American Song Archives (ASA) operates the Woody Guthrie Center and Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

The finding aids for archival collections at ASA can be accessed on the Woody Guthrie Center website. Research takes place in the Woody Guthrie Center reading room by appointment only. 

Research hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. While the Woody Guthrie Center is closed to the public on Mondays and Tuesdays the reading room is open to researchers, pending approval of proposed research dates and the research application. 

Please review the research guidelines and complete the application form below to request research access at least one month prior to your expected visit. Archives staff will follow up with you after reviewing your application materials. The archives cannot accommodate unannounced researchers or walk-ins. 


  • Plan ahead. Archives need time to pull materials and there are limits on the number of people who can conduct research at one time. Please apply for access to the archives well in advance of your proposed research dates.   
  • Prioritize your request list. Please limit your request list to the most useful items for your research. You may need to make several return visits to examine materials. Consider the number of materials you plan to examine and leave extra time just in case.   
  • One folder at a time. Archives typically provide researchers with one box at a time from the list of requested materials. Within the box, you can use one folder at a time, replacing each before pulling the next. This practice helps keep the materials in order. Archives staff will also provide a placeholder to mark the folder location within a box. 
  • Special note about the Woody Guthrie Archives. In compliance with donor stipulations, archives staff will need to photocopy any research notes compiled while conducting research in the Woody Guthrie collections.  
  • Permission to publish is required. Conducting research in the archives does not grant researchers permission to publish their findings. We do not hold copyrights to the materials in the collections, and researchers must secure any necessary rights, permissions, or licensing for the materials used or quoted in their work. Whenever possible, archives staff can provide publisher or other contact information for permissions. 
  • No photos. Due to rights and donor restrictions, laptops, cameras, scanners, and recording equipment are not allowed while conducting research in the reading room. 
  • Restricted materials. Some materials are not available for use due to condition issues or rights and privacy restrictions. Unprocessed materials are generally not available for use, although exceptions may be made under special circumstances. Please consult with archives staff for more information.  
  • Handle all materials carefully. Do not lean on archival materials, take notes on them, or hold them up. Keep materials flat on the table while in use. Although older materials are thought to be more fragile, newer materials also need to be handled with care for future use.   
  • Personal belongings. Personal items are not allowed in the research area. You will be asked to store your belongings in a storage locker or in an area away from the reading room. Researchers may use their own pencils and loose-leaf writing paper in the reading room, but other personal items must be stored in lockers.  
  • Pencils only. Archives will not allow you to use pens in reading rooms. This is a preservation practice in case accidental marks are made on archival materials; pencil can be erased while ink cannot.  
  • Digital archives. The ASA archives includes both physical and digital collections. Digital collections can be viewed on the computers provided in the reading room.  
  • Notetaking. While you cannot check out or borrow materials from archives, you can take notes for later reference. Paper (unlined), pencils, and magnifying glasses are made available in the reading room. Cameras and laptops are not allowed due to rights and donor restrictions. 
  • No food, drink, or gum. This guideline is designed to help preserve the collections. Spills can irreparably damage documents or require costly repairs by a conservator. The presence of food may also attract insects or rodents that infest archival materials. 
  • Gloves. In most cases, clean hands free of lotions or perfumes are sufficient for handling materials. Gloves may be necessary for certain items such as photographs to protect materials from oils and residues on bare hands. The archives will provide gloves for handling these items. 
  • Cell phones. Please silence phones and take calls outside of the reading room. 
  • Bring a sweater. Archives are kept at cool temperatures to help ensure the longevity of materials and to protect fragile documents from mold and insects. 
  • Citations. Please site materials using the following format: Item title or description, Location (box, folder), Collection name (e.g., “Woody Guthrie Manuscripts Collection,” or “The Bob Dylan Archive”), courtesy of American Song Archives, Tulsa, OK 

Research Application

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