American Song Archives (ASA) operates the Woody Guthrie Center and Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The finding aids for archival collections at ASA can be accessed on the Woody Guthrie Center website. Research takes place in the Woody Guthrie Center reading room by appointment only.
Research hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. While the Woody Guthrie Center is closed to the public on Mondays and Tuesdays the reading room is open to researchers, pending approval of proposed research dates and the research application.
Please review the research guidelines and complete the application form below to request research access at least one month prior to your expected visit. Archives staff will follow up with you after reviewing your application materials. The archives cannot accommodate unannounced researchers or walk-ins.
Please note: Conducting research in the archives does not guarantee permission to use published or unpublished materials in your project. American Song Archives does not hold copyrights to the materials in the collections. A formal request with rights holders to publish is required and permission may not be granted, regardless of time spent researching in the archives.