), memos, and phone numbers.   

Box 01, Folder 10:

Red memo book, circa 1969–70. Unrecorded lyrics “Jamie’s Still Looking” and “Savage.” 

Box 01, Folder 11:

Brown pocket notebook, circa 1965. Early sketches of songs that would become Highway 61 Revisited together with unrecorded lyrics (including “Zebra” and “Bringdown”), notes and drawings. 

Box 01, Folder 12:

Yellow memo book, circa 1967–69. Unrecorded lyrics, notes, drawings, and film editing notes for Eat the Document describing a scene with Tiny Tim. 

Box 03, Folder 01:

Partially used hardbound black notebook, ca. 1969–70 containing several pen and ink drawings and drafts for unrecorded lyrics (including “Oh, Why Can’t I Sleep,” “Off the Deep End,” and “Dark Woods”). 

Box 03, Folder 02:

Partially used hardbound black notebook , ca. 1969–70 containing several pen and ink drawings alongside longer prose pieces in Dylan’s hand including one titled, “Porky Morgan.” 

Box 48, Folders 01–03:

Notepads (most monogrammed hotel pads) containing a variety of memos, song fragments, and unrecorded lyrics, circa 1984–1990.  

Box 48, Folder 04:

White lined spiralbound notebook. 

Box 48, Folder 05: Box 49, Folder 01:

Notepads (most monogrammed hotel pads) containing a variety of memos, song fragments, and unrecorded lyrics, circa 1984–1990. 

Box 49, Folder 02:

White notepad with missing cover containing Dylan’s longhand transcription of lyrics to Woody Guthrie’s “Vigilante Man”, “Pretty Boy Floyd,” and “The Train.” 

Box 49, Folder 03:

Blue, spiralbound notepad containing notes and song fragments as well as Dylan’s longhand transcription of lyrics to John Prine’s “Donald and Lydia.” 

Box 49, Folders 04–12:

Notepads (most monogrammed hotel pads) containing a variety of memos, song fragments, and unrecorded lyrics, circa 1984–1990. 

Box 49, Folder 13:

Blue Silverline spiral notepad, circa 1986. Contains numerous song fragments and completed verses to “All Dolled Up/Poison.” 

Box 49, Folder 14:

“Green plain note vellum notepad, circa 1986. Contains numerous song fragments and notes as well as lyrics to “3 Wishes” [Van Morrison]. 

Box 99, Folder 01:

Small notebook 1, circa 1983. First entry dated January 23, 1983.  Includes lyrics to “Someone’s Got A Hold of My Heart,” “Don’t Fall Apart On Me Tonight,” “Tell Me,” “Neighborhood Bully,” and “I and I,” alongside unpublished lyrics.  

Box 99, Folder 03:

Small notebook 3, circa 1983–84. Contains unfinished lyrics and notes. 

Box 99, Folder 05:

Small notebook 5, circa 1974. Includes lyrics to “Idiot Wind,” “Simple Twist of Fate,” and “Tangled Up In Blue.” 

Box 99, Folder 06:

Small notebook 6, circa 1974. Includes lyrics to “Meet Me In The Morning,” “You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go,” “Idiot Wind,” “Simple Twist Of Fate,” “Tangled Up In Blue,” “Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts,” and “Shelter From The Storm.” 

Box 99, Folder 07:

Medium notebook 1, circa 1989–90. Includes lyrics to “Handy Dandy” and “Unbelievable.” 

Box 99, Folder 08:

Medium notebook 2.  

Box 99, Folder 10:

Medium notebook 4, circa 1992. Includes writings on drawing.  

Box 99, Folder 11:

Medium notebook 5, circa late 1980s.  

Box 99, Folder 12:

Medium notebook 6, circa 1989. Includes lyrics to “Dignity” as well as unpublished lyrics. 

Box 99, Folder 13:

Large notebook 1, circa 1993. Includes reflections on songwriting. Inserts from this notebook are located in 2016.01 B99 F16. 

Box 99, Folder 15:

Typed transcriptions for small notebook 1, small notebook 5, small notebook 6, medium notebook 1, and medium notebook 6. 

Box 99, Folder 16:

Inserts from large notebook 1, circa 1993. 

Box 100, Folder 01:

Large notebook 2, circa 1978. Includes lyrics to “Is Your Love in Vain?” and “I’m Cold” 

Box 100, Folder 03:

Large notebook 4, circa late 1970s/early 1980s.  

Box 100, Folder 04:

Large notebook 6, circa 1989. Includes lyrics to “Dignity” as well as unpublished lyrics. Inserts from this notebook are located in 2016.01 B100, Folders 05.01–05.02. 

Box 100, Folders 05.01–05.02:

Inserts from large notebook 6. Transcriptions of these inserts are located in 2016.01 B100 F06. 

Box 100, Folder 06:

Transcriptions of the inserts from large notebook 6 

Series 05: Non–Album Projects 

Subseries 01: Tarantula 
Box 08, Folder 01:

Typescript draft #1 of Tarantula with handwritten corrections throughout, circa 1965–66. 

Box 08, Folder 02.01–02–02:

Typescript draft #2 of Tarantula with handwritten corrections throughout, circa 1965–66. 

Box 08, Folder 03.01–03.02:

Typescript draft #3 of Tarantula with handwritten corrections throughout, circa 1965–66.  

Box 08, Folder 04.01–04.02:

Typescript draft #4 of Tarantula with only a single handwritten correction, circa 1965–66, pp. 1–51. 

Box 08, Folder 05:

Incomplete typescript draft #5 of Tarantula with only a few holograph corrections and overtyped changes. Partial draft begins at page 43.  

Box 08, Folder 06:

Writings and edits for Tarantula, circa 1965–66. Collection of early draft material, heavily revised in Dylan’s hand, and of poetry and prose fragments that would eventually be included in the final version of Tarantula (1971, Macmillan). 

Box 09, Folders 01.01–01.02:

Various poetry and prose typescripts and manuscripts, circa 1965–66. A miscellany of Dylan’s writing that includes prose sketches later published in Tarantula, song fragments (“Key to the Alley”) and an unsent letter to Crawdaddy! editor Paul Williams.  

Box 09, Folders 02.01–02.02:

Unpublished poetry and prose typescripts and manuscripts from the same cache that produced Tarantula, circa 1965–66. These wholly unpublished pieces include, among others, the poems “Unique Among None,” “2 Beat” and “Take One Like Kafka.”  

Subseries 02: Eat the Document 
Box 09, Folders 03.01–03.02:

Dylan’s editing notes for the film, Eat the Document (1971, directed by Dylan and Howard Alk, cinematography by D. A. Pennebaker), circa 1970–71. Mostly handwritten editing notes and shot selects. Contains a typescript page explaining the nature of the film. 

Box 09, Folders 04.01–04.02:

More of Dylan’s editing notes for the film, Eat the Document (1971, directed by Dylan and Howard Alk, cinematography by D. A. Pennebaker), circa 1970–71. Handwritten editing notes and shot selects.  

Box 09, Folders 05.01–05.02:

Person A’s editing notes for the film, Eat the Document (1971, directed by Dylan and Howard Alk, cinematography by D. A. Pennebaker), circa 1970–71. 

Box 10, Folders 01.01–01.03:

Person B’s editing notes for the film, Eat the Document (1971, directed by Dylan and Howard Alk, cinematography by D. A. Pennebaker), circa 1970–71. 

Box 10, Folders 02.01–02.04:

Miscellaneous editing notes for the film, Eat the Document (1971, directed by Dylan and Howard Alk, cinematography by D. A. Pennebaker), circa 1970–71. 

Subseries 03: Writings and Drawings 
Box 02, Folders 01.01–01.08:

Manuscript and drawings from “Morris Zollar Wants to Know…” circa 1969– 70. Prose and ink drawings authored (and copyrighted) by Dylan in the late 1960s. A fragment of this manuscript appears in Writings and Drawings (Knopf, 1973).  

Box 34, Folder 10:

Various typescript and manuscript writings, circa 1964–73. Includes poems, lyric fragments, and short prose for inclusion in Writings and Drawings (Knopf, 1973). 

Subseries 04: Miscellaneous 
Box 34, Folder 09:

Miscellaneous writings, circa 1960s. Includes liner notes by Dylan for the Peter, Paul and Mary album In the Wind, circa 1963, and a poem titled “Advice for Geraldine on Her Miscellaneous Birthday.” 

Box 36, Folder 10:

“Some Other Kinds of Songs: Poems by Bob Dylan” complete, revised typescript draft. This collection of poems is published, in edited form, in the liner notes to the album of Another Side of Bob Dylan (1964) and reprinted in Writings and Drawings (Knopf, 1973).  

Box 96, Folder 03:

Manuscript draft of the liner notes to the Dion: King of the New York Streets CD Boxset, 2002.  

Box 96, Folder 04:

Manuscript draft of the flap jacket notes for the autobiography, Levon Helm: This Wheel’s on Fire, 1993.  

Box 96, Folder 05:

Typescript draft for the notes that accompanied Alan Douglas’s Jimi Hendrix exhibition at Govinda Gallery, Washington, DC, 1993.  

Box 96, Folder 06:

Typescript draft of the Stevie Wonder Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction speech, 1989. 

Box 96, Folder 07:

Correspondence and drafts related to Drawn Blank book of the 1990s (including letters from David Rosenthal and Brett Whiteley and Dylan’s introduction to the book). 

Series 06: Contracts  

Box 106, Folder 01:

Carbon copy of executed agreement with M. Witmark & Sons, dated July 12, 1962. 

Box 106, Folders 02.01–02.04:

M. Witmark & Sons and Warner Bros. Music contracts, circa 1960s–1980s. Includes several contracts, amendments, and legal memos. 

Box 106, Folder 03:

M. Witmark & Sons “Talking Songs” correspondence, circa 1963–1972. Includes Dylan’s carbon copies of executed drafts of early Witmark agreements in addition to legal correspondence and notes from Dylan’s “attorney-in-fact,” Naomi Saltzman.  

Box 106, Folders 04.01–04.03:

M. Witmark & Sons contact correspondence, circa 1969–1976. Includes a telegram sent by Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in April, 1969 regarding the use of “It’s Alright Ma, I’m Only Bleeding” in Easy Rider. 

Box 106, Folder 05:

CBS recording contract, dated October 26, 1961 (effective March 1, 1962).  

Box 107, Folders 01.01–01.03:

CBS recording contract, dated July 1, 1967, with later amendments. 

Box 107, Folder 02:

CBS recording contract, dated November 29, 1971 (never executed).  

Box 107, Folder 03:

CBS recording contract, dated October 26, 1971, and related correspondence. 

Box 107, Folder 04:

Correspondence between Dylan’s lawyers and CBS Records executives regarding copyrights, royalties, and contracts, circa 1968–1974. 

Box 107, Folder 05:

Multiple emended copies of songwriter’s agreement with Dwarf Music, dated January 1, 1966.  

Box 107, Folder 06:

Carbon copy of executed Duchess Music contract, dated January 5, 1962 together with related legal correspondence, circa 1978–79. 

Box 107, Folders 07.01–07.02:

Screenings for prospective purchasers of the late 1972 non–theatrical run of Eat the Document. Includes correspondence with the Whitney Museum of Art in addition to letters from prospective distributers such as Juliet Films, Inc. 

Series 07: Recording Session Paperwork 

Box 30, Folder 01.01: Box 31, Folder 01.10:

CBS Records Recording Studios Tape Data Sheets, 1961–70, master tape Boxes 178–396. Annotated pages listing CBS’ holdings of Dylan’s “master tapes.” Each Box is given its own separate sheet with information pertaining to song title(s), Box number, identifying matrix numbers, track numbers, etc. 

Box 45, Folders 01.01–01.05:

Session reports, artist contract cards, American Federation of Musician phonograph recording contracts, and related correspondence, circa 1960–1976. 

Box 45, Folder 02.01: Box 47, Folder 01.10:

American Federation of Musicians union session reports, related documents, and correspondence. These reports document recording dates, song(s) recorded, and the musicians, studios, engineers, and producers present at the sessions that produced Dylan’s albums and singles. 

Series 08: Copyright Edits 

Subseries 01: 1965–1973 
Box 11, Folder 01:

“All American Boy” typescript copyright edits (1967, unreleased). 

Box 11, Folder 02:

“Bourbon Street” typescript copyright edits (1967, unreleased).  

Box 11, Folder 03:

“California” typescript copyright edits (1972, unreleased).  

Box 11, Folder 04:

“Denise” typescript copyright edits (1970, unreleased).  

Box 11, Folder 05:

“Don’t Ya Tell Henry” typescript copyright edits (1967–71, The Basement Tapes).  

Box 11, Folder 06:

“Dress It Up, Better Have it All” typescript copyright edits (1969–71, unreleased).  

Box 11, Folder 07:

“Eric Von Schmidt” typescript copyright edits (1969, liner notes). 

Box 11, Folder 08:

“Goin’ to Acapulco” typescript copyright edits (1967, The Basement Tapes).  

Box 11, Folder 09:

“I Wanna Be Your Lover” typescript copyright edits (1965, Biograph).  

Box 11, Folder 10:

“Mary Lou, I Love You Too” typescript copyright edits (1966–68, unreleased).  

Box 12, Folder 01:

“Santa Fe” typescript copyright edits (1967–73, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I–III).  

Box 12, Folder 02:

“She’s Your Lover Now” typescript copyright edits (1965, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I–III).   

Box 12, Folder 03:

“Sign of the Cross” typescript copyright edits (1967, unreleased). 

Box 12, Folder 04:

“Silent Weekend” typescript copyright edits (1967, unreleased). 

Box 12, Folder 05:

“Tell Me Momma” typescript copyright edits, (1966, The Bootleg Series: Vol. IV).  

Box 12, Folder 06:

“Wild Wolf” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1973, unreleased).  

Box 12, Folder 07:

“You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1967, The Basement Tapes). 

Subseries 02: 1969–1970 
Box 13, Folder 01:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “Country Pie,” revised by Dylan (1969, Nashville Skyline).  

Box 13, Folder 02:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “I Threw It All Away,” revised by Dylan, along with typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1969, Nashville Skyline). 

Box 13, Folder 03:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “One More Night,” revised by Dylan (1969, Nashville Skyline).  

Box 13, Folder 04:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “Peggy Day,” revised by Dylan (1969, Nashville Skyline).  

Box 13, Folder 05:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “To Be Alone With You,” revised by Dylan, along with typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1969, Nashville Skyline). 

Box 13, Folder 06:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here with You,” revised by Dylan (1969, Nashville Skyline).  

Box 13, Folder 07:

“Alberta #1” and “Alberta #2” typescript copyright edits (1970, Self–Portrait).  

Box 13, Folder 08:

“Belle Isle” typescript copyright edits (1970, Self–Portrait). 

Box 14, Folder 01:

“Days of 49” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1970, Self–Portrait).  

Box 14, Folder 02:

“Minstrel Boy” typescript and manuscript copyright edits, two iterations (1970, Self–Portrait).  

Box 14, Folder 03:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “Father of Night,” revised by Dylan (1970, New Morning). 

Box 14, Folder 04:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “If Dogs Run Free,” revised by Dylan (1970, New Morning).  

Box 14, Folder 05:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “The Man in Me,” revised by Dylan (1970, New Morning). 

Box 14, Folder 06:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “New Mornin’,” revised by Dylan (1970, New Morning). 

Box 14, Folder 07:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “One More Weekend,” revised by Dylan (1970, New Morning). 

Box 14, Folder 08:

Carbon copy of sheet music and carbon typescript lyrics for “Went to See the Gypsy,” revised by Dylan (1970, New Morning). 

Box 14, Folder 09:

Carbon copy of sheet music for “Winterlude,” revised by Dylan (1970, New Morning).  

Subseries 03: 1971–1973 
Box 15, Folder 01:

“George Jackson” (acoustic version) typescript copyright edits (1971, single). 

Box 15, Folder 02:

“It Not for You” typescript copyright edits (1971, Greatest Hits Vol. 2).  

Box 15, Folder 03:

“When I Paint My Masterpiece” typescript copyright edits, three iterations (1971, Greatest Hits Vol. 2).  

Box 15, Folder 04:

“Nobody ’Cept You” typescript copyright edits (1973, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).   

 Box 15, Folder 05:

“Wallflower” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1971, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 15, Folder 06:

“Billy” typescript copyright edits (1972, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid). 

Box 15, Folder 07:

“Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” typescript copyright edits (1972, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid). 

Box 16, Folder 01:

“Goodbye Holly” typescript copyright edits (1972, unreleased).  

Box 16, Folder 02:

“Dirge” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 16, Folder 03:

“Going, Going, Gone” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 16, Folder 04:

“Hazel” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 16, Folder 05:

“Never Say Goodbye” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 16, Folder 06:

“On a Night Like This” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 17, Folder 01:

“Something There Is about You” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 17, Folder 02:

“Tough Mama” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 17, Folder 03:

“Wedding Song” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 17, Folder 04:

“You Angel You” typescript copyright edits (1973, Planet Waves).  

Box 17, Folder 05:

“Sarah Jane” typescript copyright edits (1973, Dylan).  

Subseries 04: 1974 
Box 18, Folder 01:

“Buckets of Rain” typescript copyright edits (1974, Blood on the Tracks). 

Box 18, Folder 02:

“Call Letter Blues” typescript copyright edits (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 18, Folder 03:

“Idiot Wind” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 18, Folder 04:

“If You See Her, Say Hello” typescript copyright edits, three iterations (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 18, Folders 05.01–05.04:

Various versions of “Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts” typescript copyright edits and lyrics (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 18, Folder 06:

“Meet Me in the Morning” typescript copyright edits (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 19, Folder 01:

“Shelter from the Storm” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 19, Folder 02:

“Simple Twist of Fate” typescript copyright edits, three iterations (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 19, Folder 03:

“Tangled Up in Blue” typescript copyright edits, three iterations (1974, Blood on the Tracks). 

Box 19, Folder 04:

“Up to Me” typescript copyright edits (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 19, Folder 05:

“You’re a Big Girl Now” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Box 19, Folder 06:

“You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go” typescript copyright edits (1974, Blood on the Tracks).  

Subseries 05: 1974–1976 
Box 20, Folder 01:

“Abandoned Love” typescript copyright edits (1974, Biograph).  

Box 20, Folder 02:

“Black Diamond Bay” typescript copyright edits (1975, Desire).  

Box 20, Folder 03:

“Hurricane” typescript copyright edits (1975, Desire).  

Box 20, Folder 04:

“Isis” typescript copyright edits, two iterations (1975, Desire).  

Box 20, Folder 05:

“Joey” typescript copyright edits (1975, Desire).  

Box 20, Folder 06:

“Mozambique” typescript copyright edits (1975, Desire).  

Box 20, Folder 07:

“No Time to Think” typescript copyright edits (1975, Desire).  

Subseries 06: 1978–1980 
Box 21, Folder 01:

“Oh, Sister” typescript copyright edits (1975, Desire). 

Box 21, Folder 02:

“Romance in Durango” typescript copyright edits (1975, Desire).  

Box 21, Folder 03:

“Catfish” typescript copyright edits (1975, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 21, Folder 04:

“Golden Loom” typescript copyright edits (1975, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 21, Folder 05:

“Seven Days” typescript copyright edits (1975, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 21, Folder 06:

“Money Blues” typescript copyright edits (1975, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 21, Folder 07:

“Rita May” typescript copyright edits (1975, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 22, Folder 01:

“Baby Stop Crying” typescript copyright edits (1978, Street-Legal).  

Box 22, Folder 02:

“New Pony” typescript copyright edits (1978, Street-Legal).  

Box 22, Folder 03:

“Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)” typescript copyright edits (1978, Street-Legal).  

Box 22, Folder 04:

“Stop Now” typescript copyright edits (1978, Street-Legal).  

Box 22, Folder 05:

“We Better Talk This Over” typescript copyright edits (1978, Street-Legal).  

Box 22, Folder 06:

“Where Are You Tonight? a/k/a Journey through Dark Heat” typescript copyright edits (1978, Street-Legal).  

Box 22, Folder 07:

“Coming from the Heart” typescript copyright edits, 1978 (unreleased).  

Box 22, Folder 08:

“Don’t Be There by Mornin’” typescript copyright edits, 1978 (recorded by Eric Clapton).  

Box 22, Folder 09:

“I Must Love You Too Much” typescript copyright edits, 1978 (unreleased).  

Box 22, Folder 10:

“I Believe in You” typescript copyright edits (1979, Slow Train Coming).  

Box 22, Folder 11:

“Man Gave Names to All the Animals” typescript copyright edits (1979, Slow Train Coming).  

Box 23, Folder 01:

“Precious Angel” typescript copyright edits (1979, Slow Train Coming).  

Box 23, Folder 02:

“Slow Train” typescript copyright edits (1979, Slow Train Coming).  

Box 23, Folder 03:

“When He Returns” typescript copyright edits (1979, Slow Train Coming).  

Box 23, Folder 04:

“In the Garden” typescript copyright edits (1980, Saved).  

Box 23, Folder 05:

“Pressing On” typescript copyright edits (1980, Saved).  

Box 23, Folder 06:

“Saving Grace That’s over Me” typescript copyright edits (1980, Saved).  

Box 23, Folder 07:

“Solid Rock” typescript copyright edits (1980, Saved).  

Box 23, Folder 08:

“City of Gold” typescript copyright edits, 1980 (unreleased).  

Subseries 07: 1980–1983 
Box 23, Folder 09:

“Dead Man, Dead Man” typescript copyright edits (1981, Shot of Love).  

Box 23, Folder 10:

“The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar” typescript copyright edits (1981, Shot of Love).  

Box 23, Folder 11:

“Heart of Mine” typescript copyright edits (1981, Shot of Love).  

Box 24, Folder 01:

“Property of Jesus” typescript copyright edits (1981, Shot of Love).  

Box 24, Folder 02:

“Shot of Love” typescript copyright edits (1981, Shot of Love).  

Box 24, Folder 03:

“Watered-Down Love” typescript copyright edits (1981, Shot of Love).  

Box 24, Folder 04:

“Angelina” typescript copyright edits (1981, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I–III). 

Box 24, Folder 05:

“Caribbean Wind” typescript copyright edits (1981, Biograph). 

Box 24, Folder 06:

“Don’t Fall Apart on Me Tonight” typescript copyright edits (1983, Infidels). 

Box 24, Folder 07:

“I & I” typescript copyright edits (1983, Infidels). 

Box 24, Folder 08:

“Jokerman” typescript copyright edits (1983, Infidels). 

Box 24, Folder 09:

“Julius and Ethel” typescript copyright edits (1983, unreleased). 

Box 24, Folder 10:

“License to Kill” typescript copyright edits, two iterations of the lyrics (1983, Infidels).  

Box 24, Folder 11:

“Man of Peace” typescript copyright edits (1983, Infidels). 

Box 25, Folder 01:

“Neighborhood Bully” typescript copyright edits (1983, Infidels). 

Box 25, Folder 02:

“A Sweetheart Like You” typescript copyright edits, four iterations of the lyrics (1983, Infidels). 

Box 25, Folder 03:

“Union Sundown” typescript copyright edits, two iterations of the lyrics (1983, Infidels).  

Box 25, Folder 04:

“Foot of Pride” typescript copyright edits (1983, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 25, Folder 05:

“Lord Protect My Child” typescript copyright edits (1983, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 25, Folder 06:

“Someone’s Got a Hold of My Heart” typescript copyright edits (1983, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III).  

Box 25, Folder 07:

“Tell Me” typescript copyright edits (1983, The Bootleg Series: Vol. I: III). 

Subseries 08: 1985–1986 
Box 25, Folder 08:

“Clean Cut Kid” typescript copyright edits (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 25, Folder 09:

“Dark Eyes” typescript copyright edits (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 25, Folder 10:

“Emotionally Yours” typescript copyright edits (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 25, Folder 11:

“I’ll Remember You” typescript copyright edits, four iterations of the lyrics (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 26, Folder 01:

“Never Gonna Be the Same Again” typescript copyright edits (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 26, Folder 02:

“Seeing the Real You at Last” typescript copyright edits, two iterations of the lyrics (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 26, Folder 03:

“Something Is Burning, Baby” typescript copyright edits, two iterations of the lyrics (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 26, Folder 04:

“Tight Connection to My Heart” typescript copyright edits, two iterations of the lyrics (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 26, Folder 05:

“Trust Yourself” typescript copyright edits, three iterations of the lyrics (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 26, Folder 06:

“When the Night Comes Falling from the Sky” typescript copyright edits (1985, Empire Burlesque).  

Box 26, Folder 07:

“Straight A’s in Love” typescript copyright edits (1985, unreleased).  

Box 26, Folder 08:

“Maybe Someday” typescript copyright edits (1985, Knocked Out Loaded).  

Box 26, Folder 09:

“Band of the Hand” typescript copyright edits (1986, Band of the Hand).  

Subseries 09: 1988–1990 
Box 26, Folder 10:

“Had a Dream About You, Baby” typescript copyright edits (1988, Down in the Groove).  

Box 26, Folder 11:

“Tweeter and the Monkey Man” carbon typescript copyright edits (1988, The Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1).  

Box 27, Folder 01:

“Broken” a/k/a “Everything is Broken” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy).  

Box 27, Folder 02:

“Disease of Conceit” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy). 

Box 27, Folder 03:

“Man in the Long Black Coat” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy).  

Box 27, Folder 04:

“Most of the Time” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy).  

Box 27, Folder 05:

“Political World” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy).  

Box 27, Folder 06:

“Ring Them Bells” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy).  

Box 27, Folder 07:

“Shooting Star” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy).  

Box 27, Folder 08:

“What Good Am I” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy).  

Box 27, Folder 09:

“What Was It You Wanted” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy). 

Box 27, Folder 10:

“Where Teardrops Fall” typescript copyright edits (1989, Oh Mercy). 

Box 27, Folder 11:

“Dignity” typescript copyright edits (1989, The Bootleg Series Vol. 8).  

Box 28, Folder 01:

“Born in Time” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 02:

“Cat’s in the Well” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 03:

“God Knows” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 04:

“Handy Dandy” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 05:

“Ten Thousand Men” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 06:

“T.V. Talkin’ Song” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 07:

“Unbelievable” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 08:

“2 X 2” typescript copyright edits (1990, Under the Red Sky).  

Box 28, Folder 09:

“Playboy and Playgirls” carbon typescript copyright edits (1963, unreleased).  

Subseries 10: 2006–2009 
Box 29, Folder 01:

“Ain’t Talkin’ Just Walkin’” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 02:

“Beyond the Horizon” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 03:

“Nettie Moore” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 04:

“Rollin’ and Tumblin’” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 05:

“Someday Baby” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 06:

“Spirit on the Water” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 07:

“Thunder on the Mountain” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 08:

“When the Deal Goes Down” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 09:

“Working Man’s Blues (Apologies to Merle)” carbon typescript copyright edits (2006, Modern Times).  

Box 29, Folder 10:

“Beyond Here Lies Nothin’” carbon typescript copyright edits (2009, Together Through Life).  

Box 29, Folder 11:

“I Feel a Change Coming On” carbon typescript copyright edits (2009, Together Through Life).  

Box 29, Folder 12:

“Forgetful Heart” carbon typescript copyright edits.  

Box 29, Folder 13:

“If You Ever Go to Houston” carbon typescript copyright edits (2009, Together Through Life).  

Box 29, Folder 14:

“It’s All Good” carbon typescript copyright edits (2009, Together Through Life).  

Box 29, Folder 15:

“Jolene” carbon typescript copyright edits (2009, Together Through Life).  

Box 29, Folder 16:

“This Dream of You” carbon typescript copyright edits (2009, Together Through Life).  

Series 09: Ephemera 

Subseries 01: 1960s 
Box 06, Folder 04:

Miscellaneous ephemera with some chord progressions and sheet music circa 

Box 07, Folder 01:

Miscellaneous publications and newspapers from the 1960s.  

Box 07, Folder 02:

Dylan’s leather wallet from 1966 with inserts including two pieces of paper with Johnny Cash’s contact information, and three business cards for Otis Redding, ID Magazine, and journalist Annette Kullenberg.  

Small black notebook (“A Daily Reminder of Important Events”), containing lyrics for “It Ain’t Me Babe,” “My Back Pages,” and “Mama, You Been on My Mind.” 

Subseries 02: 1970s 
Box 101, Folder 06:

The Tarantula in Me: Behind Bob Dylan’s Novel by Craig Karpel (signed by the author, August 1973). 

Subseries 03: Business Documents 

Series 10: Correspondence  

Box 05, Folder 04:

1960s business correspondence, including a letter regarding the purchase of a Cadillac, a letter from Lorraine Burns, an envelope from Rolling Stone, a letter from Rod MacDonald, a letter from Homer Hogan (with Dennis Hopper’s phone number written in Dylan’s hand on the back), and a letter from Jrmy Rosenthal. 

Box 06, Folders 01.01–01.05:

Incoming business and music industry correspondence, circa 1965–1970s. Includes letters regarding Dylan’s royalty rates; a press release announcing that Jimi Hendrix has joined the Woodstock festival line–up; a staple–bound pamphlet titled “An Evening with Salvador Allende”; a carbon news article about the trial of Rubin “Hurricane” Carter; a single sheet of “The Hurricane Trust Fund” stationery. Also present is Dylan’s May 1965 Ministry of Labour Permit allowing him to perform in the United Kingdom (performances filmed by documentarian D. A. Pennebaker, and which appear in the 1967 film, Don’t Look Back).  

Box 06, Folders 03.01–03.02:

Miscellaneous correspondence, circa 1960s and 1970s.  

Box 33, Folder 04:

Miscellaneous correspondence, circa 1986. 

Box 37, Folder 01:

Letter from George Melly (January 15, 1964) 

Box 37, Folder 02:

Two letters from Clive Davis (April 23, 1969 and April 24, 1969) 

Box 37, Folder 03:

Two postcards from Allen Ginsberg (May 4, 1979 and May 13, 1979) and a card from unknown sender 

Box 37, Folder 04:

Postcard from Nat Hentoff (May 9, 1969) 

Box 37, Folder 05:

Letter from Michael Marantz (May 11, 1969) 

Box 37, Folder 06:

Longer letter from Allen Ginsberg (May, 1974) 

Box 37, Folder 07:

Letter from Ralph Gleason’s widow (June 26, 1975) 

Box 37, Folder 08:

Letter to Dylan from Pete Seeger (September 5, 1968), and letter to Pete Seeger from Graeme Allwright (February 14, 1968(?)) 

Box 37, Folder 09:

Letter from Cathy Blumenfeld and Dylan’s handwritten response (November, 1974) 

Box 37, Folder 10:

Contract signed by Rubin Hurricane Carter granting rights to use his image (December 1, 1975) 

Box 37, Folder 11:

Undated letter from George Harrison confirming receipt of Nashville Skyline. 

Box 38, Folder 01:

Undated letter from Garland Jeffreys 

Box 38, Folder 02:

Letter from Harold Leventhal (1968) 

Box 38, Folder 03:

Undated note from Mike Figlio 

 Box 38, Folder 04:

Undated note from Arthur Mogull 

Box 38, Folder 05:

Two undated letters from Al Aronowitz 

Box 38, Folder 06:

Telephone numbers list (including Allen Ginsberg, Carly Simon, David Bromberg, John Lennon, Al Kooper, and Robert Johnson) 

Box 38, Folder 07:

Bob Johnston correspondence (August 11, 1965) 

Box 38, Folder 08:

Letter from Ken Glancy to Al Grossman (June 25, 1965) 

Box 38, Folder 09:

Letter to Triangle Theatre from Kathryn Wemer re: “Who is Bob Dylan?” including articles with references of Dylan (circa 1965) 

Box 38, Folder 10:

Letter from Woody Guthrie Publications (May 15, 1974) 

 Box 39, Folder 01:

Letter from Jann Wenner with “stamp art” 

 Box 39, Folder 02:

Letter from Allen Ginsberg (October 10, 1988) 

Box 39, Folder 03:

Letter from Miranda Updike on her father, John Updike’s, behalf (March 2, 1992) 

Box 39, Folder 04:

Letter from Allen Ginsberg (January 25, 1993) 

 Box 39, Folder 05:

Letter and press clippings from Billy Lee Riley (February 27, 1993) 

Box 39, Folder 06:

Letter from Allen Ginsberg (March 8, 1993) 

Box 39, Folder 07:

Letter from Judy Collins (March 15, 1993) 

Box 39, Folder 08:

Letter from Harold Leventhal (April 7, 1993) 

 Box 39, Folder 09:

Postcard from Allen Ginsberg (December 25, 1993) 

Box 39, Folder 10:

Letter from Don Ienner (May 14, 1997) 

Box 39, Folder 11:

Letter from the Sing Out! Corporation (May 16, 1997) 

Box 40, Folder 01:

Letter from Dave Stewart (January 20, 1998) 

Box 40, Folder 02:

Letter from Evander Holyfield (April 23, 1998) 

Box 40, Folder 03:

Letter from Don Was (January 29, 1999) 

Box 40, Folder 04:

Letter from Spooner Oldham (April 11, 1999) 

Box 40, Folder 05:

Fax printout from Johnny Cash with cover letter written out by John Carter Cash (April 8, 1999) 

Box 40, Folder 06:

Letter from Martin Scorsese (August 16, 1999) 

Box 40, Folder 07:

Letter from Robbie Robertson (November 30, 2001) 

 Box 40, Folder 08:

Telegram from Don Ienner (January 07, 2002) 

Box 40, Folder 09:

Letter from Jeff Bridges (September 25, 2002) 

Box 40, Folder 10:

Letter from Sheryl Crow (August 5, 2002) 

Box 40, Folder 11:

Letter from David Rosenthal (September 13, 2004) 

Box 41, Folder 01:

Letter from David Rosenthal (September 13, 2004) 

Box 41, Folder 02:

Letter from Jann Wenner (November 11, 2004) 

 Box 41, Folder 03:

Email printout from Richard Lewis with note from D. A. Pennebaker (November, 2004) 

Box 41, Folder 04:

Letter from Pennebaker (December 8, 2004) 

 Box 41, Folder 05:

Note from Bette Midler (March, 2005) 

Box 41, Folder 06:

Letter from Jann Wenner (May 4, 2005) 

Box 41, Folder 07:

Letter from Chrissie Hynde (September 28, 2005) 

Box 41, Folder 08:

Fax printout from Jimmy Carter (April 11, 2006) 

Box 41, Folder 09:

Postcard from Curtis Hanson (June 24, 2006) 

Box 41, Folder 10:

Fax printout from Keith Richards (October 20, 2006) 

Box 41, Folder 11:

Two fax printouts from Keith Richards (March 22 and March 23, 2007) 

Box 41, Folder 12:

Letter from Billy Joel (January 31, 2008) 

Box 42, Folder 01:

Letter from Joe Reinstein, Deputy Social Secretary at the White House (January 25, 2010) 

Box 42, Folder 02:

Letter from Michelle Obama (February 17, 2010) 

Box 42, Folder 03:

Letter from Tony Bennett (September 17, 2010) 

 Box 42, Folder 04:

Letter from Tony Bennett (March, 2011) 

Box 42, Folder 06:

Letter from Aurelie Filipetti, French Minister of Culture and Communication (July 7, 2013) 

 Box 42, Folder 07:

Undated fax printout from Joe Strummer 

 Box 42, Folder 08:

Undated letter from Wavy Gravy 

Box 42, Folder 09:

Undated letter from Bono  

 Box 42, Folder 10:

Undated letter from Jack White 

Box 42, Folder 11:

Undated card from Ron Kovic 

Box 43, Folder 01:

Undated letter from Philip Glass 

Box 43, Folder 02:

Undated letter from Jeff Buckley 

Box 43, Folder 03:

Undated note from Chrissie Hynde 

Box 43, Folder 04:

Undated letter from Doug Sahm 

Box 43, Folder 05:

Undated note from Richard Gere 

Box 43, Folder 06:

Undated note from Pete Seeger 

Box 43, Folder 07:

Undated letter from John Cohen 

Box 43, Folder 08:

Unknown sender of letter to Dylan 

Series 11: Sheet Music  

Subseries 01: A 
Box 50, Folder 01:

“Abandoned Love” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 02:

“Ah Ah Ah” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 03:

“Ain’t Gonna Go to Hell for Nobody” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 04:

“Ain’t Gonna Grieve” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 05:

“Ain’t No Man Righteous, No Not One” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 06:

“Alberta” original sheet music (two versions) 

Box 50, Folder 07:

“All American Boy” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 08:

“All I Really Want to Do” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 09:

“All Over You” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 10:

“All the Tired Horses” original sheet music  

Box 50, Folder 11:

“All the Way” original sheet music  

Box 51, Folder 01:

“All the Way Down” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 02:

“Almost Persuaded” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 03:

“And He’s Killed Me Too”: Billy Reprise original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 04:

“Angelina” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 05:

“Are You Ready” original sheet music 

Subseries 02: B 
Box 51, Folder 06:

“Baby Give It Up” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 07:

“Baby I’m in the Mood for You” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 08:

“Baby Let Me Follow You Down” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 09:

“Baby Stop Crying” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 10:

“Ballad in Plain D” original sheet music 

Box 51, Folder 11:

“Ballad of a Thin Man” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 01:

“Ballad of Hollis Brown” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 02:

“Band of the Hand (It’s Hell Time Man!)” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 03:

“Belle Isle” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 04:

“Billy” (Main Title) original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 05:

“Billy” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 06:

“Billy’s Surrender” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 07:

“Black Diamond Bay” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 08:

“Blessed is the Name” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 09:

“Blind Willie McTell” “Blind Willy [sic] McTell” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 10:

“Bob Dylan’s Blues” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 52, Folder 11:

“Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream” original sheet music 

Box 52, Folder 12:

“Bob Dylan’s Dream” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 53, Folder 01:

“Bob Dylan’s New Orleans Rag” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 02:

“Boots of Spanish Leather” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 03:

“Born in Time” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 53, Folder 04:

“Borrowed Time” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 05:

“Bourbon Street” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 06:

“Brown Skin Girl” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 07:

“Buckets of Rain” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 08:

“Bunkhouse Theme” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 09:

“Brownsville Girl (New Danville Girl)” original sheet music 

Subseries 03: C 
Box 53, Folder 10:

“Call Letter Blues” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 11:

“Can’t Wait” original sheet music 

Box 53, Folder 12:

“Cantina Theme” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 01:

“Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 02:

“Caribbean Wind” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 54, Folder 03:

“Catfish” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 04:

“Cat’s in the Well” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 05:

“Changing of the Guards” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 06:

“Chimes of Freedom” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 07:

“Child to Me” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 08:

“City of Gold” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 09:

“Cold Irons Bound” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 10:

“Copper Kettle” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 11:

“Corrina, Corrina” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 12:

“Covenant Woman” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 13:

“Cool Dry Place” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 14:

“Coming from the Heart” original sheet music 

Box 54, Folder 15:

“Country Pie” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 01:

“Cover Down, Break Through” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 02:

“Crosswind Jamboree” original sheet music 

Subseries 04: D 
Box 55, Folder 03:

“Dark Groove” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 04:

“Days of ’49” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 05:

“Days of the Locusts” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 55, Folder 06:

“Dead Man, Dead Man” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 07:

“Death of Emmett Till” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 08:

“Death Is Not the End” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 09:

“Desolation Row” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 10:

“Dignity” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 11:

“Dirge” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 12:

“Dirt Road Blues” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 13:

“Disease of Conceit” original sheet music 

Box 55, Folder 14:

“Do Right to Me Baby (Do Unto Others)” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 01:

“Doing Alright” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 02:

“Don’t Ever Take Yourself Away” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 03:

“Don’t Fall Apart on Me Tonight” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 04:

“Don’t Fly Unless It’s Safe” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 05:

“Don’t Ya Tell Henry” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 06:

“Down on Your Knees” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 07:

“Down the Highway” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 08:

“Drifting Too Far from Shore” original sheet music 

Subseries 05: E & F 
Box 56, Folder 09:

“Enough is Enough” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 10:

“Eternal Circle” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 11:

“Every Grain of Sand” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 12:

“Everything is Broken” original sheet music 

Box 56, Folder 13:

“Farewell Angelina” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 56, Folder 14:

“Farewell (Pamelina)” original sheet music 

Box 57, Folder 01:

“Father of Night” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 57, Folder 02:

“Firebird” original sheet music 

Box 57, Folder 03:

“Final Theme” original sheet music 

Box 57, Folder 04:

“Foot of Pride” original sheet music 

Box 57, Folder 05:

“Forever Young” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 57, Folder 06:

“From a Buick 6” original sheet music 

Box 57, Folder 07:

“Fur Slippers” original sheet music 

Box 57, Folder 08:

“Gates of Eden” original sheet music 

Box 57, Folder 09:

“George Jackson” original sheet music (2 versions) 

Box 57, Folder 10:

“Gin of the North Country” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 57, Folder 11:

“God Knows” original sheet music 

Subseries 06: G 
Box 58, Folder 01:

“Go Away Little Boy” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 02:

“Goin’ to Acapulco” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 03:

“Going, Going, Gone” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 04:

“Golden Loom” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 05:

“Gonna Change My Way of Thinking” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 06:

“Gonna Love Her Anyway” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 07:

“Goodbye, Holly” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 08:

“Gotta Serve Somebody” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 09:

“Guess I’m Doin’ Fine” original sheet music (3 copies) 

Box 58, Folder 10:

“The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 11:

“Gypsy Lou” original sheet music (2 copies)  

Subseries 07: H 
Box 58, Folder 12:

“Had a Dream About You Baby” original sheet music 

Box 58, Folder 13:

“Handy Dandy” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 01:

“A Hard Rain’s a Gonna Fall” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 02:

“Hazel” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 03:

“Heart of Mine” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 04:

“Heartland” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 05:

“Her Meaning” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 06:

“Hero Blues” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 07:

“Highway 61 Revisited” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 08:

“Highlands” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 09:

“Hurricane” original sheet music 

Subseries 08: I 
Box 59, Folder 10:

“I & I” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 11:

“I Believe in You” original sheet music 

Box 59, Folder 12:

“I Can’t Leave Her Behind” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 01:

“I Don’t Want to Do It” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 02:

“I Don’t Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Met)” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 03:

“I Must Love You Too Much” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 04:

“I Shall Be Free” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 05:

“I Shall Be Free No. 10” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 06:

“I Threw It All Away” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 07:

“I Wanna Be Your Lover” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 08:

“I Want You to Know I Love You” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 09:

“I Will Love Him” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 10:

“I’d Hate to Be You on That Dreadful Day” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 11:

“Idiot Wind” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 12:

“If Dogs Run Free” original sheet music (2 versions)  

Box 60, Folder 13:

“If I Don’t Be There by Morning” original sheet music 

Box 60, Folder 14:

“If Not for You” original sheet music (4 versions)  

Box 61, Folder 01:

“If You Belonged to Me” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 02:

“If You Gotta Go, Go Now” original sheet music (4 copies) 

Box 61, Folder 03:

“If You See Her, Say Hello” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 04:

“I’ll Keep It with Mine” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 05:

“Inside Out” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 06:

“In the Summertime” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 07:

“In Search of Little Sadie” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 08:

“Instrumental Calypso” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 09:

“In the Garden” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 10:

“Isis” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 11:

“Is It Worth It?” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 12:

“Is Her Love in Vain” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 13:

“It Hurts Me Too” original sheet music 

Box 61, Folder 14:

“It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folder 01:

“It’s All Dangerous to Me” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folder 02:

“It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folder 03:

“It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)” original sheet music  

Subseries 09: J & K  
Box 62, Folder 04:

“Jesus Is the One” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folder 05:

“Jet Pilot” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folders 06.01–06.02:

“Joey” original sheet music (2 versions) 

Box 62, Folder 07:

“John Brown” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folder 08:

“Jokerman” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folder 09:

“Julius & Ethel” original sheet music 

Box 62, Folder 10:

“Just Allow Me One More Chance” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 01:

“Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 02:

“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” original sheet music 

Subseries 10: L 
Box 63, Folder 03:

“Lay, Lady, Lay” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 04:

“Legionnaire’s Disease” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 05:

“Lenny Bruce” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 06:

“Let Me Die in My Footsteps” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 63, Folder 07:

“Let Me See” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 08:

“Let’s Keep It Between Us” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 09:

“License to Kill” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 10:

“Like a Rolling Stone” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 11:

“Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 12:

“Little Sadie” original sheet music 

Box 63, Folder 13:

“Living the Blues” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 01:

“The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 02:

“Long Ago, Far Away” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 03:

“Long Distance Operator” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 04:

“Long Time Gone” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 05:

“Lord Protect My Child” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 06:

“Love Minus Zero No Limit” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 07:

“Love Sick” original sheet music 

Subseries 11: M 
Box 64, Folder 08:

“Magic” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 09:

“Maggie’s Farm” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 10:

“Make You Feel My Love” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 11:

“Mama, You Been on My Mind” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 12:

“Man Gave Names to All the Animals” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 13:

“The Man in Me” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 14:

“Man in the Long Black Coat” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 15:

“Man of Peace” original sheet music 

Box 64, Folder 16:

“Masters of War” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 65, Folder 01:

“Meet Me in the Morning” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 02:

“Million Miles” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 03:

“Minstrel Boy” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 04:

“Mississippi” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 05:

“Mixed Up Confusion” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 06:

“Money Blues” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 07:

“More Than Flesh and Blood” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 08:

“More to This Than Meets the Eye” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 09:

“Most of the Time” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 10:

“Motorpsycho Nightmare” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 11:

“Mozambique” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 12:

“Mr. Tambourine Man” original sheet music 

Box 65, Folder 13:

“My Oriental Home” original sheet music 

Subseries 12: N 
Box 66, Folder 01:

“Nashville Skyline Rag” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 02:

“Need a Woman” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 03:

“Neighborhood Bully” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 04:

“Never Say Goodbye” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 05:

“New Blue Moon” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 06:

“New Morning” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 07:

“New Pony” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 08:

“Night After Night” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 09:

“No Time to Think” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 10:

“Nobody ’Cept You” original sheet music 

Box 66, Folder 11:

“North Country Blues” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 66, Folder 12:

“Not Dark Yet” original sheet music 

Box 67, Folder 01:

“Number One” 

Subseries 13: O 
Box 67, Folder 02:

“Oh, Sister” 

Box 67, Folder 03:

“On a Night Like This” 

Box 67, Folder 04:

“On a Rainy Afternoon” 

Box 67, Folder 05:

“On the Road Again” 

Box 67, Folder 06:

“One More Cup of Coffee (Valley Below)” 

Box 67, Folder 07:

“One More Night” 

Box 67, Folder 08:

“One More Weekend” 

Box 67, Folder 09:

“One Too Many Mornings” (4 copies) 

Box 67, Folder 10:

“Only a Hobo” 

Box 67, Folder 11:

“Only a Pawn in Their Game” (2 copies) 

Box 68, Folder 01:

“Outlaw Blues” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 68, Folder 02:

“Oxford Town” original sheet music 

Subseries 14: P & Q 
Box 68, Folder 03:

“Paths of Victory” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 04:

“Patty’s Gone to Laredo” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 05:

“Peco’s Blues” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 06:

“Peggy Day” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 07:

“Playboys & Playgirls” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 08:

“Political World” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 09:

“Poor House” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 10:

“Positively 4th Street” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 68, Folder 11:

“Precious Angel” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 12:

“Pressing On” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 13:

“Property of Jesus” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 14:

“Queen Jane Approximately” original sheet music 

Box 68, Folder 15:

“Quit Your Low Down Ways” original sheet music 

Subseries 15: R 
Box 68, Folder 16:

“Ramblin’ Down Through the World” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 01:

“Red River Shore” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 02:

“Responsibility” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 03:

“Restless Farewell” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 04:

“Ring Them Bells” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 05:

“Rita May” original sheet music (2 versions) 

Box 69, Folder 06:

“River Theme” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 07:

“Rockin’ Boat” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 08:

“Rocks and Gravel” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 09:

“Romance in Durango” original sheet music 

Subseries 16: S 
Box 69, Folder 10:

“Sally Gal” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 11:

“Santa Fe” original sheet music 

Box 69, Folder 12:

“Sara” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 01:

“Sarah Jane” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 02:

“Saved” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 03:

“Saving Grace” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 04:

“Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 05:

“Seven Curses” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 70, Folder 06:

“Seven Days” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 07:

“Seven Deadly Sins” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 08:

“She Belongs to Me” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 09:

“She’s My Baby” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 10:

“She’s Your Lover Now” original sheet music 

Box 70, Folder 11:

“Shelter from the Storm” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 01:

“Shooting Star” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 02:

“Shot of Love” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 03:

“Sign on the Cross” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 04:

“Sign on the Window” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 05:

“Silent Weekend” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 06:

“Silvio” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 07:

“Simple Twist of Fate” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 08:

“Sign Language” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 09:

“Sitting on a Barbed Wire Fence” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 10:

“Slow Train” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 11:

“Solid Rock” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 12:

“Someone Else’s Arms” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 13:

“Someone’s Got a Hold of My Heart” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 14:

“Something There Is About You” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 15:

“Stand by Faith” original sheet music 

Box 71, Folder 16:

“Stepchild” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 01:

“Standing in the Doorway” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 02:

“Stop Now” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 03:

“Straw Hat” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 04:

“Subterranean Homesick Blues” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 05:

“Suze (The Cough Song)” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 06:

“A Sweetheart Like You” original sheet music 

Subseries 17: T 
Box 72, Folder 07:

“10,000 Men” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 08:

“2×2” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 09:

“Talkin’ Hava Negeilah Blues” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 10:

“Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 11:

“Talkin’ World War III Blues” original sheet music (4 copies) 

Box 72, Folder 12:

“Tangled Up in Blue” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 13:

“Tell Me” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 14:

“Tell Me, Momma” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 15:

“Tell Me That It Isn’t True” original sheet music 

Box 72, Folder 16:

“Tell Me the Truth One Time” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 01:

“That’s All Right, Mama” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 02:

“The Devil’s Been Busy” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 03:

“The Times They Are A-Changin’” original sheet music (3 copies) 

Box 73, Folder 04:

“The Wandering Kind” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 05:

“Thief on the Cross” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 06:

“Three Angels” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 07:

“Time Passes Slowly” original sheet music (3 versions) 

Box 73, Folder 08:

“To Be Alone with You” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 09:

“Tomorrow Is a Long Time” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 10:

“Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here with You” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 11:

“Tombstone Blues” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 12:

“Tough Mama” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 13:

“To Ramona” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 14:

“Trouble” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 15:

“Trouble in Mind” original sheet music 

Box 73, Folder 16:

“True Love Tends to Forget” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 01:

“Tryin’ to Get to Heaven” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 02:

“Tune After Almost” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 03:

“Turkey Chase” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 04:

“TV Talkin’ Song” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 05:

“Tweeter and the Monkey Man” original sheet music 

Subseries 18: U & V 
Box 74, Folder 06:

“Ugliest Girl in the World” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 07:

“Unbelievable” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 08:

“Under the Red Sky” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 09:

“Under Turkey” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 10:

“Up to Me” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 11:

“The Very Thought of You” original sheet music 

Subseries 19: W 
Box 74, Folder 12:

“Wait and See” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 13:

“Waiting to Get Beat” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 14:

“Walk Out in the Rain” original sheet music 

Box 74, Folder 15:

“Walkin’ Down the Line” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 74, Folder 16:

“Walking on Eggs” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 01:

“Wallflower” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 02:

“Walls of Red Wing” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 03:

“Wanted Man” original sheet music (2 copies) 

Box 75, Folder 04:

“Watching the River Flow” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 05:

“Watered Down Love” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 06:

“We Better Talk This Over” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 07:

“Wedding Song” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folders 08.01–08.02:

“Went to See the Gypsy” original sheet music (3 versions)  

Box 75, Folder 09:

“What Can I Do for You?” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 10:

“What Good Am I?” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 11:

“What Kind of Friend Is This” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 12:

“What Was It You Wanted” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 13:

“What’s the Matter?” original sheet music 

Box 75, Folder 14:

“What Will You Do When Jesus Comes?” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 01:

“Whatcha Gonna Do” original sheet music (3 copies) 

Box 76, Folder 02:

“When I Paint My Masterpiece” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 03:

“When You Gonna Wake Up” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 04:

“When He Returns” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 05:

“When the Ship Comes In” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 06:

“Where Teardrops Fall” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 07:

“Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 08:

“Where Were You Last Night?” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 09:

“Who Loves You?” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 10:

“Wilbury Twist” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 11:

“Wiggle Wiggle” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 12:

“Wigwam” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 13:

“Wild Wolf” original sheet music 

Box 76, Folder 14:

“Wind Blowin’ on the Water” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 01:

“With God on Our Side” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 02:

“Winterlude” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 03:

“Without You” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 04:

“Woogie-Boogie” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 05:

“Wolf” original sheet music 

Subseries 20: Y 
Box 77, Folder 06:

“Ye Shall Be Changed” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 07:

“Yes Sir, No Sir” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 08:

“Yonder Comes Sin” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 09:

“You Don’t Have to Do That” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 10:

“You Changed My Life” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 11:

“You Took My Breath Away” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 12:

“You’re a Big Girl Now” original sheet music 

Box 77, Folder 13:

“You’ve Been Hiding Too Long” original sheet music 

Series 12: Audiovisual Materials 

Recording Sessions and Master Tapes  

Bob Dylan. March 19, 1962. Sessions produced by John Hammond on November 20 & 22, 1961 at Columbia Studios A, New York, NY. Sessions for Dylan’s debut, self-titled, LP released in March 1962.  

Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan. May 27, 1963. Sessions produced by John Hammond on 85 April 24–25, July 9, October 26, November 1, 14, and December 6, 1962, and April 24, 1963 at Columbia Studios A, New York, NY.  

The Times They Are A-Changin’. January 13, 1964. Sessions produced by Tom Wilson on August 6, 7, & 12 and October 23, 24, & 31 at Columbia Studios A, New York, NY.  

Another Side of Bob Dylan. August 8, 1964. Session produced by Tom Wilson. June 9, 1964. Columbia Studios, NY, NY.  

Bringing It All Back Home. March 22, 1965. Produced by Tom Wilson. January 13–15, 1965. Studio A, Columbia Recording Studios A, NY, NY.  

Highway 61 Revisited. August 30, 1965. June sessions produced by Tom Wilson. June 15 & 16, July 29 & 30, and August 2 & 4, 1965. Studio A, Columbia Recording Studios, NYC.  

Blonde on Blonde. May 16, 1966. Sessions produced by Bob Johnston. October 5 and November 30, 1965; January 21, 25, & 27, 1966: Studio A, Columbia Recording Studios, NYC. February 15–16, and 17 and March 8, 9–10, 1966: Columbia Music Row Studios, Nashville, TN.  

The Basement Tapes. May–October 1967. Released June 26, 1975. Self-produced and recorded by Bob Dylan and The Band. March–May in the “Red Room,” Bob Dylan’s home, Byrdcliffe, NY. May–October at “Big Pink,” West Saugerties, NY, and on “Wittenberg Road,” Rick Danko and Levon Helm’s home, Woodstock, NY.  

John Wesley Harding. December 27, 1967. Sessions produced by Bob Johnston. Recorded October 17, and November 6 and 29, 1967. Columbia Studio A. Nashville, TN.  

Nashville Skyline. April 9, 1969. Sessions produced by Bob Johnston. February 12–21, 1969. Columbia Studio A, Nashville, TN.  

Self-Portrait. June 8, 1970. Sessions produced by Bob Johnston. Recorded April 24 & 26 and May 3, 1969. Columbia Studio A. Nashville, TN. March 3–5, 1970. Studio B, Columbia Recording Studios. March 11–April 3, 1970 Self-Portrait overdub sessions.  

New Morning. October 19, 1970. Sessions produced by Bob Johnston. May 1 and June 1–August 12, 1970 (includes overdub sessions). Columbia Studio B & E, New York, NY.  

Greatest Hits, Vol. II. November 17, 1971. Sessions produced by Bob Johnston and Leon Russell. March 16–19, 1971 and September 24, 1971. Blue Rock Studios. New York, NY.  

Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (soundtrack). July 13, 1973. Sessions produced by Gordon Carroll. January 20, 1973. CBS Discos Studios. Mexico City, Mexico. February 1973. Burbank Studios, Burbank, California.  

Planet Waves. January 17, 1974. Sessions produced by Bob Dylan and The Band. November 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 14, 1974. Village Recorder Studios, Santa Monica, California.  

Blood on the Tracks. January 20, 1975. Sessions produced by Bob Dylan. September 16–19. A & R Studios. New York, NY. December 27, and 30, 1974. Sound 80 Studio. Minneapolis, MN.  

Desire. January 5, 1976. Sessions produced by Don DeVito. July 14, and July 28–31 and October 24, 1975. Studio E, Columbia Recording Studios.  

Street-Legal. June 15, 1978. Sessions produced by Don DeVito. April 25–28 and May 1, 1978. Rundown Studios. Santa Monica, California.  

Slow Train Coming. August 20, 1979. Sessions produced by Jerry Wexler and Barry Beckett. April 30, & May 1–4, 1979. Muscle Shoals Sound Studio. Sheffield, Alabama.  

Saved. June 23, 1980. Sessions produced by Jerry Wexler and Barry Beckett. February 11–15, 1980. Muscle Shoals Sound Studio. Sheffield, Alabama.  

Shot of Love. August 10, 1981. Sessions produced by Jimmy Iovine on March 26, 27, and 31 at Rundown Studios, Santa Monica, CA.; Sessions produced by Destiny Productions on April 1, 1981 at Cream Studio, Los Angeles, CA. and April 2, 1981 at Studio A, United Western Studio, Los Angeles, CA.; Sessions produced by Chuck Plotkin and Bob Dylan on April 23–30 and May 1–15 at Clover Recorders. Los Angeles, CA.  

Infidels. October 27, 1983. Sessions produced by Mark Knopfler and Bob Dylan. April 11–29, and May 2, 1981. Studio A, Power Station, New York, NY.  

Good as I Been to You. November 3, 1992. Sessions produced by Bob Dylan. July–August 1992. Bob Dylan’s Garage Studio. Malibu, California.  

World Gone Wrong. October 26, 1993. Sessions produced by Bob Dylan. May 1993. Bob Dylan’s Garage Studio. Malibu, California.  

Time Out of Mind. September 30, 1997. Sessions produced by Daniel Lanois and Jack Frost. January 1997. Criteria Studios. Miami, Florida.  

Love and Theft. September 11, 2001. Sessions produced by Bob Dylan. May 9–26, 2001. Sony Music Studios, New York, NY.  

Modern Times. August 29, 2006. Sessions produced by Bob Dylan. February – March 2006. Clinton Studios. New York, NY.  

Singles, Soundtracks, and Miscellaneous Releases: 

“You Belong to Me”. 1994. From Natural Born Killers soundtrack.  

“Boogie Woogie Girl”. 1995. From Till the Night Is Gone: A Tribute to Doc Pomus 

“Blue-Eyed Jane”. 1997. From The Songs of Jimmie Rodgers: A Tribute.  

“Things Have Changed”. 2000. From Wonder Boys soundtrack.  

“Return to Me”. 2001. From The Sopranos soundtrack.  

“Red Cadillac And A Black Mustache”. 2001. From Good Rockin’ Tonight: The Legacy of Sun Records 

“Waitin’ For You”. 2002. From The Divine Secrets of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood soundtrack.  

“’Cross the Green Mountain”. 2003. From Gods and Generals soundtrack.  

“Gonna Change My Way of Thinking” [with Mavis Staples]. 2003. From Gotta  

Serve Somebody: The Gospel Songs of Bob Dylan 

“Keep on The Firing Line”. 2004. Unissued session for Carter Family tribute album.  

“Tell Ol’ Bill”. 2005. From North Country soundtrack.  

“Can’t Escape from You”. 2005.  

“Huck’s Tune”. 2007. From Lucky You soundtrack.  

“Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine)” [Mark Ronson Remix]. 2007. 

“Hard Rain”. Unicef Water Project. 

Films and TV Specials 

“Newport Folk Festival”. dir. Murray Lerner. 1963–1965. [10] 3⁄4” U-Matic video masters. Dylan’s filmed performances at Newport together with outtake material from Lerner’s Festival! (1965) and Bob Dylan: The Other Side of the Mirror (1997)  

Dont Look Back. Dir. D. A. Pennebaker. 1967. 35mm show print along with several hours of outtakes. 

Eat the Document. dir. Bob Dylan and Howard Alk with cinematography by D. A. Pennebaker. 1966–1971. Original color camera negative, work print and show prints. Color film footage shot by Pennebaker of Dylan’s mid-1966 European tour. This material, originally edited by Pennebaker, was re-edited by Dylan and Alk and given limited release in 1971 as Eat the Document. In 2008, Scorsese revisited this material for his documentary Bob Dylan: No Direction Home. Archive holdings include 5 boxes of 1⁄4” audio recordings; approx. 150 DV and digi-beta tapes of transferred 1966 film and sound material; 16mm screening prints of Eat the Document; seven boxes of color, 16mm, original color camera negative (approx. 120 reels) and two boxes of color 16mm inter-negative (8 reels). Virtually every show of the European tour was recorded onto 1⁄4 inch reel to reel tape including the infamous May 17, 1966 “Royal Albert Hall” concert (released in 1998 as The Bootleg Series Vol. 4: Bob Dylan Live 1966) present here in its original master recording.  

Woodstock home movies, ca. 1967–68. Silent, color, footage featuring Dylan, Paul Stookey, Richard Manuel, Rick Danko, Garth Hudson, and Tiny Tim. Six, 16mm, color reels with accompanying negative. Digitized. Approx. 60 minutes.  

“New Morning”. 1970. [2], 1/2 inch, EIAJ-1, b/w, porta-pak video tapes. Roughly an hour and a half of footage of Dylan in the studio recording tracks for his New Morning LP. Sound. Digitized. 

 Infidels studio session with Mick Taylor and Mark Knopfler. dir. Albert and David Maysles. 1983. 90 mins. [1] box 16mm original camera negative with accompanying Nagra sound. [17] 16mm reels of work-print and sound with accompanying digital masters.  

Hard to Handle with Tom Petty. Filmed concert performance in Sydney, Australia 5/15/86. [15] 2” video masters together with 2” audio.  

Bob Dylan: 30th Anniversary Concert. Includes complete performances, rehearsals, sound checks and interviews filmed October 16, 1992 at Madison Square Garden, NYC.  

Bob Dylan: No Direction Home. dir. Martin Scorsese 2006. Numerous of the elements used in the making of Scorsese’s Dylan documentary including interviews with Allen Ginsberg, D.A. Pennebaker, Bob Neuwirth, Joan Baez, Peter Yarrow, Liam Clancy, Allen Ginsberg, Mitch Miller, John Cohen, Dave Van Ronk, Suzy Rotolo. 

Various ad spots and promotional videos, projects include Bootleg Series releases, Masked & Anonymous, The Essential, Modern Times, No Direction Home, Grammy’s, 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration 

Music Videos  

“Subterranean Homesick Blues”. 1965. [4] 1” video reels, [1] Digital Betacam, and [2] 3⁄4” U-matic tapes.  

“Heart of Mine”. 1981. 1” video reel master.  

“Blood in My Eyes”. 1993.  

“Not Dark Yet”. 1997. [1] D2 tape.  

“When the Deal Goes Down”. 2006. [1] box of elements, [5] Digital Betacam tapes, [1] DVD with [1] Betacam SP master.  


Early Tapes, Minnesota, Madison, 1958–61 

Live in New York Gaslight 1961 

In Concert–Brandeis 1963 

New York Town Hall, 1963. Includes session tapes.  

Live at Carnegie Hall 1963. Includes session tapes.  

Bob Dylan: 1964 Philharmonic Hall, NYC. Complete 1⁄4” master tape recording of Dylan’s “Halloween Show” from October 31, 1964. This concert was officially released to CD in 2004 as The Bootleg Series Vol. 6: Bob Dylan Live 1964, Concert at Philharmonic Hall.  

Royal Festival Hall, 1964. Includes session tapes.  

Newport Folk Festivals, 1963-1965 

European Tour 1966. [1] box of reel to reel 1⁄4” tape “master” recordings of the European leg of Dylan’s 1966 tour. Several of these performances were filmed by D.A. Pennebaker and are featured in both Eat the Document (1971) and No Direction Home (2006).  

Isle of Wight 1969. Master reel to reel 1⁄4” tapes of Dylan’s “comeback” performance on August 31, 1969 at the Isle of Wight Festival, Wootton, England. This performance was released in its entirety in 2013 as part of the “Deluxe Edition” of The Bootleg Series Vol. 10: Another Self Portrait (1969–1971)  

Bob Dylan and The Band 1974 Tour. Includes session tapes for Before the Flood. 93  

“Rolling Thunder Review”. 1975 – 1976. 1⁄4” Nagra tape mixdowns (approx. 50 reels) and master soundboard recordings of 5 shows along the Rolling Thunder Review. October 30, 1975–May 25, 1976. Selections of these recordings were released in 2002 as The Bootleg Series Vol. 5: Bob Dylan Live 1975, The Rolling Thunder Revue  

Hard Rain 

1978 tour rehearsals 

Bob Dylan 1978 World Tour. 1⁄4” soundboard recordings with cassette backups.  

At Budokan. Includes session tapes.  

1979 tour rehearsals. [2] boxes of 1⁄4” reel to reel recordings.  

1980–81 tour rehearsals. [1] box of 1⁄2” reel to reel recordings.  

1981 tours. [7] boxes of 1⁄2” and 1⁄4” reel to reel soundboard recordings from Dylan’s 1980 “Gospel Tour” and 1981 world tour.  

Real Live. Includes session tapes.  

Bob Dylan/Tom Petty World Tour 1986 

1987 & 1989 tours 

Dylan & The Dead. Includes session tapes. 

30th Anniversary Concert Celebration. Includes session tapes. 

Addition of 2017

Correspondence: Gaylord Boxes 18–20 

Arranged alphabetically.

1.1: A (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter from David Anderson and Tony Conway about Farm Aid II [July 10, 1986]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Note from Giorgio Armani about Grammy Awards [March 4, 1998]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Get-well letter from Erik Andersen [May 29, 1997]; fax – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
1.2: B (Bono U2) 
    1. Bootleg Series 4 [October 18, 1998]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page  
    2. Get-well card [undated, likely 1997]; manuscript, likely not Bono’s handwriting – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Note [undated]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages and envelope 
    4. Letter about where to stay in Dublin [undated]; manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages 
    5. Birthday letter from U2 (Bono, Larry and The Edge) [May 24, 2001]; fax – 3 leaves, 3 pages 
1.3: B (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Birthday letter from David Braun [May 19, 1983]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages and envelope 
    2. Letter of congratulations from Marilyn Bergman (ASCAP) [March 9, 1995]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Letter from Will Bratton and Dr. John [Mac Rebennack] about Doc Pomus project, includes lyric sheets [April 15, 1994]; typescript with signature and manuscripts – 4 leaves, 4 pages 
    4. Get-well letter from Jackson Browne [undated, likely 1997]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    5. Letter of congratulations from Frank R. Berman [March 26, 2001]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Letter and lyrics from Joan Baez [October 19, 1994]; manuscript letter and typescript lyrics – 14 leaves, 14 pages and envelope 
    7. Letter from Solomon Burke about recording Stepchild [April 25, 2002]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    8. Letter from Michael Borofsky to Harvey about video footage [undated]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 leaf 
1.5: C (President Bill Clinton) 
    1. Letter from Capricia Penavic Marshall, White House Social Secretary [December 12, 1997], holiday card from Bill and Hillary Clinton and copy of Remarks by the President At Kennedy Center Honors Reception [December 7, 1997]; typescript – 4 leaves, 4 pages and 1 card 
    2. Letter of congratulations about 1995 Grammy Awards [April 4, 1995]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Letter of congratulations about 1998 Grammy Awards [March 2, 1998]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    4. Letter of congratulations about 2000 Polar Music Prize [May 9, 2000]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    5. Letter that accompanied portrait by Thea Leopoulos [August 24, 2001]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
1.6: C (Sheryl Crow) 
    1. Telegram congratulating Golden Globe [February 2, 2001]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Thank you note [2006]; manuscript – 1 card and envelope 
1.7: C (John Cohen) 
    1. Six postcards with John Cohen images 
    2. Letter and 3 signed drawings [January 21, 1995]; typescript with signature –  
    3. 5 leaves, 5 pages and envelope 
    4. Letter to BD and There Is No Eye book proof [May 10, 2000]; typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with book proof and 2 photographs 
1.8: C (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter to David Braun from Richard J. Cohen, State Representative, Minnesota House of Representatives [September 27, 1977]; photocopy – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Letter of congratulations about 1998 Grammy Awards from Tom Ross (CAA) [March 4, 1998]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Letter from Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter [October 19, 1979]; typescript with handwritten emendations and signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages and envelope 
    4. Card of congratulations about Kennedy Center Honors from John Carne [undated]; manuscript – 1 card and envelope 
    5. Letter about Neighborhood Bully from Stephen I Cohen, State Senator of Tennessee [February 6, 1991]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Letter about book from Scott Cohen [December 27, 1988]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    7. Letter from Paul Caruso [August 18, 1987]; typescript with signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages 
    8. Note that accompanied get well gift from John Cutler (co-producer of Dylan & The Dead) [June 11, 1996]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    9. Thank you from Judy Collins [1999]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    10. Thank you from Judy Collins [November 18, 2008]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    11. 60th Birthday letter from Brian Greenbaum (CAA) [May 24, 2001]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    12. Get-well notes from Eric Clapton, Dave Sanborn, Steve Gadd, Joe Sample and Marcus Miller [May 30, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
1.9: D (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter from John Denver about charity golf tournament [August 12, 1991]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Note from Johnny Depp that accompanied gift [January 9, 2008]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Letter from Johnny Depp that accompanied films, photos, and CD [August 27, 2006]; manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages and envelope 
    4. Letter from Jim Dickinson after Time Out Of Mind sessions [undated]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Letter from Jim Dickinson [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Letter from Jesse Ed Davis asking about tracks to record [March 26, 1988]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    7. Letter from Tim Drummond and lyrics to Fur Slippers [September 30, 1990]; manuscript and typescript – 2 leaves, 2 pages and envelope 
    8. Letter from Karen Davidson [undated]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page with business card and envelope 
    9. Birthday note from Tony Danza [May 15, 2001]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    10. Bound invitation to Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Party [undated] 
    11. Thank you note from Jonathan Dolgen [October 22, 2002]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    12. Thank you note from Jonathan Dolgen [June 2, 1997]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    13. Note that accompanied get well gift from Jonathan Dolgen [June 2, 1997]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    14. Card complimenting Time Out of Mind from Don Devito [April 23, 1997]; manuscript – 1 card and envelope 
    15. Birthday card from Don Devito and family [undated]; manuscript – 1 card and envelope 
    16. Thank you note from Don Devito [undated]; manuscript – 1 card and envelope 
    17. Letter about get well cards from James Dylan Devito’s class [May 30, 1997]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    18. Envelope from Debby Delmore includes handwritten personal note and folder of promotional Delmore Brothers promotional materials 
1.10: E (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Birthday letter from Ramblin’ Jack Elliott [2005]; manuscript and fax copy –2 leaves, 2 pages and envelope 
1.11: F (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Thank you letter from Elana Fremerman (Hot Club of Cowtown) [December 25, 2004]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and business card 
    2. French Ministry of Culture to Elliott Roberts about Commandeur des Arts et Lettres award [June 1, 1989]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Note from Kinky Friedman about Texas Book Festival [May 3, 2005]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    4. Letter from Marianne Faithful accompanying copy of new CD [October 11, 2004]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
1.12: G (Allen Ginsberg) 
    1. Copy of Plutonian Ode, folio, edition of 400, with inscription [1978]; typescript with handwritten note – 13 leaves, 13 pages in folio 
    2. Invitation to Strange Familiar Snapshots at Brent Sikkema Fine Art with handwritten note [April 18, 1991]; 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    3. Punk Rock You’re My Big Crybaby poem [New Years, 1980]; typescript with inscription – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Postcard [April 29, 1996]; manuscript 
    5. The Wolfe Institute, Spring 1990 Readings schedule [January 3, 1990]; 1 leaf, 1 page with handwritten Post-it 
    6. Postcard [September 2, 1990]; manuscript 
    7. Postcard [October 25, 1993]; manuscript 
    8. Thank you card [January 15, 1989]; manuscript 
    9. Postcard to Jeff Rosen and Bob Dylan [January 19, 1989]; manuscript 
    10. Note accompanying poetry pamphlets [April 10, 1995]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    11. Letter, Naropa Institute schedule, William Blake poem with inscription, and Naropa pamphlets [September 5, 1993]; manuscript – 5 leaves, 10 pages with 2 pamphlets and envelopes 
    12. Letter [November 24, 1980]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    13. Letter to Jeff Rosen and Bob Dylan [December 13, 1995]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    14. Letter [March 16, 1991]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
1.13: G (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter from Dana Gillespie about recent UK tour and visiting India [October 7, 1997]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 4 pages 
    2. Letter from David Granger about making Esquire’s 100 Best People in the World List [November 11, 1997]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Letter from James Golff [June 16, 1989]; typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    4. Note from Al and Tipper Gore expressing thanks for concern over son Albert [May 18, 1989]; typescript with handwritten note – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Thank you note from Al Gore [2002]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    6. Christmas card from Nora Guthrie and Howard Leventhal [1996]; typescript with signatures 
    7. Note from Eddie Gorodetsky accompanying slang dictionary [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    8. Note from Bill Gerber accompanying gift [undated, likely 1997]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    9. Letter of congratulations from Brian Greenbaum [CAA] [September 8, 2006]; manuscript –1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    10. Letter to Bob Dylan from Art Garfunkel [October 17, 2005]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages and  envelope 
    11. Letter from Michael Greene (NARAS) accompany medallion for Grammy participation [May 10, 2000]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    12. Get-well note from Lynn Goldsmith [June 1, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    13. Note from Tony and Trisha Garnier [May 30, 1997]; fax –1 leaf, 1 page (originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff) 
1.14: H (George and Olivia Harrison) 
    1. Birthday card from George and Olivia Harrison that accompanied flowers [May 24, 2001]; manuscript (not GH’s hand) – card and envelope 
    2. Letter about Traveling Wilburys [October 30, 1988]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope  
    3. Letter with copies of drawings from The Wilbury Weekly [June 26, 1988]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    4. Thanksgiving note from George Harrison [undated]; manuscript (not GH’s hand) – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Note from Linda Aria (secretary to GH) accompanying audio book [October 14, 1997]; manuscript – postcard 
    6. Note from George Harrison [undated]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    7. Christmas card from George, Olivia and Dhani Harrison [1999]; manuscript –card and envelope 
    8. Christmas card from George, Olivia and Dhani Harrison [2000]; card and envelope 
    9. Birthday card from George and Olivia Harrison accompanying cheese [undated]; card 
    10. Letter from Olivia Harrison about the Concert for George [August 30, 2002]; typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages and envelope 
    11. 60th birthday card from George Harrison [2001]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    12. Get-well card and postcard from George Harrison [undated, probably 1997]; manuscript – card, postcard, and envelope 
    13. Postcard from George Harrison [undated]; manuscript 
1.15: H (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Thank you note from Jeff Hayden (Executive Producer of “Primary Colors: The Story of Corita”) [September 11, 1989]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and photograph of BD with Eva Marie Saint 
    2. Note from Sophie B. Hawkins about picture in People magazine [undated]; manuscript – postcard 
    3. Note from Bob Hilburn about Chronicles [January 24, 2005]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    4. Thank you note from P. J. Harvey [May 14, 1995]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    5. Note from Bruce Hornsby accompanying record [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Letter from Dennis Hopper about recent performance [October 24, 2001]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    7. Typed get-well letter from Ronnie Hawkins [May 31, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    8. Het-well note from John Lee Hooker [May 29, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page (originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff) 
    9. Holiday card from Daryl Hall about Live from Daryl’s House [undated]; manuscript – card and envelope 
2.1: D (Don Ienner) 
    1. Letter from Don Ienner accompanying Charlie Christian box set [September 24, 2002]; typescript with handwritten note – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Thank you note from Don Ienner [February 7, 1999]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Note from Don Ienner about Best Traditional Folk Album Grammy [1995]; manuscript (not DI’s hand) – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    4. Note from Don Ienner accompanying flowers in honor of Grammy awards [January 1, 2001]; typescript – note card 
    5. Get-well note from Don Ienner [undated, likely 1997]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
2.2: I (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter and lifetime pass from Jim Idelson (National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum) [August 26, 2004]; typescript with signature – letter, envelope, and laminated lifetime pass 
2.3: J (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter of congratulations and Oscar party invitation from Sir Elton John, CBE [February 22, 2001]; typescript with handwritten note – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Telegram from Billy Joel about Grammy Award [March 12, 1998]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Letter from Quincy Jones, Ken Kragen, David Salzman and Jeff Pollack about Clinton Inauguration performance [February 22, 1993]; typescript with signatures – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Letter from Quincy Jones about “We Are the World” [January 23, 1985]; typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    5. Speech with handwritten note from Jesse Jackson, Sr.  [2011]; typescript with handwritten note – 10 leaves, 10 pages 
2.4: K (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Telegram from Sally Kirkland [December 5, 1980]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Letter from Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jeff Berg, David Geffen, Ron Meyer, Mo Ostin, Michael Ovitz, Terry Semel, Irwin Winkler about Operation Exodus [June 10, 1991]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Letter from Lainie Kazan and letter from Ron Colby [May 5, 2008]; typescript with signature– 2 leaves. 2 pages  
    4. Thank you note from Lainie Kazan [June 10, 2000]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    5. Note from Michael Kamen [October 6, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Letter from Michael Kamen [May 1, 1994]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    7. Invitation from Coretta Scott King to perform at MLK event [October 25, 1993]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    8. Letter from Lisa Kristofferson about writing liner notes [undated, likely 1989 or 1990]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    9. Letter, lyrics and chord charts from Carole King [July 6, 1986]; typescript with signature and manuscript – 7 leaves, 7 pages 
    10. Note from Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley-Kilmer accompanying Christmas present [undated]; 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    11. Note of congratulations from Carole King [February 26, 1998]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    12. Get-well note from Carole King [May 29, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page (originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff) 
    13. Letter of congratulations from Dick Kangas [February 26, 1998]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    14. Signed publicity photo of Sally Kirkland [undated] 
    15. Get-well note from Sally Kirkland [1997]; manuscript (not SK’s hand) – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    16. Letter accompanying set of get-well faxes from Jeff Kramer [May 30, 1997]; typescript with handwritten note – 1 leaf, 1 page (see 9 items with notation “originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff”) 
2.5: L (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter of thanks from The Left Bank Organization: Simon LeBon, Nick Rhodes, Warren Cuccurullo and John Taylor (Duran Duran) [March 7, 1995]; typescript with signatures – 1 leaf , 1 page and envelope 
    2. Telegram from David Letterman [April 14, 1985]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Letter to Elliott Roberts, Bob Dylan, Carol Snow and Jeff Rosen from Daniel Lanois accompanying mix of Bob’s running order for Time Out Of Mind [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Letter from Daniel Lanois [undated]; manuscript –1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Signed publicity photo from Los Lobos [undated]; 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    6. Get-well letter from Harold and Natalie Leventhal [June 2, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    7. Note of congratulations about Golden Globe nomination from Sherry Lansing, Jonathan Dolgen, Rob Friedman, John Goldwyn and Michelle Manning [2000]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
2.6: M (Maria Muldaur) 
    1. Letter about Mimi Farina’s illness and new acoustic blues album [June 28, 2001]; manuscript – 4 leaves, 4 pages and envelope 
    2. Letter about recent show and explanations of photos [July 27, 2007]; manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages with business card and envelope 
    3. Letter about Jerry Garcia Band and lyrics to “Gomorrah” (Garcia/Hunter) [undated]; typescript with signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages and envelope 
    4. Letter accompanying new CD [April 4, 2006]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    5. Letter about Time Out Of Mind [September 26, 1997]; manuscript4 leaves, 4 pages with business card and envelope 
    6. Postcard [1979]; manuscript – post card and envelope 
    7. Forwarded letters from Parental Stress Service about benefit CD forwarded by MM [1997]; typescript – 3 leaves, 3 pages and envelope 
    8. Letter accompanying new CD and obituary of juggist Fritz Richmond [November 30, 2005]; manuscript and email – 5 leaves, 5 pages and envelope 
    9. Christmas card about performing at Armadillo World Headquarters farewell [1980]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    10. Letter with great stories about “Chimes of Freedom” and “Only A Pawn In Their Game” and typed poems [undated]; manuscript – 16 leaves, 16 pages with business card and folder 
2.7: M (Paul McCartney)
    1. Birthday telegram from Paul and Linda McCartney [May 23, 1985]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Note about Theme Time Radio Hour [May 6, 2009]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Get-well note from Paul and Linda McCartney [June 2, 1997]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
2.8: M (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Thank you note from Wynton Marsalis [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    2. Note from John Mellencamp [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Letter from Ingrid Mössinger (Kuntsammlungen Chemnitz) about “Drawn Blank” exhibition [July 9, 2009]; typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages and envelope 
    4. Letter from Augie Meyers to Jeff Rosen accompanying CD [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Letter from Thomas D. Mottola and Don Ienner about the Academy Awards [March 29, 2001]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Note from Artie Mogull about Academy Awards [February 2, 2000]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    7. Get-well note from Mason Munoz [May 30, 1997]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    8. Get-well note from Suzán Mann [1997]; photocopy – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    9. Get-well note from Van Morrison [May 28, 1997]; fax –1 leaf, 1 page (originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff) 
    10. Birthday card from Van Morrison [undated]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    11. Birthday card from Van Morrison [undated]; manuscript – card and envelope 
2.9: N (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Telegram of congratulations from Willie Nelson [February 26, 1998]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope  
    2. Get-well note from Jack Nicholson [1997]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages and envelope 
2.10: O (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Note from Johnny Otis accompanying purchase art print [June 19, 1989]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    2. Note from Johnny Otis accompanying heirloom watermelon, okra and tomato seed and two pieces of artwork [July 25, 1990]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
2.11: P (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Birthday card from Tom and Jane Petty [May 24, 1994]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    2. Get-well note from Tom Petty [May 28, 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page (originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff) 
    3. Letter from Tom Piazza accompanying copy of The Guide to Classic Recorded Jazz [July 21, 1995]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Letter from Gregory Peck about “Brownsville Girl” [March 17, 1995]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Letter from Penn and Teller to Jeff Rosen about comedy routine involving Bob Dylan (with handwritten note from Jeff Rosen to Bob Dylan) [October 28, 1998]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Handwritten note from Lisa Marie Presley [undated]; 1 leaf, 1 page 
    7. Get-well note from Gregg Perloff, Shelley Lazar, Sherry Wasserman (Bill Graham Presents) [May 30, 1997]; typescript with signatures – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    8. Card from Tom Piazza about meeting in Lafayette and working at Yaddo [December 17, 1999]; manuscript 
2.12: Q (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter from Pat Quinn [February 4, 1993]; manuscript –1 leaf, 1 page 
2.13: R (Billy Lee Riley) 
    1. Note from Billy Lee Riley accompanying CD of tribute album to Billy Lee Riley [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Note from Billy Lee Riley accompanying lyrics to “Born To Be Rockin’,” “Got This Thing (For You Baby),” “Satisfies Your Soul (This Rock and Roll),” “Life Just Ain’t the Same (Without Baby)” and “Rockin’ Rollin’ and Ballin’ the Jack” [October 4, 1994]; typescript with signature – 7 leaves, 7 pages 
    3. Personalized and signed publicity shot from Billy Lee Riley 
2.14: R (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter from Steve Ripley [October 26, 1999]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Note from Steve Ripley about Woodstock ‘94 [August 15, 1994]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Letter from Mrs. Queen “Tiny” Robinson about playing at Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter’s Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction [July 5, 2004]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    4. Letter from Johnny Rivers and photocopy of magazine [October 2004]; manuscript and photocopy – 6 leaves, 6 pages and envelope 
    5. Note from David Rosenthal (Simon and Schuster) accompanying Archibald MacLeish book [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages and envelope 
    6. Letter from David Rosenthal (Simon and Schuster) [November 5, 1997]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    7. Letter from Bonnie Raitt about Chris Smithers tribute album [May 23, 2003]; 1 leaf and envelope 
    8. Letter to Jeff Rosen from Tom Russell accompanying CD for Bob Dylan [June 10, 2005]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    9. Get-well note from Richard Rowe accompanying books [May 29, 1997]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    10. Handwritten 60th Birthday card, postcard birthday invitation and photograph from Hugh Romney (Wavy Gravy) [2001]; manuscript – card, postcard, and photo 
    11. Letter of congratulations from Senator Harry Reid about Presidential Medal of Freedom [June 28, 2012]; typescript with handwritten note – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope [Note BD requested original letter] 
2.15: S (Eric Von Schmidt) 
    1. New Year’s postcard from Eric Von Schmidt [1996]; manuscript 
    2. New Year’s card from Eric Von Schmidt and family [1995]; manuscript 
    3. Postcard and photocopy print from Eric Von Schmidt [2000]; manuscript and photocopy – 1 leaf, 1 page with postcard and envelope 
2.16: S (Martin Sheen) 
    1. Card from Martin Sheen about recent visit [September 28, 1989]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    2. Get-well note from Martin Sheen [undated, probably 1997]; manuscript 
    3. Letter from Martin Sheen about acting [October 3, 1986]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Signed photo from Martin Sheen as Robert E. Lee [December 12, 1992] 
    5. Thank you card from Martin Sheen [undated]; manuscript 
2.17: S (Marty Stuart) 
    1. Telegram of congratulations about Grammy Award from Marty Stuart [March 9, 1995]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    2. Christmas card from Marty Stuart and photo with handwritten message on back [December 10, 1993]; manuscript – card, photograph and envelope 
    3. Letter from Marty Stuart [December 10, 1999]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
2.18: S (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Note from Nancy Sinatra accompanying CD [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages and envelope 
    2. Letter from Nigel Sinclair about Masked and Anonymous [September 4, 2003]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages and envelope 
    3. Telegram of congratulations for Kennedy Center Honors from Ralph Stanley [December 10, 1997]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Letter from Martin Scorsese about participating in “Ahimsa” concert [March 28, 1995]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page  
    5. Note of congratulations about Oscars from Carlos Santana accompanying flowers [undated]; manuscript (not in CS’ hand) – note card 
    6. Note from Bruce Springsteen about Chronicles [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages and envelope 
    7. Note of congratulations about Modern Times from Bruce Springsteen [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    8. Painting from Max Spring [undated, probably 1992 or 1993] and 1993 calendar 
    9. Email from Paul Simon to Jeff Kramer with lyrics to “Love and Blessing” [January 22, 2010]; typescript – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    10. Letter from Paul Simon about “Love and Blessing” accompanying CD [undated]; manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages and envelope 
    11. Letter from Anna Swadling with business card; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope and business card 
    12. Thank you letter from Richie Sambora [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    13. Telegram of congratulations about lifetime achievement award from Dinah Shore [March 28, 1986]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    14. Note of congratulations about Oscars from John David Souther [March 27, 2001]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    15. Letter from Frank Sinatra about starting Performers Society of America and memorandum about legal issues  [December 12, 1988]; typescript with signature – 6 leaves, 6 pages 
    16. Get-well note from Frank and Barbara Sinatra [May 29, 1997]; fax – 2 leaves, 2 pages (originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff) 
    17. Letter from Dave Stewart accompanying CD [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    18. Letter from Dave Stewart about soundtrack song (and note from Eileen to Jeff Rosen) with accompanying CD [September 4, 1995]; manuscript – 3 leaves, 4 pages 
    19. Letter from Earl Scruggs about recording together accompanying CD [October 7, 1999]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    20. Letter from Earl Scruggs about recording together [August 3, 2000]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    21. Note of congratulations about Oscars from Randy Scruggs [March 26, 2001]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    22. Note of congratulations about Oscars from Dean Stockwell and family [March 26, 2001]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    23. Get-well note from Joy Stockwell and family [May 1997]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page (originally filed with get-well faxes under Kramer, Jeff) 
    24. Letter from Peter Seeger about reprinting lyrics to “Blowin’ In The Wind” [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    25. Note and lyrics to “Walking Down Death Row” from Pete Seeger; manuscript and photocopy with handwritten emendations – 3 leaves, 4 pages and envelope 
    26. Note from Patti Smith accompanying CD [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    27. Mailgram from Larry “Ratso” Sloman about Oh Mercy [September 8, 1989]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    28. 60th Birthday note from Ricky Skaggs [May 23, 2001]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
3.1: T (Elizabeth Taylor) 
    1. Note from Elizabeth Taylor [1990]; typescript – card and envelope 
    2. Note from Elizabeth Taylor [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Christmas card from Elizabeth Taylor [undated]; typescript 
3.2: T (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Get-well fax from Terence Trent D’Arby and photocopy [June 3, 1993]; fax and photocopy – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    2. Letter from Trotsky [1990]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Telegram of congratulations from George Thorogood and the Destroyers [March 27, 2001]; typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. New Year’s card and thank you postcard from Jack Taylor  [January 5, 2004]; manuscript – card, postcard, and envelope 
    5. Note from Twyla Tharp about recent show [undated]; manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages and envelope  
    6. Letter of congratulations from George Thorogood [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
3.3: U (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Note of congratulations from Seijiro Udo about Academy Awards [March 26, 2001]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. 60th birthday letter from Seijiro Udo [May 24, 2001]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
3.4: V (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter of congratulations about Academy Awards from Bill Velez (SESAC) [March 28, 2001]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
3.5: W (Don Was) 
    1. Letter about MTV Unplugged from Don Was [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    2. Letter accompanying get-well gifts from Don Was [undated, likely 1997]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Letter about Chronicles from Don Was [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Birthday note accompanying gift [June 1, 2001]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
3.6: W (Jann Wenner) 
    1. Letter from Jann Wenner about Masked & Anonymous review [July 24, 2003]; typescript with signature –1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    2. Letter from Jann Wenner about show and signed guitar  [August 21, 2003]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with 2 photographs and envelope 
    3. 70th birthday letter from Jann Wenner [2011]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
3.7: W (Jack White III) 
    1. Letter from Jack White after first meeting [undated]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages and envelope 
    2. Note from Jack White accompanying demos [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Letter from Jack White accompanying CD by The Shaggs [undated]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
3.8: W (Peter Wolf) 
    1. Letter from Peter Wolf accompanying book [November 2001]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    2. Letter from Peter Wolf about artwork [October 21, 1989]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    3. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying gift [February 15, 2006]; manuscript –card and envelope 
    4. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying gift [May 2008]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    5. Note from Peter Wolf [March 2004]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    6. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying gift [December 1997]; manuscript – card and envelope 
    7. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying gift [August 2004]; manuscript – card and envelope  
    8. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying gift [November 2006]; manuscript – card and envelope  
    9. Note from Peter Wolf [July 2000]; manuscript – card 
    10. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying CD [November 2012]; manuscript – card and envelope  
    11. Note from Peter Wolf [April 2013]; manuscript – card and envelope  
    12. Thank you note from Peter Wolf [November 2009]; manuscript – card and envelope  
    13. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying book [July 2009]; manuscript – card and envelope  
    14. Note from Peter Wolf accompanying gift [October 2007]; manuscript – card and envelope  
3.9: W (Miscellaneous) 
    1. Letter from Debra Wringer accompanying CD and film, possibly Big Bad Love [February 2002]; manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page and envelope 
    2. Letter from Raquel Welch about 1998 Grammys and tabloids [February 28, 1998]; manuscript – 4 leaves, 4 pages and envelope 
    3. Note from Raquel Welch about Chronicles [June 27, 2005]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 3 pages and envelope 
    4. Signed photograph from John Waters [undated] 
    5. Letter from Brian Wilson about recording together [August 14, 1990]; fax – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Letter from Jerry Weintraub about SANE Telethon appearance [July 10, 1989]; typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    7. Letter and scenery diagrams from Roger Waters about participating in The Wall and copy [February 20, 1990]; fax – 28 leaves, 28 pages  
    8. Letter from Big Joe Williams c/o Blewett Thomas [June 11, 1979]; manuscript – 4 leaves, 4 pages and envelope 
    9. Letter from Big Joe Williams c/o Blewett Thomas [February 8, 1979]; manuscript – 4 leaves, 4 pages and envelope 
    10. Get-well letter from Winston Watson and photocopy [June 26, 1997]; manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages 

Addition of 2017


Arranged chronologically by year.

Folder 01: 1966
Personal  (a-i)
    1. Larry Harris [Elektra] to Albert Grossman, August 1, 1966 – Speedy recovery – Manuscript letter with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Klaus Roder to Bob Dylan c/o Albert Grossman, August 23, 1966 – Get in touch – Telegram – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Ray Bremser to Bob Dylan c/o Albert Grossman, September 6, 1966 [postmark] – Asking for financial assistance – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    4. Ian [???] to Bob Dylan c/o Albert Grossman, September 19, 1966 – Checking in – Manuscript – Postcard 
    5. Isobel to Bob Dylan c/o A.G. Management, July 30, 1966 – Horse riding – Manuscript – Postcard 
Fan Mail (a-ii)
    1. Rick Osha to Bob Dylan, August 24, 1966 [postmark] – Speedy recovery – Manuscript note – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    2. Joan from Newton, Carlisle, Cumberland, UK to Bob Dylan, August 11, 1966 – Speedy recovery – Manuscript letter – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    3. Joan Drake [Malawi] to Bob Dylan, 1966 – Speedy recovery – Typescript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    4. Mike Epstein to Bob Dylan, August 15, 1966 [postmark] – Speedy recovery – Manuscript – Card with envelope 
Folder 02: 1968
Personal  (a-i)
    1. Reverend Fred Kirkpatrick to Bob Dylan, August 2, 1968 – Benefit for Harlem Poor Peoples Campaign with Pete Seeger – Telegram 
    2. Artie Mogull to Bob Dylan, January, 9, 1968 [postmark] – John Wesley Harding – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    3. Clive Davis to Bob Dylan, January 10, 1968 – John Wesley Harding sales and Greatest Hits gold records – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page  
    4. John Cohen to Bob and Sarah [sic] Dylan, October 14, 1968 [postmark] – Sing Out interview and party – Manuscript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    5. John Stauber to Bob Dylan, August 22, 1968 [postmark] – Playing with Jimmy Giuffre, but looking for work – 3 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
Ephemera, Clippings (b-i)
    1. ‘Then My Living Will Not Be in Vain’ [transcription of MLK’s last sermon] – Daily News, April 10, 1968 
    2. Tiny Montgomery cartoon – Melody Maker, December 14, 1968 
Folder 03: 1969
Personal (a-i)
    1. Jadiz Shannon to Bob Dylan c/o Albert Grossman, May 3, 1969 – Levis jeans – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    2. Doug to Bob Dylan, March 1, 1969 [postmark] – Studebaker repairs – Manuscript – Postcard 
    3. Mickey Jones to Bob Dylan, January 26, 1969 – Birth announcement – Typescript – Card with envelope 
    4. Robert Markel [Macmillan Company] to Bob Dylan, January 13, 1969 – Happy new year – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Clive Davis to Bob Dylan, November 11, 1969 – Nashville Skyline sales – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Doug to Bob Dylan, March 21, 1969 [postmark] – Studebaker, studio, cabin – Typescript with signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    7. George and Patti Harrison to Bob and Sara Dylan, December 23, 1969 [postmark] – Christmas card with envelope 
    8. David Boyle to Bob Dylan, December 2, 1969 – Borrow truck – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    9. Dick Asher to Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash, February 26, 1969 – Royalties – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    10. David Amram to Bob Dylan, May 1, 1969 – Thanks for record – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    11. John Lennon and Yoko Ono to Bob Dylan, Sara and Kids, Christmas 1969 – Holiday greetings – Card 
    12. Paul, Linda, Heather and Mary McCartney to Bob and Sarah [sic] Dylan and Kids, circa 1969-1970 – Happy Christmas – Card 
    13. Judy Lewis to Mr. and Mrs. Dylan, August 31, 1969 – Thank you from Isle of Wight caterer – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    14. Clive Davis to Bob Dylan, circa 1969-70 – Note accompanying records showcasing possible producers and collaborators – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    15. Bill Carruthers [Executive Producer of the Johnny Cash Show] to Bob Dylan, circa 1969 – Script binder and autograph request – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
Fan Mail (a-ii)
    1. Scott Muni [WNEW FM] to Bob Dylan, March 13, 1969 – Interview request – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
Scratch (b)
    1. The Ballad Of Jabez Stone – Dated typescript with holographic emendation [October 6, 1969] on Theatre 28 Company stationery – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    2. Archibald MacLeish to Bob Dylan, July 4, 1969 – Notes on New Morning and Father of Night – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    3. Stuart Ostrow to Bob Dylan and Naomi Saltzman, October 6, 1969 – Confirming meeting with MacLeish – Typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Stuart Ostrow to Archibald MacLeish, October 8, 1969 – Notes on script – Photocopy with handwritten notes [Naomi’s hand?] on verso of last page – 2 leaves, 3 pages 
    5. Stuart Ostrow to Bob Dylan c/o Naomi Saltzman, December 29, 1969 – Title of play – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
Folder 04: 1970
Personal (a-i)
    1. Christopher S. Wren [Look] to Bob Dylan, March 23, 1970 – Johnny Cash book – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    2. Dr. Myron Buchman to Bob Dylan, November 1, 1970 – Thank you – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    3. Harold Leventhal to Bob Dylan c/o Naomi Saltzman, June 29, 1970 – Woody Guthrie Benefit, Judy Collins, concerts – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    4. Tony Glover to Bob Dylan, October 29, 1970 – Catching up – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    5. George and Patti Harrison to Mr. And Mrs. Reilly, November 13, 1970 – Jamaican vacation – Manuscript – Postcard 
    6. Marjorie Mazia Guthrie, February 6, 1970 – Woody biography – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    7. David Braun to Bob Dylan, November 2, 1970 – New Morning – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    8. Mildred Hill to Bob Dylan, November 4, 1970 – Death of Ann Hill – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with photograph, newspaper clipping and two pamphlets 
    9. Harold Leventhal to Bob Dylan, May 27, 1970 – Tribute to Woody Guthrie in LA – Photocopy – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    10. Sid and Bob Gleason to Bob Dylan and Family, December 1970 – Holiday card and catch-up – Manuscript – Card and envelope 
Fan Mail (a-ii)
    1. Morris Scharf to Bob Dylan, May 15, 1970 – ASCAP songwriter autograph collector – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. John Waterworth to Bob Dylan [undated] – New Morning – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Sister Mary Cecilia to Bob Dylan, June 12, 1970 – Reader’s Digest articles – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope and 15 leaves, 30 pages of Reader’s Digest clippings 
Princeton Honorary Doctorate (b)
    1. Jeremiah Finch to Bob Dylan, June 2, 1970 – Letter with memorandum with schedule – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    2. Neil L. Rudenstine to Bob Dylan, November 16, 1970 – Thank you – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    3. Robert F. Goheen to Bob Dylan, June 2, 1970 – Letter with dinner invitation – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    4. Robert F. Goheen to Bob Dylan, April 20, 1970 – Invitation for Honorary Doctorate – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    5. Bruce Funkhouser to Bob Dylan, May 8, 1970 – Senior Class Committee and Commencement at Princeton – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
Scratch (c) 
    1. Stuart Ostrow to Bob Dylan, September 22, 1970 – Use of music – Typescript with signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
Miscellaneous (d)
    1. Together for Peace ribbon, 1970 
    2. A. J. Weberman Dylanology flyer, November 4, 1970 – Verso has lyrics from Went To See The Gypsy 
    3. Australian Freedom From Hunger Campaign, April 13, 1970 – Proposed 30 Second Radio and Television Plug by Bob Dylan – Photocopy 
    4. Thomas B. Allen postcard 
Folder 05: 1971 
Personal (a-i)
    1. David Blue to Bob Dylan, February 1, 1971 – Lookout Management and Elliott Roberts – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    2. Anthony Scaduto to Bob Dylan, July, 8, 1971 – Interview request – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    3. Robert F. Levine to Naomi Saltzman, April 23, 1971 – John Lombardi questions for Esquire interview – Typescript with signature – 4 leaves, 4 pages 
    4. George Lee [Chappell & Co. Music Publishers] to Bob Dylan, August 23, 1971 – Carnegie Hall concert – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    5. Clive Davis to Bob Dylan, November 30, 1971 – Cassette recorder gift – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    6. Clive Davis to Bob Dylan, May 14, 1971 [postmark] – Peanuts cartoon – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with comic strip clipping 
    7. Thomas E. Shoesmith [Joe’s Lights] to Bob Dylan, May 14, 1971 – Grateful Dead light show title card accident – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    8. Jill Krementz to Bob and Sara Dylan, January 31, 1971 – Photos – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    9. Clive Davis to Bob Dylan, October 14, 1971 – Acetates of Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 and Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    10. Tony Glover to Bob Dylan [undated] – Leon Russell and Bobby Neuwirth articles – Manuscript letter with photocopy of Neuwirth article – 8 leaves, 8 pages with envelope 
    11. Tony Glover to Bob Dylan, July 8, 1971 – Dylan Interview and Playboy – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    12. Tony Glover to Bob Dylan, January 2, 1971 –  Interview proposition and early recordings – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    13. Travis Rivers [Mother Earth manager] to Bob Dylan, April 16, 1971 – Meeting in Nashville last year and future TV special – Manuscript – 5 leaves, 5 pages with envelope 
Miscellaneous (b)
    1. Ticket to the Band at NY Academy of Music, December 28, 1971 
Folder 06: 1972 
Personal (a-i) 
    1. Tom ??? to Bob Dylan, August 11, 1972 – Interview request – Manuscript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Mrs. Guido Pantaleoni, Jr. [Unicef] to Bob Dylan, September 19, 1972 – Concert for Bangladesh anniversary – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    3. Rudi to Bob Dylan, October 18, 1972 – Call with questions – Typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page  
    4. Gloria Stavers to Bob Dylan, August 31, 1972 – Baba Ram Dass – Typescript with signature and handwritten note – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    5. Gerry Goffin and Barbara Behling to Dylan family, December 15, 1972 – Christmas card with Fort Apache Food Token in envelope 
    6. Bill Sheets to Bob Dylan, November 9, 1972 – Wayne County Prison benefit [Detroit] – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    7. David Braun to Bob Dylan, November 16, 1972 – Doug Sahm and Friends deal points – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    8. Mark Spoelstra to Bob Dylan, September 29, 1972 – Properties in California – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    9. David Braun to Bob Dylan, May 17, 1972 – Illegal Italian lyrics book – Typescript with signature – 4 leaves, 4 pages 
    10. Dick Cavett to Bob Dylan, August 3, 1972 – Interview invitation – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    11. Stephen Robin to Bob Dylan, November 1972 [postmark] – Envelope 
    12. Phillip Abbot Luce to Bob Dylan, May 1972– Getting together [Bob accepted Tom Paine Award from Emergency Civil Liberties Union in behalf of Luce] – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page  
    13. Ed Sanders [The Fugs] to Bob Dylan, August 10, 1972 – Protest at Republican National Convention – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    14. David Whitaker to Bob Dylan, August 29, 1972 – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    15. Al Aronowitz to Bob Dylan, Summer 1972 – Forwarding along two letters by Angela Blake and Michael Lydon – Manuscript with photocopies – 8 leaves, 8 pages with envelope 
Fan Mail (a-ii)
    1. Bill Murray to Bob Dylan, August 29, 1972 – Playing with Jack Veronisi – Manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
Words and Music (b)
    1. Betty Anderson [Alfred A. Knopf] to Bob Gottlieb, September 20, 1972 – Rough dummy of book – Typescript – 2 leaves, 2 pages  
    2. Mock-ups – 4 leaves, 8 pages 
Miscellaneous (c)
    1. Dwarf Music cover records, updated to October 23, 1972 – Photocopy – 9 leaves, 9 pages 
    2. Rolling Stone magazine, Issue 116, August 31, 1972 – Addressed to BD  
    3. Mock-up drawing of Doug Sahm and Friends album cover 
    4. Phone Message from Howard Alk 
Folder 07: 1973 
Personal (a-i)
    1. Steven Kalb [Luthier] to Bob Dylan, June 29, 1973 – Fingerboard and peghead outlines for custom guitar – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with outline and envelope 
Folder 08: 1975 
Lyrics (a-i) 
    1. Hurricane – Photocopy of typescript lyrics with handwritten edits on Studio Instrument Rentals stationery – 3 leaves, 3 pages 
Miscellaneous  (b-i)
    1. Songs of Redemption, November 10, 1975 – Allen Ginsberg liner notes for Desire – Typescript with holographic emendations – 6 leaves, 6 pages 
Folder 09: Renaldo & Clara 
    1. Rooms and Hallways at Chateau Frontenac, Quebec – 4 leaves, 4 pages 
    1. Various stills – 36 glossy 8×10 black and white prints 
Folder 10: 1978 
Personal (a-i)
    1. Diane to Bob Dylan, August 7, 1978 – 2nd correction for Seven Days – Typescript with signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    2. Paul and Linda McCartney to Bob Dylan, June 16, 1978 – Apologies for missing concert – Telegram – 1 leaf with envelope 
Sheet Music (b)
    1. Baby, Stop Crying [Warner Brothers Publications] – two copies 
    2. Bob Dylan-Helena Springs lead sheets 
      • Stop Now 
      • Coming from the Heart 
      • Walk Out in the Rain 
      • If I Don’t Be There By Morning 
Photos (c)
    1. Joel Bernstein promo photo – 3 glossy photographic prints 
Folder 11: 1980 
Folder 12: 1982 
Folder 13: Undated 
Personal (a-i)
    1. George Harrison to Bob Dylan, undated – Closing of letter – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Scrap with Mal Evans address and Apple Corps address, unknown hand, undated 
    3. Walter to Bob Dylan, undated – Borrowing $200 – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Lesley [CBS records] to Bob Dylan, circa late 1960s – Committee for Traditional Indian Land and Life and Newport Folk Festival – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page  
    5. Unknown to Bob Dylan, undated – Tried to drop off car – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page  
    6. Sandy Sylver [Spain] to Bob Dylan, undated – Catching up and forwarding woodcut print and note from Doug Keith – 2 leaves, 2 pages with woodcut on linen and envelope 
    7. Glenn Orr [Woodstock] to Bob Dylan, undated – Involvement in his project and notes from Cindy Rusteen and Stephen Robin – 5 leaves, 5 pages with envelope 
    8. Terry and Sally to Bob Dylan, undated – New pick-up truck – Postcard 
    9. Doug Forrest to Bob Dylan, undated – Firewood for the winter – Postcard 
    10. “Bob – To Try Out In Studio,” undated – Envelope 
    11.  [Unknown first name] H. Lawrence [Scarsdale, NY], circa late 1960s to Bob Dylan – Envelope 
Miscellaneous (b)
    1.  with two phone messages from Bob Johnston and Milton Ackman, circa late 1960s 

Addition of 2017


Arranged chronologically by year.

Folder 01: 1964
Correspondence (a)
    1. Johnny Cash to Bob Dylan, December 14, 1964 – Mr. Tambourine Man, Joan Baez at Monterey, visiting – Manuscript – 5 leaves, 5 pages 
    2. Johnny Cash to Bob Dylan, April 1964 – Oxford, MS; Newport; Write a song; Liner notes for Native American album – Manuscript – 8 leaves, 8 pages with envelope  
    3. Johnny Cash to Bob Dylan, March 1964 – Letters from the road: Carter Family love Freewheelin’, shows in Green Bay and Duluth; Johnny Carson show in NYC, original poem – Manuscript – 15 leaves, 15 pages with envelope [barf bag from North Central Airlines] 
 Folder 02: 1965 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Allen Ginsberg to Bob Dylan, August 28, 1965 – Postcard from Russia – Manuscript – Postcard 
    2. Johnny Cash to Bob Dylan, February 16, 1965 [postmark] – Wants opinion on Robert Johnson, fiddler – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    3. Johnny Cash to Bob Dylan, February 2, 1965 – Reflecting on dubs of Bringing It All Back Home BD shared – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
Miscellaneous (b)
    1. Columbia Records Press Release: “Bob Dylan Stimulates The American Youth,” December 24, 1965, including press clipping from Israeli daily Ma’ariv: “The Poet With The Guitar – Bob Dylan-Zimmerman Inspires American Youth” – Typescript – 2 leaves, 3 pages
Folder 03: 1966 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Marie Lise Grey [friend of Pattie Boyd] to Bob Dylan, September 5, 1966 – Enjoying Blonde On Blonde and get well soon – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    2. Hazel Archer to Bob Dylan, October 18, 1966 – Note attached to review of Liverpool performance – Typescript with signature – 7 leaves, 7 pages with envelope 
    3. Ruthie Lovas and Ersninie Janne to Bob Dylan, August 18, 1966 – Fan letter with mentions of Newark Symphony Hall concert –Manuscript – 2 leaves, 4 pages with envelope 
    4. Ray Bremser to Bob Dylan, circa 1966 – Thanks for the financial assistance – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    5. Reverend R. Weinheimer to Bob Dylan, August 24, 1966 [postmarked] – Get well card – Manuscript – Card with envelope 
    6. Tony Glover to Bob Dylan, August 17, 1966 – Accident, catch-up, Tarantula, David A. Knoebel, and current music – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    7. Brice Marden [painter] to Bob Dylan, August 10, 1966 – Likes Blonde On Blonde, about painting, LSD trip – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    8. Joan Costello [13-year old fan] to Bob Dylan, June 18, 1966 – Fan letter – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    9. Linda Linchester to Bob Dylan – Request for BD to meet her friend Chip Franz – Typescript with signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    10. Bruce Hinton [Promotion Manager, Columbia Record Sales] to Bob Dylan, August 23, 1966 – Just Like A Woman is Top 40 record – Photocopy – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    11. Michael McClure to Bob Dylan, 1966 – Recuperate in SF, Police bust new play, Hell’s Angel Freewheelin’ Frank recited Desolation Row for Board of Corrections – Telegram – 1 leaf, 1 page 
Folder 04: 1968 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Jim Rooney to Bob Dylan, March 12, 1968 – Participating in Newport Folk Festival – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    2. Tony Glover to Bob Dylan, December 5, 1968 [postmark] – Catching up – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 3 pages with three clippings and envelope 
    3. John Cohen to Bob Dylan, July 25, 1968 – BD’s edits of Sing Out! interview – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope  
    4. Gertrude Priester [partner? of Eric Von Schmidt] to Bob Dylan, October 18, 1968 – Renting a winter house on the Gulf – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    5. Maria Muldaur to Bob Dylan, February 14, 1968 [postmark] – Enjoys John Wesley Harding – Manuscript – Postcard 
    6. Izzy Young to Bob Dylan, November 14, 1968 – Clearing the air after purported snub mentioned in Al Aronowitz article – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 4 pages with envelope 
    7. Eric Von Schmidt to Bob Dylan, August 20, 1968 – Forwarding ACLU letter and postponing interview – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    8. Mimi Farina to Bob Dylan, September 14, 1968 – Mimi’s wedding and opportunity to star in movie adaptation of Richard Farina’s Been Down So Long It Looks Up to Me – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    9. Robbie Robertson to Bob Dylan, 1968 – Greetings from Clarksdale, Mississippi – Manuscript – Postcard 
    10. George Harrison to Tiny Montgomery [Bob Dylan], December 5, 1968 [postmark] – Thank you for hosting Thanksgiving and chords for I’d Have You Anytime – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    11. Gordon Mills to Bob Dylan, October 15, 1968 – Recently heard Freeze Out acetate – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    12. Erich Mondorf to Bob Dylan, October 9, 1968 – Fan wants to meet for dinner – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope and return envelope 
    13. George Wein to Albert Grossman, January 8, 1968 – BD for Newport Folk Festival – Photocopy – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    14. John Hammond to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dylan – Great seeing you and Legacy albums – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    15. Joan Baez to Bob Dylan and family, Christmas 1968 – Merry Christmas with copy of Any Day Now – Manuscript – Card and envelope 
Folder 05: 1969 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Allen Ginsberg to Bob Dylan, April 15, 1969 [postmark] – Forwarding letter from Ray and Bonnie Bremser [request for money in Guatemala], recording Blake poetry for Apple, Nashville Skyline sounds like Bing Crosby – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope and enclosed letter of 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    2. Toshi Seeger to Bob Dylan, January 23, 1969 [postmark] – Connecting BD with son Daniel Seeger about films – Manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    3. Country Joe McDonald to Bob Dylan, February 1, 1969 [postmark] – Meet in NY in March or April – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    4. Joanne Aoki [Friend of Barbara Leter (sp?)] to Bob Dylan, January 4, 1969 – Thank you for Christmas treasures – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 4 pages with envelope 
    5. Allen Ginsberg to Bob Dylan – Forwarding Diane Di Prima book and about recording of Blake poems – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    6. Gordon Mills to Bob Dylan, March 4, 1969 – Inclusion of review in John Wesley Harding songbook, help finding a publisher – Manuscript – 3 leaves, 4 pages 
    7. Terry Stamp to Bob Dylan, October 5, 1969 – Hope new record is a big success – Manuscript – Postcard 
Folder 06: 1970 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Tony Glover to Bob Dylan, May 25, 1970 – Being a radio DJ, understanding Bob’s evolution, info on Minnesota friends – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    2. Allen Ginsberg to Bob Dylan, January 17, 1970 – War tax resistance – Typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope and pamphlet 
    3. Huey Newton to Bob Dylan, August 24, 1970 – Benefit for legal defense – Typescript with signature on Black Panther Party stationery – 1 leaf, 1 page 
Miscellaneous (b)
    1. Clipping from Princeton Alumni magazines about Honorary Doctorate – includes handwritten note from person who sent to BD – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
Folder 07: 1971 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Joan Baez to Bob Dylan, November 24, 1971 – Offer to do $2 duo concerts for charity – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 3 pages with envelope 
    2. Ellen Sander [Jac Holzman baby mama] to Bob Dylan, December 17, 1971 – Reprint Broadside in book and enjoying George Jackson – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 2 pages with envelope 
    3. Eric Meola to Bob Dylan, December 5, 1971 – Time magazine article – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    4. Sandy Gant to Bob Dylan, February 7, 1971 – Creation of a Bob Dylan discography – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with copy of Jepsen Charlie Parker discography 
    5. Dan Merkur to Bob Dylan, December 8, 1971 – Rambling fan letter with extensive Zimmerman-Judaica hallucinations and offer to be part of a film to get Norman Mailer elected President in 1972, includes copy of letter to Mailer and Mailer’s original response – Typescript with signature – 14 leaves, 25 leaves 
    6. Don Metz to Bob Dylan, December 7, 1971 – Designing a house – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
Folder 08: 1972 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Al to Bob Dylan, 1972 – Mariposa Folk Festival Program – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with program 
    2. Lawrence Ferlinghetti to Bob Dylan, September 26, 1972 – Participate in Read-Out series at City Lights – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
    3. Mary Martin to Bob Dylan, October 31, 1972 – Warner Brothers interested in producing a Dylan record – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    4. Denise Mercedes to Bob Dylan, September 25, 1972 [postmark] – Protests at Miami convention and flier for United Front Films fundraiser at Washington Square People’s Church – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 2 pages  
    5. Jerry Dahmen to Bob Dylan, October 24, 1972 – Writing about Dylan’s time in Sioux Falls – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    6. National Peace Action Coalition to Bob Dylan, September 16, 1972 – Asking for endorsement – Typescript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope and Peace Pledge Card 
    7. John Chiarella, Jr. [Director of Kennedy Action Corps], October 25, 1972 – Offer to be honorary chairman – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages with envelope 
    8. Louise Scruggs to Bob Dylan, September 28, 1972 – Earl will be in NYC and would love to see BD, offer to play Kansas concert – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    9. P. J. O’Rourke [Playboy] to Bob Dylan, September 29, 1972 – Interview about patriotism – Typescript with signature – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    10. David Bienstock [Whitney Museum] to Bob Dylan, August 10, 1972 – Details of Eat The Document screening and press release copy – Typescript with signature – 3 leaves, 3 pages  
    11. George Schmidt to Bob Dylan, June 1972 – Business questions – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    12. Susie Lawless [Washington State Fundraising Coordinator for Committee to Elect McGovern-Shriver of Washington State and Oregon] to Bob Dylan, October 20, 1972 – Benefit concerts – Typescript with signature – 1 leaf, 1 page with envelope 
    13. Mark Saha to Bob Dylan, October 23, 1972 – Feedback on Buddy Holly Story script, includes script – Typescript with signature – 23 leaves, 23 pages 
    14. Allen Ginsberg to Bob Dylan, October 4, 1972 – Playing music and McGovern campaign, includes photocopies of new poetry handout and McGovern endorsement – Manuscript with photocopies – 3 leaves, 4 pages with envelope 
    15. Allen Ginsberg to Bob Dylan, September 9, 1972 – Forwarding letter from Master Musicians of Jajouka and Burroughs is planning on attending event – Manuscript note on back of McGovern-Shriver handout, Jajouka letter in Rolling Stones Records envelope – 2 leaves, 3 pages with 2 envelopes 
    16. Bob Carmichael [painter] to Bob Dylan, November 3, 1972 – Wants to send painting as gift – Manuscript – 2 leaves, 2 pages with exhibition catalog 
Miscellaneous (b)
    1. Four tickets to Leon Russell at Nassau Coliseum, September 23, 1972 
    2. Two tickets to Game Three of the Stanley Cup Playoffs between NY Rangers and Boston Bruins at Madison Square Garden 
    3. Benefit for Tibetan Nyingmapa Mediatation Center poster – personalized, signed and dated February 8, 1972 by Allen Ginsberg 
    4. Entering Kansas City High poem poster – personalized, signed and dated 1972 by Allen Ginsberg 
    5. Phone messages for Bob Dylan from Larry Estrite, Danny Kalb, and Bob Gottlieb (Knopf), October 30 & 31, 1972 – Manuscript – 3 leaves, 3 pages 
Folder 09: 1973 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Allen Ginsberg to Bob Dylan, 1973 – Trying to get in touch, staying with William Burroughs – Manuscript – Postcard 
Folder 10: Undated 
Correspondence (a)
    1. Don to Bobby – Photographs? – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
    2. Michael Friedman to Bob Dylan – Letter accompanying album (MF had worked for Grossman and met Bob at Otto Preminger’s house) – Manuscript – 1 leaf, 1 page 
Writings (b)
    1. Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands – Photocopy of typescript – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
Photographs (c)
    1. Daniel Kramer print – John Hammond, Peter Yarrow and Bob Dylan, 1965 – Stamp on verso 
    2. Bob Dylan elementary school class photo with drums – 4×5 negative 
    3. Piano, standup bass, and drums – 4×5 negative 
    4. Magazine clipping of 1965 Richard Avedon photograph – 1 leaf, 2 pages 
Miscellaneous (d)
    1. Three Mules (For Kay), print of a drawing and poem from Eric Von Schmidt – 2 leaves, 2 pages 
    2. Prepaid postcards and stamps